The Lord has preserved her words not only as a practical guide but also to stir the church to be his faithful and beautiful wife. 20, 21, 25); power by reason of influence, authority, resources, number; effective force, potency, or cogency, as of inducements or arguments (v. 26); and something or someone that gives one strength or is a source of power or encouragement; sustenance (vv. My main objection is that the primary sense of valiant is that of bravery or courage.42 Though this idea does occur in our text (vv. At the same time, I have chosen to retain the generic “woman,” even though the context of the poem clearly indicates that the woman here is a wife, mother, and manager of her household. Yes, there is only so much dusting one can do, as the old adage goes, but God has made it clear that a woman’s guardianship of the home consists in far more than keeping it clean. The Holy Spirit ends where he began (1:7). Women also have strengths: physical, mental, moral, and financial strength. But such a daughter as is pictured here “excellest them all.” This is said to encourage and to inspire. Her praise and legacy will be lasting, following her all the way to heaven, where her Lord and Savior will crown and commend her, and usher her into eternal dwellings of peace and joy. The instructions to the crown prince (vv. While these activities may appear mundane on the surface, several poetic allusions suggest multiple layers of meaning that lend support to an understanding of khayil as more than financial strength. It is rendered “strength” by the NIV, TNIV, NAS, and NRS, and “vigor” or “energy” by the NAB and NJB, respectively. The semantic range of any word is determined by its use in various settings. She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle (v. 19). Yet, its primary purpose is to set forth a model for the King’s daughter to aspire to. Her Domestic Economy a Marvel (vv. A Modern men will scoff at the husband-centric perspective of this poem, but we should remember two things. All true wisdom comes from the “only wise God,” in “whose light we see light,” whose Son, Jesus Christ, is his incarnate Wisdom (Rom. We shall reflect our Savior’s lovely, lively, and working image (John 5:17). Since I cannot answer all of these questions and share everything in just one sermon, I decided I wanted to introduce you to five special women in my life…and I’m not talking about my grandmothers, mother, aunts, sisters and niece. Waltke explains that this expression is an idiom indicating preparation, usually for “heroic or difficult action.”31 While he emphasizes the metaphorical nature of the phrase in this passage, he does admit that it invokes a “masculine and heroic image.”32 I find it significant that this is the only time in the Hebrew Bible that the expression is used of a woman. In this verse, it is connected to the woman’s action, rather than her person, and renews the connection with the heroic deeds accomplished in military contexts. 13-27), Her Careful Home Guardianship (vv. Walter Bauer, W. F. Arndt, F. W. Gingrich, and F.W. She is ever seeking means to enhance the well-being of the home (v. 13). They are never a foundation for true usefulness and service to the King. Current translations have lost the concept of strength as associated with the woman of Proverbs 31. These verses support a reading of the Proverbs 31 woman as an incarnation of Wisdom, summing up the instruction in the book of Proverbs that shows the wise as generous and the foolish as stingy. The Septuagint, or LXX, is the Greek translation of the Old Testament Scriptures used around the time of Jesus. It is enough for her that she has God’s promise that they will one day do so. Not only did they have children and raise the family, but they also did heroic things such as risking their lives to establish peace and offering wisdom as judges. that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is “Hands” is the connecting link. Even more, and even in the absence of a thankful, adoring family, for even an Abigail suffered under the brutal tyranny of a Nabal, God will praise you. She is thoughtful in her planning for the future, frugal in her government of household affairs, and works hard. This poem also strongly rebukes the foolishness of men. A Mother's Faith. Many a hard-working and thrifty wife is ground down by an unfeeling husband, whose only words are discontent, criticism, and anger. He simply draws upon what he believes to be common knowledge. woman works out every day to keep her body in shape. Davis also suggests that the occurrence of the phrase in Isa. Jesus ministry was financed by women. Wisdom is said to be more valuable than all the wealth of the world (3:15; 8:11). Davis, James L. Crenshaw, “A Mother’s Instruction to Her Son,”. Many pastors hold up the Proverbs 31 woman as the model for all women, yet they present a distorted and limited view of women, hindered as they are by imprecise English translations. Instead, the Lord would have remaining time and energy be focused upon home improvement: more time spent with children, cottage industries developed, the poor served, ministries in the church increased, all with an eye to his greater glory through the family and home. While he does not cite our passage, Sax’s definition of “true womanhood” comes right out of the NIV translation of Proverbs 31, the “woman of noble character.” But, according to Sax, manhood and womanhood are infinitely different from one another. Al Wolters translates ‘asu khayil as “to do valiantly” in a military context, though he admits as well “[t]he idiom can also mean ‘gain riches’, and the poet is probably exploiting this ambiguity in Prov. There’s … It is not worldly finery that a godly woman seeks but adequate clothing that says, “We are a family of the King of kings.” Her husband is thus able to take his place among the elders of the land (v. 23). Titus 2 older women teach younger women the centrality in God’s plan of a woman’s priority being her home. Many women feel as if they need to hide their strengths if they are going to find a husband. Both hold up women as purveyors of wisdom who reinforce and illustrate the teaching given throughout the entire book of Proverbs. His kingdom, in the home and world, is known and grows through love. He would have its productivity expanded, its wealth and usefulness and influence increased. Proverbs 31:10–31 is one of the better-known passages of the Old Testament. will Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her at the city gate (v. 31). The woman of noble character; The woman that reflects the very virtues of God, is clothed with strength and dignity. Jesus Christ is lovely, full of grace and truth, filled with wisdom and the fullness of the Spirit. In the gates, you will be praised. Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 9, 2016. based on 6 ratings. Such corrective translation is needed in our day to disabuse many modern women (and men) of the notion that the Hebrew Scriptures do not present women as models of strength who are just as worthy to be emulated as the mighty men of old. He didn’t have to worry about the money b/c the women took care of that. Wants Her to Be - Mother's Day Song (. Sign up for our newsletter to receive our most up-to-date news, articles, and information. • Home making is a learned art and so many women never have the hands on training that is needed. Rubies are used in Proverbs as a standard of beauty and worth. They are models for leaders in the community as well as commoners who provide the “human counterpart to”5 the personified Woman Wisdom of chapters 1, 8, and 9, providing an elegant inclusio (a theme to mark the beginning and the end) to the book as a whole.6. Like the merchants, her table is well-furnished (v. 14). woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey. 10–12, 23). This context alone has been perceived by many as providing sufficient grounds for translators to move away from the notion of strength or power toward English substitutes that do not maintain the idea of strength as part of their semantic range. Her husband trusts her. Her words were undoubtedly intended to guide her son in his selection of a wife. In place of all these, I have suggested the primary-sense translation “strength.” Although I know there is not a complete overlap in the semantic ranges of khayil and “strength,” I believe this word incorporates more of the sense of the Hebrew than other English alternatives and also fits its use in the context of Proverbs 31. Composed of twenty-two lines, each beginning with a successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet, this elegant poem is the centerpiece of Lemuel’s mother’s prophecy. In Proverbs 31:10–31, we find a woman described with masculine metaphors of strength as the embodiment of the wisdom laid out in the book of Proverbs.56. “Strength in the service of others”. The latter phrase does not mean she is a night owl, for “he gives his beloved sleep,” and it is “vain to rise up early, to sit up late” (Ps. A humble, God-fearing woman is no spendthrift. Will this young woman be an able guardian of my home, a steadfast lover of my children, and a humble servant of God? Nothing is as beautiful, fearsome, and powerful as such a woman. True wisdom is not retreat from earthly responsibility and pining after esoteric spirituality. 52:1 and Job 40:10 suggests that “this is how one ‘dresses’ to meet God!” and should be seen as another sign of this woman’s piety. Together, they determine what should be spent, how present and future needs may best be secured. For a word attested more than 240 times in the Old Testament, some may find it surprising that scholars cannot agree on a standard translation for khayil in the context of Proverbs 31:10–31. Men do not often find her because they are not looking for her. He made woman to do her husband good. Proverbs 31:10–31 is one of the better-known passages of the Old Testament. They seek the Lord for their daily bread and are content with what he provides. Physical charms pass away, and to the degree that we base our happiness upon them, we will lose happiness and grow discontent as beauty fades. All of these may be restored and strengthened by godly women who see their sole purpose and highest honor to be the guardian of the home and the helper of their husbands. He knows where every drop of his grace has been poured. We are not God, who needs no sleep. They want beauty and depend upon sexual attraction as the standard of desirability. You can perhaps be strong without dignity, but you can’t be dignified without strength. He will give you eternal glory and gladness in the presence of the true King and best of Husbands, whom you will serve forever with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. Her diligence makes her work of high quality (v. 18), and she knows it – not in pride or vanity but in thankfulness to the Lord for his goodness. Many of us hear sermons preached from this text every Mother’s Day, yet these sermons often miss the meaning of this passage. What may be even more surprising is how far these translations diverge from the primary sense of khayil. Thus the range of khayil is broad enough to include, in addition to strength or power, such concepts as efficiency and wealth.4 It is the context of Proverbs 31 that seems problematic for many translators. A woman who builds upon this foundation will be praised – not by the world, but by her family. 17, 25); mental power (vv. My translation, “woman of strength,” is not novel. He alone can do this. She selects wool and flax and delights in working with her hands (v. 13). This weakens the family, to be sure, but it also spreads out into a weakened church and society.