What will they do when transportation shuts down, and fuel becomes scarce? Fighting amongst ourselves; democrats against republicans, black against white, all against all, can only force us to remain in a state of slavery, whereas working together builds strength, and a way to escape this fascist oligarchy where the few control everything. In our country, the initial breaking apart was from England and the king. Succession planning is a strategy for identifying and developing future leaders at your company — not just at the top but for major roles at all levels. That can help you identify where to focus your future recruiting efforts. Without the power to use its taxing “authority” and restrictive laws, the federal government would wither and die. This term comes from the Latin word secedere, which means to go apart. And connecting them with mentors can boost their abilities in the critical area of soft skills: The best leaders have strong communication skills, as well as polished interpersonal abilities, such as empathy and diplomacy. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Secession Is the Answer to Building a Free Society, by Gary D. Barnett, The Most Overrated Novel Everybody Has Read, Entomology 101, A Review of David Stockman’s The Great Deformation, Buy High and Sell Low? If you haven’t already, talk to these employees about how they view their professional future before making your succession choices. The Demonrats: Utterly Despicable Masters of the Double Standard, Veterans Day (Armistice Day — One Hundred and Two Years Ago — 11/11/1918). The division of the people was planned and implemented over a long period of time, but any solidarity would break the hold of this evil authoritarian system. But other times, you’ll be caught off-guard by a sudden and potentially disorienting staff departure. What will they do when their money becomes worthless? Each neighbourhood? Trying to figure out how to hire remote workers? Each block? Previous article by Gary D. Barnett: All Government Is Evil, Secession Is the Answer to Building a Free Society. Your Steps to Success. by Patrick J. Buchanan, Follow STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC on WordPress.com, Everything I Know About Business I Learned From The Godfather: Amazon Paperback-Link, Everything I Know About Business I Learned From The Godfather: Kindle Ebook-Link, The Golden Pinnacle: Amazon Paperback-Link, Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave International. Obviously, there is not one answer or any legitimate short answer to this question, and those that ask it, are usually not really interested in real freedom in the first place. From Gary D. Barnett at lewrockwell.com: “Once one concedes that a single world government is not necessary, then where does one logically stop at the permissibility of separate states? By clicking any link on this page, you are giving your consent for us to use cookies. That way is secession, and is exactly what the people did in order to form this country in the first place. This does not have to be nationwide in order to work. Job rotation is a good way to help your candidates gain additional knowledge and experience. Even the most successful companies can run off a cliff if they don’t have a solid succession plan in place. If you decide to take advantage of a new opportunity or retire from the workforce, even your role could someday require backfilling. What is the single plan to fix everything? You'll be supporting the site, and getting a great book and hours of enjoyable reading. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It helps your business prepare for all contingencies by preparing high-potential workers for advancement. But don’t just assume you know how people on your team view their career goals. Look for people who display the skills necessary to thrive in higher positions, regardless of their current title. Obviously, there is not one answer or any legitimate short answer to this question, and those that ask it, are usually not really interested in real freedom in the first place.