These are people I would not label as false teachers because their doctrine is generally sound, but because of some red flags I’m seeing with them, you won’t find me proactively endorsing them or suggesting them as a good resource, either. Change ). If you can’t participate right now, or if you miss a week, don’t worry. Space doesn’t permit me to list all the times Angie has partnered with false teachers nor all the false teachers she has partnered with. For the last couple of years, the ladies of my College and Career Sunday school class, meet every 3 weeks to have a bible study. Wife of Todd Smith of the Christian music group, Selah, Angie started out as a blogger, then blossomed into a Christian author and speaker. I think it would be a great study to do with a new christian. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Doodle 101 . Angie is on the leadership team of Jennie Allen’s IF:Gathering … She calls herself “a little bit of a crazy stalker fan supporter of Beth Moore” and says her “favorite Bible teachers are Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer,” adding, “I’m pretty sure they will both have special chairs very near to Jesus in heaven,” and “I have a little area of my house devoted to Beth Moore. I started the Seamless study back before the holidays in an online group formed by Madi Nelson of When we met with our group we reviews the weeks homework, watched the weeks video and followed up with discussion questions and prayer. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Bullet Journal Spread for Bible Study & Devotionals; February 21, 2018. On the other end of the spectrum are people like Joyce Meyer and Rachel Held Evans- complete heretics whose teachings, if believed, might lead you to an eternity in Hell. SEAMLESS REVIEW SHEETS 5. b) The pastor or teacher cannot currently and unrepentantly be partnering with or frequently appearing with false teachers. Here are the verses we will be memorizing along with our study. Thanks for stopping by! You can get a copy by clicking here. March 9, 2016 April 28, 2016 T. Martell. Facebook Twitter Pinterest His Mercy is New is hosting an online Bible Study starting May 4th. Week 4 – Kingdoms & Prophets – 1 Samuel 16:7. At first, I was a little apprehensive about the bible study because I thought it might be too elementary. While all of Angie’s currently scheduled speaking engagements appear to be for women’s events, she has preached at least one Sunday morning sermon (to a congregation of men and women)- at Cross Point Church. I started the Seamless study back before the holidays in an online group formed by Madi Nelson of The basis of this study is to help understand the chronological order of the bible and who wrote what when. Most of the teachers I review fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum (leaning toward the latter). When I originally shared that I was starting it, I had several people ask my opinion and if I would review it at the end. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Your email address will not be published. Please reach out if there are specific questions I can answer about this! While I didn’t quite follow the timeline exactly, I thoroughly enjoyed this bible study. Angie Smith does an amazing job connecting the dots and putting everything together. Angie’s first speaking engagement of 2019 is at a Methodist “church” at which nearly all the ministerial staff are women, including the senior and associate “pastors”. Week 2 – The Patriarchs – Genesis 12:1-2. c) The pastor or teacher cannot currently and unrepentantly be teaching false doctrine. Here are some FREE Scripture Memory cards to be used alongside the study or can also be used alone. That’s it! ( Log Out /  There were so many points that I stopped to make a note for verses I wanted to come back to and now I feel like I have a good idea of where to start on my own to continue learning scripture. If you are considering commenting or sending me an e-mail objecting to the fact that I warn against false teachers, please click here and read this article first. We highly recommend you getting a copy for this study, since that is where most of the studying will take place! A newlywed living a messy life in Charlotte, NC. You can do the homework in the Seamless Bible study book. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. framed pictures? Seamless Study Review Sheets. Such a delicate balance between admiration and a restraining order…”. Growing up in church, and hearing the bible stories over and over, I thought that I did not need this bible study. She does this with humor and I enjoyed every page. Required fields are marked *. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. When I originally shared that I was starting it, I had several people ask my opinion and if I would review it at the end. This is a violation of Scripture. Her best known book to date is a women’s study: Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story. God really worked through this bible study and I would recommend it to anyone of any bible level knowledge. Week 3 – Exodus, the Promise Land – Exodus 14:13-14. After completing it I can say I have a much better understanding of the order in which major events took place and also more about what was happening when each book of the bible was written. ( Log Out /  Last month we finished the study and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about it. The pastor or teacher cannot currently and unrepentantly be living in any other sin (for example, cohabiting with her boyfriend or living as a homosexual). Her best known book to date is a women’s study: Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story. I would highly recommend this study for someone who wants to learn more basic information about the bible and how to connect the dots. Seamless by Angie Smith- Bible Study Review. Angie is on the leadership team of Jennie Allen’s IF:Gathering conference (along with false teachers Jen Hatmaker, Ann Voskamp, Rebekah Lyons, Bianca Olthoff, and Christine Caine), has been a featured speaker at IF several times, and is scheduled to speak again at IF:Gathering 2019. See more ideas about New bible, Angie smith, Bible study. While all of Angie’s currently scheduled speaking engagements appear to be for women’s events, she has preached at least one Sunday morning sermon (to a congregation of men and women)- at Cross Point Church.