It is performed by the women of the Rava community. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); The most famous type of this dance was done to pay a tribute to Lord Krishna. Santhali dance is a popular folk dance practiced by Santhal tribes in Jharkhand.This dance form has attained popularity all across India and also has been featured in many reputed Bengali cinemas like 'Agantuk' by Satyajit Ray. The dance is performed at midnight by the housewives and young grown-up women of the house. The dance also involves songs, and dialogues in both prose and verse. Its members are basically the devotees of 'Thakurji', the deity they believe created this world. Classical Dances of Kerala are popular throughout the world for their grace and richness. The dancers wear masks throughout the dance. There are five main dances practiced in West Bengal. Santhal Dance Santhal Dance is a very popular folk dance of West Bengal. Santals are the largest tribe in the Jharkhand state of India in terms of population and are also found in the states of Assam, Tripura, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and West Bengal.They are the largest ethnic minority in northern Bangladesh's Rajshahi Division and Rangpur Division. Copyright © 2008 Jupiter Infomedia Ltd. All rights reserved including the right to reproduce the contents in whole or in part in any form or medium without the express written permission of Jupiter Infomedia Ltd. Through this dance, the dancers invoke the blessings of Gods so that they are blessed with a child. Santhal tribe has a rich cultural lineage and immense solidarity. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); The devotees sang out their love and affection of their Lord and danced as if the Almighty appeared before their eyes. Ku means bad and Shan means wiping out in Bengali. This dance is relatively a traditional form of dance revolved around Ramayana. 5) Chhau- Most popular of the folk dances of West Bengal, Raslila and other Popular Folk Dances of Uttar Pradesh. The dance primarily belongs to West Bengal since it’s believed to have originated from Purulia district but its widely popular in other states like Odisha, Jharkhand etc. There are five main dances practiced in West Bengal. Thullal is a solo dance exposition of Kerala. This dance was introduces around 500 years ago. It is a group dance performed by Santhal tribes during all special festivals and occasions. var _g1; Santhal tribe has a rich cultural lineage and immense solidarity. This dance involves two main dancers surrounding a chorus of people. The dance is very vibrant and is accompanied with acrobatic feats. Thus the word means wiping out the evil forces. } We have also written articles on folk dances of Bihar, folk dances of Jharkhand, folk dances of Assam and folk dances of Arunachal pradesh. It is an invocation dance, generally performed by barren women. It celebrates their festivals with ardent fervor and also their folk dances. It is performed mainly in the northern Bihar in Koshi and Mithila regions. Brita is one of the popular folk dances of West Bengal. The two main dancers dance to the tune of the harmonium, flute, drum and the judi. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { They are the Brita, the Chaau, the Tusu, the Santhal, and Gambhira. They are hilly and forest area there language is santhal. It is performed by both men and women who dance gracefully with the accompaniment of an instrument known as timki. Shankar Mahadevan biography, age, birthday, family, performances, M. S. 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Rava dance is another dance of West Bengal, which is practiced in the northern parts of the state. var _g1; 'Santhal' is one of the most abundantly found tribes in India. try { This dance is associated with the Gajan festival of Shiva around mid-April. Men dress up as women to enact their role in the dance form. The characters of the dance voice contemporary social, political and moral concerns through their dances. West Bengal has the most wonderfully constructed, universally acclaimed bridge- The Howrah Bridge. It is performed by a pair of dancers, one representing the grandfather, and the other, the grandson. Santhal Dance Santhal is one of the most abundantly found tribes in India. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mythical India is a participant in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites, at no additional cost to you. A major chunk of this tribe can be found in West Bengal. The classification is based upon the rhythm and meter of the songs; and the costume, adornments and dance. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); There’s another meaning attached to this name. This dance has several elements of music, expressions, drama and so on. It is a very vibrant dance form and is usually performed by males, with the accompaniment of drum beats or the music of bamboo flutes. This dance is also performed after recovering from a contagious disease. The Santal or Santhal, are a Munda ethnic group native to India and Bangladesh. This dance is performed by the devout devotees of Goddess Shakthi. The dancers are well aware of the tune of the music and dance and express themselves accordingly. Get the best stories straight into your inbox! The initial type of this folk dance was agriculture based and as time progressed, the dance became a devotional type of dance. In West Bengal, this dance form is centred around the Purulia region.