Saints Row 2 possède un système de création et de personnalisation de personnages inégalé, ainsi qu'un vaste environnement ouvert à explorer sur la terre, dans les airs ou sur l'eau. Players will no longer be able to change the "Friendly Fire" setting during the Cat & Mouse diversion. Download this hat featuring the Saints Row 2 logo. The image you portray is as important as the decisions you make in a city ruled by false bravado and impulsive behavior. Read more about it in the, There are no more reviews that match the filters set above, Adjust the filters above to see other reviews. There are no refunds for this item. Déclaration de confidentialité. Saints Row 2 is a 2008 action-adventure game developed by Volition and published by THQ.It was released in October 2008 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and ported to Microsoft Windows in early 2009, and to Linux in 2016. Red Faction, Red Faction 2, Red Faction: Armageddon - Path to War DLC, Red Faction Armageddon Soundtrack, Red Faction Guerrilla Soundtrack, Red Faction: Armageddon, Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered, Saints Row 2 (ROW), Saints Row the Third - Shark Attack Pack DLC, Saints Row the Third - Invincible Pack DLC, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row The Third - Z Style Pack, Saints Row The Third - Explosive Combat Pack, Saints Row The Third - Warrior Pack, Saints Row The Third - Genki Bowl VII, Saints Row: The Third - Money Shot Pack, Saints Row: The Third - FUNTIME! See. Disponible pour les résidents de France. Roy playing Saints Row 2 in Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012), This article contains no references. © 2020 Valve Corporation. [29] Incensed by this, Kazuo Akuji, the father of the Ronin's leader Shogo Akuji, travels to Stilwater himself to take control of the situation. The game is the second title and first cross-platform release in the Saints Row series, following 2006's Saints Row. Saints Row 2 Theme - Released: 2008-12-13 - Size: 4.29 MB - 150 points. There are no refunds for this item. Take revenge in style with new transportation options for aircraft, exotic cars, and superbikes. For more information, see [15] By the time Playa rescues him, Carlos is gravely injured and Playa is unable to free him from his chains and kills him. Download this hotdog suit outfit from Saints Row. [19] Now heavily armed, the Saints destroy the Brotherhood's dockside headquarters[20] and Playa kills Maero in a demolition derby. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Saints Row the Third - Shark Attack Pack DLC, Saints Row the Third - Invincible Pack DLC, Saints Row The Third - Explosive Combat Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas In Space, Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones, Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Steelport Gangs Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Witches and Wieners Pack, Saints Row IV - The Executive Privilege Pack, Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack, Saints Row IV - Hey Ash Whatcha Playin? Saints Row 2 possède un système de création et de personnalisation de personnages inégalé, ainsi qu'un vaste environnement ouvert à explorer sur la terre, dans les airs ou sur l'eau. For more information, see Marked for cleanup since 2011-03-16 because: This article needs more information, and should not be written in past tense. Developed by Volition, Inc. Saints Row 2, Volition, Inc., THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. [25] First, Playa kills the gang's voodoo-using second-in-command, Mr. Sunshine, at his hideout. Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas In Space, Saints Row: The Third - Bloodsucker Pack, Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones, Saints Row: The Third - Nyte Blayde Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Steelport Gangs Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Penthouse Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Witches and Wieners Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Genki Girl Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Horror Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Unlockable Pack, Saints Row IV - Brady Games Pack, Saints Row IV - Presidential Pack, Saints Row IV - Grass Roots Pack, Saints Row IV, Saints Row IV - The Executive Privilege Pack, Saints Row IV - Dubstep Expansion Pack, Saints Row IV - Wild West Pack, Saints Row IV - Commander-In-Chief Pack, Saints Row IV - Volition Comics Pack, Saints Row IV - Enter The Dominatrix, Saints Row IV - The Super Saints Pack, Saints Row IV - Pirate's Booty Pack, Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack, Saints Row IV - Gamestop Weapon Contest, Saints Row IV - Zinyak Attack Pack, Saints Row IV - Hey Ash Whatcha Playin? Pour en savoir plus, consultez ce, Plus aucune évaluation ne correspond aux filtres définis ci-dessus, Ajustez les filtres ci-dessus pour voir d'autres évaluations. [6] In the process, Ultor became a major, powerhouse corporation with its own private army, and they extended their power, reach, and influence into almost every aspect of Stilwater society, including the Stilwater Police Department and Masako teams. 3 Title Updates have been released on Xbox 360, and equivalent patches on PS3, as well as 1 for PC. Saints Row 2 brings true freedom to open-world gaming. [12] He first kidnaps Donnie and forces him to blow up several of the Brotherhood's trucks[13] and he also replaces Maero's tattoo ink with nuclear waste, disfiguring him. Disponible pour les résidents de France. Download this graphic tee featuring the Ronin gang logo. There are no refunds for this item. Developed by Volition, Inc. Saints Row 2, Volition, Inc., THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested Check out the entire Deep Silver franchise on Steam Unfamiliar gangs have laid claim to your territory, rival factions have taken over your rackets, and cash-hungry corporations have laid waste to your once proud 3rd Street home. [30] Shogo attempts to recover the stolen cash by having his second-in-command, Jyunichi, kidnap Gat's girlfriend Aisha; this ends with Aisha dead and Gat incapacitated after being stabbed by Jyunichi. There are no refunds for this item. Plusieurs années après le jeu initial, votre défi est de faire revenir les Saints sur le devant de la scène de Stilwater. Merci ! © 2020 Valve Corporation. Published by Deep Silver. [6] While visiting Tee'N'Ay[7], Playa learns of Johnny Gat's arrest and trial on the news, and rescues him from his trial. - 77% of the 7,203 user reviews for this game are positive. [41] Not caring where the information came from, Playa eliminates the board. Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3. Vous êtes maintenant inscrit pour recevoir des e-mails du Microsoft Store. This is the final game to be set in Stilwater or have the gangsta theme. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see Cet article ne peut pas être remboursé. Dex, fraîchement promu chef de la sécurité, s'est lancé dans un trafic d'armes nucléaires avec l'appui de la direction. During this time, the 3rd Street Saints disband, and their legacy is soon forgotten. Aide les Saints de Third Street à reconquérir la ville dans cette suite explosive de ce succès de 2006. [39] Angered, Playa destroys The Pyramid, an underground research complex owned by Ultor. Invulnerability will be displayed by a special health bar indicator. Respect in Stilwater needs to be taken, and what better way than to grab it from the hands of a gang full of enemies by means of a satchel charge. Buy Xbox content on [16] Much of the Brotherhood is then arrested in a police crackdown. There are 862 reviews 862. Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas In Space, Saints Row: The Third - Bloodsucker Pack, Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones, Saints Row: The Third - Nyte Blayde Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Steelport Gangs Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Penthouse Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Witches and Wieners Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Genki Girl Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Horror Pack, Saints Row: The Third - Unlockable Pack, Saints Row IV - Brady Games Pack, Saints Row IV - Presidential Pack, Saints Row IV - Grass Roots Pack, Saints Row IV, Saints Row IV - The Executive Privilege Pack, Saints Row IV - Dubstep Expansion Pack, Saints Row IV - Wild West Pack, Saints Row IV - Commander-In-Chief Pack, Saints Row IV - Volition Comics Pack, Saints Row IV - Enter The Dominatrix, Saints Row IV - The Super Saints Pack, Saints Row IV - Pirate's Booty Pack, Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack, Saints Row IV - Gamestop Weapon Contest, Saints Row IV - Zinyak Attack Pack, Saints Row IV - Hey Ash Whatcha Playin? [4] With Julius missing and the Saints gone, a power vacuum in Stilwater allowed three new gangs to take over: The Brotherhood, Sons of Samedi, and The Ronin. There are no refunds for this item. Once an invulnerable player performs an attack, the effect will be removed. Vous pouvez aussi proposer vos propres astuces en utilisant le lien «proposer un contenu» ci-dessus. For more information, see Connectez-vous pour ajouter cet article à votre liste de souhaits, le suivre, ou l'ignorer. 2. Saints Row 2 Picture Pack - Released: 2008-12-18 - Size: 220 KB - 80 points. Download this picture pack. Now it's time to put a permanent end to Ultor's corruption. This is the first title in the series to be released for Windows and Playstation, as Saints Row wasn't released on either platform. Download the manual for this game by locating the game on and selecting “See Game Manual". Dex, fraîchement promu chef de la sécurité, s'est lancé dans un trafic d'armes nucléaires avec l'appui de la direction. Saints Row 2 (ROW), Saints Row the Third - Shark Attack Pack DLC, Saints Row the Third - Invincible Pack DLC, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row The Third - Z Style Pack, Saints Row The Third - Explosive Combat Pack, Saints Row The Third - Warrior Pack, Saints Row The Third - Genki Bowl VII, Saints Row: The Third - Money Shot Pack, Saints Row: The Third - FUNTIME! Pendant ce temps, une ancienne employée d'Ultor propose aux Saints de faire échouer l'opération. Pendant ce temps, une ancienne employée d'Ultor propose aux Saints de faire échouer l'opération. [40] Under pressure from Ultor's board of directors as the company is targeted by the Saints, Vogel leaks the location of the board to Playa: a party on a boat not far from the Saints Row district. Players can play as who they want, how they want, and with whomever they want in this sequel to the much acclaimed and tremendously successful Saints Row. Mets la rue à feu et à sang sur les nouvelles cartes multijoueur Bras de fer et Bataille de gang, ou mesure-toi à tes amis dans le nouveau mode Coop. Son mode coopératif vous permet de vivre l'intégralité de l'histoire de Saints Row 2 avec un ami. There are no refunds for this item. The General almost kills him but Playa manages to escape from the limo in time. [24] After destroying an inbound shipment of Loa Dust Playa sets out to kill the Samedi's leadership. Uncle Gary shows us the wild women of Saints Row 2 DLC. - 76% of the 100 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive.