1957-58:           RI President Charles G. Tennent announced a theme, “Enlist – Extend – Explore – Serve,” to serve as Rotary’s program of emphasis. An interesting sidenote: a few months prior to the Eureka Rotary Club’s founding, the new Eureka Inn opened. It is a major obstacle for economic, political, social and personal development. Group singing soon became a traditional part of their Rotary meeting. Selecting Representatives: Each Rotary district sends a representative to the Council. Early on, Harris realized that Rotary needed a greater purpose. To date we have gained many women members that have become an integral part of our club. Some magnificent projects grow from very small seeds. In this way, your contributions to polio will work twice as hard.”. The Standard Club Constitution outlines administrative techniques for clubs to follow in holding weekly meetings, procedures for membership and classifications, conditions of attendance and payment of dues, and other policies relating to public issues and political positions. Copies will be available at every meeting. Women did play some roles, and Paul Harris’ wife made numerous speeches. One of the Rotarians wrote a “Rotary Ann” chant. “Every Rotarian Serves as an Example to Youth”, 74. Global Grants and the Rotary Club of Eureka, 60. Today Eureka High School has a wonderful ball field to practice and play their home games on. But we took on the project, one country at a time. The first regional magazine was issued in 1915 in Great Britain and Ireland. For more information, please call 707–443-1234 x309. There are more than 7,500 RCCs in 80 countries, all organized and sponsored by Rotary Clubs. Donald Morris Hegy Memorial Fund The Rotary Club of Eureka has a history of starting new clubs and were instrumental in obtaining the Arcata charter on February 8, 1926, the Fortuna charter on January 5, 1927 and the Crescent City charter on November 24, 1953. Serving young people has long been an important part of the Rotary program. As of June 2014, the Rotary Foundation had spent $18 million on its Peace Centers. Despite a common misperception, a senior active member can never become a past service member. Members come together around hobbies or interests such as cricket or jazz, or vocations such as writing or medicine. Thus, we have been active in the affairs of District 513 from the very beginning. Arch Klumph Society recognizes those who contribute $250,000 or more, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation issues $100 million challenge. Second, Rotarians are urged to sit with a member they may not know as well as their long-time personal friends. It is circulated to the club electronically. The baseball field was also named after the father of one of our Rotarians – Kathleen Cloney-Gardiner. “If fully realized, the value of this new partnership with Rotary is more than $500 million. Rotary International then appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. Herb Taylor became President of Rotary International during 1954-55. A special rededication was held on September 16, 2002. Fairly soon, the Vatican begin to react and by the end of the decade, the Catholic Truth Society was able to declare that Rotary is neither secret nor seditious. It was called the Health, Hunger and Humanity Committee. Then we went to Central America and South America. Rotary's partnership with the Gates Foundation helps both organizations improve lives around the world. x��]�nm� �����.�&U��3'��y�ޤJ������Y��er���c۰��������B2���˿_����;�_���u����������})�G�_�r��?{�{��j�O�3�t�(E5�Q������ϗ_?�k~���_��z������/I������2��]e��'��\�ɟ)����o���o��]���?[7�����������c�Y���Lh}! Rotary received 16 project proposals from around the world. However, an early stated policy observed that “as a means of extending Rotary’s influence, proper publicity should be given to a worthwhile project well carried out.” A more modern public relations philosophy was adopted in the mid-1970s that affirms that “good publicity, favorable public relations and a positive image are desirable and essential goals for Rotary,” if it is to foster understanding, appreciation and support for its Object and programs and to broaden Rotary’s service to humanity. None of these projects involved Rotary Foundation money. << /Contents 11 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 24 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 25 0 R >> /Font << /F0 26 0 R /F1 29 0 R /F2 32 0 R /F3 35 0 R /F4 38 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /Type /Page >> You can still be in California and be farther north than coastal Rhode Island. Glyndon “Sign” and Ruth Smith Endowment Fund. This is a one-time recognition. Public image and membership growth are interconnected. Global grants enable Rotary members to plan larger, sustainable projects by meeting with community leaders to assess needs and to create a plan for ongoing management. Indeed, it seems that the church believed it was a secret society with quasi-religious overtones. One of the conditions for receiving a charter to become a Rotary club is to accept the Standard Club Constitution, originally adopted in 1922. It is said that there is a Rotary meeting being held someplace in the world every hour of every day. The Foundation's first ongoing program promoted international understanding by supporting graduate studies in other countries. Members are permitted admission if they are retired, and who had never been in Rotary but would have been qualified. To visit the northernmost club you must travel above the Arctic Circle to the Rotary Club of Barrow, Alaska, U.S.A. The values of Youth Exchange are experienced not only by the high school-age students involved, but also by the host families, sponsoring clubs, receiving high schools and the entire community. Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor, Author of the Four-Way Test. Convention goers in Philadelphia learn that Rotary has greatly exceeded the $120 million fundraising goal for polio eradication. Do Rotarians receive special business benefits from their Rotary membership? The first three are held in Evanston, Illinois, USA; San José, Costa Rica; and Nice, France. There are currently over 34,500 Rotary clubs in the world in over 200 countries. As an international organization, Rotary offers each member unique opportunities and responsibilities, although each Rotarian has first responsibility to uphold the obligations of citizenship of his or her own country. Rotary formally considered the issue of racial restriction in membership and determined that the organization could not allow racial restrictions to the organization’s growth. The characteristic Rotary club name badge fosters the first-name custom. This was an exciting trip to share with you both. He attended Princeton University, the University of Vermont and the University of Iowa. Edgar F. Allen with fellow Rotarian Paul Harris and others who helped form Easter Seals, circa 1922. The first Rotary club meeting was in Chicago, Illinois, on February 23, 1905. If you asked a Rotarian if he or she belonged to Rotary International, the individual probably would look puzzled and answer, “Of course I’m a member of Rotary International!” But in this instance, technically the confident Rotarian would be wrong. Scholarships can be funded by district grants, global grants, and in some cases, packaged grants. Each year Rotary awards up to 50 master’s fellowships from these institutions. The Eureka Club chartered the Lost Coast Rotaract Club on February 3, 2010, during Carlton Nielson’s presidency, and the first president was Klark K. Swan. In other parts of the world, mainly in Asian countries, the practice is to assign each new Rotarian a humorous nickname which relates to some personal characteristic or which is descriptive of the member’s business or profession. Frank Mulholland, then President, realizing the seriousness and urgency of the situation, conceived the simple idea of asking Rotarians each to contribute a dollar. For the next five years he worked odd jobs as a. It is hard to find because it is not officially called the “Rule of 85”, nor a type of Rotary membership (“Active” or “Honorary” are the only two) – it is merely a provision listed under “excused absences” in the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Going forward, the Gates Foundation will match two-to-one, up to US$35 million per year, every dollar Rotary commits to reduce the funding shortfall for polio eradication through 2018. Encourage prospective members to tour the RI Web site, view membership videos, and complete a Prospective Member Form (. Annually the Committee solicits and evaluates grants for projects. Many traditions, while never officially mandated or sanctioned, are such a part of current Rotary culture that most Rotarians could not imagine their Rotary experience without these long-standing practices. How Many Members are There in Rotary Today? The Rotary Club of Eureka, just happens to be the best one. We were instrumental in obtaining Arcata’s charter on February 8, 1926. February is designated as World Understanding Month. We started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6 million children in the Philippines. It meets every three years and its next meeting is in 2016. After a Rotarian has indicated an intention to be a candidate for one of the elective Rotary offices, he or she must refrain from speaking engagements, appearances or publicity that could reasonably be construed as furthering his or her candidacy. With the assistance of members of the San Francisco club, the Eureka club was organized by 21 men on October 10, 1923 and its formal charter was issued November 9 of that same year. Our Eureka Rotary Club, working with our community, Teen Challenge, and SWAP programs, transformed this school by aesthetically and functionally re-doing the Winship grounds. That means that Rotary clubs must put in a minimum of $10,000. If you happen to traveling north, stop in at our most northern location, the Rotary Club of Barrow, Alaska. Beloved by his family and community, Harvey’s love of cars was unparalleled. In those days there was no way to let people downstream know that water was going to be released from the dam. Should Rotarians expect a special discount or some preferential service just because they are dealing with a fellow Rotarian? Rick King, PRI President was the speaker at both the commemoration and our meeting that day. Today’s scholars are tomorrow’s leaders within the areas of focus. After one trip his first year as a Rotarian, to the 5130/4150 Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico, he was hooked on service and the ideals of Rotary. However, if he attends a meeting he should be counted toward your overall percentage. The program is developed to improve health, alleviate hunger, and enhance human and social development. In view of the annual turnover of Rotary leadership each year, special effort is required to provide the 32,000 club leaders with appropriate instruction for the tasks they will assume.