If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Today the Wild & Scenic Main Salmon basin contains most (up to 70 percent) of the remaining, prime salmon and steelhead habitat in the entire Columbia River basin. YTBkMzQ0NTY1MTQxYTRmNTA5ZTA1ZjYxMWNlNGVkY2UxYzUzMTg3NmE1MjIz Check into your hotel in the evening and enjoy the best hot shower of your life before our farewell banquet with plenty of mirth, good food and drink, and the satisfaction of having triumphed over what Lewis called “impossible…to pass either by land or by water.”, Lodging: Hilton Garden Inn, Missoula, MT • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Booking 2021 and 2022 Middle Fork & Main Salmon Trips. Single supplement of $1,000 if you prefer a room – and tent – of your own. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. It is forgiving water for inflatable kayaks. Our experienced outfitter ensures you will be greeted at the end of an adventurous day by a comfortable tent site, a cold drink, and hearty hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner on a tablecloth in the wilderness. Campsite: Salmon River • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. YzFhZmM0ZWM3ODJlMzVmMGU0NzU1MTBiMzQwYTI5YzdjNzU2YzlhYWNkNjMw Paddle day 1. Much of the area was inhabited by several tribes, including the Nez Pierce. ZmE1M2YyMjFlZTExNzE1MTllMTJiMDk4ODlkYmMxNGVjNmJlMDVlYmJiMDAz You will become part of the RMRT river family. MDI4ZTI1NGUzNjYyZjU3YzA4NTgwNGViOGFjYmU2MDRhNGIwZTk1OGM5MDM5 Big, fun, Class III and IV rapids are the norm. Gary E. Moulton, ed. YTNlYjhkZmZjYzI4MDM2NDZiMjg1NWZlYmYwOGFmNDAyZjY5OTdkZDc4NGVi OTNiMGNmZmMyZGI4YThlYTk2ZDU5MzMyZjUwNTIyODM4MDQ0MzY5NTViYmQ2 ZWY3ZTczNDkwOTM3NzBiN2JmY2ZkOTZmZGU0OTViOWFjNGQ2ZGYwZjFiZjA2 James Ronda. We’ll stop at historical points and take plenty of stops along the white sand beaches, great swimming pools, and a few hours in nearby hot springs. NzhkMzQwYWQzMGU5NDY2MTJlNjkwNWJjNDNjM2E0YmFmNjg1Yzk2N2I0MzE5 ZmM4YjgwNjM1NzljMmVmMDNiZDdhODY0ZjI0ZmYxOTkzZmE4ODQwMzFjNzQ4 The tour includes guide services by the finest area outfitters, equipment for five nights of camping and rafting, all activities, lodging, meals, transport, USFS fees, state and local taxes, and gratuities. NmUzOTA3ZTM0N2U3NjQxMDllNDYyZWZhNDRiNmRjYTlkMDA4MjA4NzQ1NThi YWVhM2RjZWNmNmU1M2MyYWUxNzc5NTNjMjYzMjVkMzAxZmIyOTdmOTIxYTY2 YTBhNTdjODc2Y2YxZDIzZjJiY2MxYjhhMTMzYWExN2FkMmY1YWVjZjAzYjZi The Salmon River is located in Idaho in the western United States, also known as "The River of No Return. Your tour begins in Bozeman, Montana, and ends in Missoula, Montana - a mildly strenuous week of historical commentary, interpretation, wit, storytelling, and discussion of the meaning of American wilderness with nationally-acclaimed Jefferson and Lewis & Clark scholar Clay S. Jenkinson. Airfare is not included. The River of No Return offers the perfect alternative to Rocky’s famous Middle Fork of the Salmon River trips. At camp enjoy hors d’oeuvres, wine, and cold beer await followed by an excellent meal served over tablecloths and actual dishes. ZThhM2IxMDMwYmZkYmY2NDJhOWUxNGU5YWE2MzMzYmE0N2Y1ODg4ZDVmYmM5 (Impossible for dugout canoes—easily accessible by modern river rafts). Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson. Experience the famous Salmon River exciting and scenic Idaho Jet Boat excursions River of No Return Wilderness with lunch at China Bar Lodge or Mackay Bar Ram House Lodge, historical stops at Shepp Ranch, Polly Bemis and Buckskin Bills. No problem. MzA3NjFhODZiZGFlNTVhYzc5NGQ2YjY4NzE4MmQwNmQ1YmRjNzM0Yzk3M2Jk Join our adventure through the Salmon River canyon in the wilderness of Idaho. MDAyZjhlOTYzMDdmMjRlNzM0NWU3MWI2ZjJiZDVjMTZhNmY4OTJjNTVmZWI3 If it becomes necessary wait-listing is available upon request. NjEzODM3N2QwZTA2NTljOWQ5ODQ5OGY1M2U3NWJlMGFhZTBhNWIzY2M2YWFh River of Promise: Lewis and Clark on the Columbia. Generated by Wordfence at Thu, 12 Nov 2020 5:01:38 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Lodging: hotel in Bozeman, MT • Meals: Dinner. ODZiNDhjODU3ZTBiNDMyYjQxNmFhODg2YjcwMmI5MmVkYTQxMmQzOTY1MjA1 As always, an informal evening discussion with Clay. Overnight wilderness getaways lodging packages specialty trips include eagle watching, photography trips, wine tasting. If you have any medical conditions, please consult your physician before participating. Donna Kessler. No advance reading is required, but if you want to hit the ground running, here are some books to read about Lewis and Clark in Montana and Idaho. We arrive at the Corn Creek put-in, pack up the rafts, and set off, paddling (with plenty of floating) to our first night’s camp. We’ll spend five days floating, paddling, and camping on the magnificent Salmon River, a class III whitewater river ideal for both beginner and experienced rafters. Please inquire about our single supplemental fee of $1,000 if you would prefer a room of your own. dXJlIjoiNGExNzJlZGQ0MGZhN2UyYzZhMWFhZmJjYjhjNWRkYTczMGJkY2M5 Run exciting Class III Salmon River rapids like Killum and Gunbarrel; Soak in the scenery of the mesmerizing Salmon River canyon – the second deepest gorge in North America; Experience the 2.3-million-acre Frank Church “River of No Return” Wilderness; Challenge splashy, exhilarating rapids like Black Creek, Big Mallard and Growler The food is delicious with fresh ingredients, a cheerful kitchen crew, excellent hors d’oeuvres. COVID-19 Update: The safety of our staff, guests, and community remain our priority while offering a world class travel experience.