<> Their blood money and impious risks and died. Tone can also mean the general emotional weather of the poem. Report Reply. Reflective: illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions ... Solemn: deeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection “Girl, you’re in a mood!” Mood: emotion evoked by a text. I would like to add that our poetry has no boundaries and it embraces all 10/10! �̞B[����V[�匞B�&�6^���1�xa,��w��,WC��W�{i�W��b�E��l�X�lkӤ�4c��Vr!�mˈ ������x�)`��1�Jb%%=�15���Adl�٣���ԧ�Z�� 3#2u�EY�?E;�ďlMx;q�1睥����Fw�ڙc����m�)�� S_�F��a�i�%yچ��������q -�w���HS�Zq�,[�(YA��~Ī��&q��k�֚�+ؚ���bnkMʀ5��cr� �~�X��ϫ6��u�3�>2���!�p�}��+{�M���3z�M������m���wA��p�r ��$�K� %��M;�m��o7��S+���XI��R�52���fY����Z�N�:�@�$�r��C��/4���!��zr��U@��!�0�^l�����Q�e�(q�$A�� In a few lines you outpoured the whole world's wisdom. 21 0 obj <> Y �bg��oA\bw�t��q�c�V�M��MiG�(����޲���W��q�|�`��~�/��������B'�����8}(_���ud�Ym:��=} 22 0 obj 10/10! In an antiwar poem, you may feel protest or moral indignation. true so true and it is written so beautifully... thanks 10++ Sadiqullah Khan (12/3/2008 7:47:00 AM) Humility has no retirement age, , , , , , , , , , , loved this line, , ,10 . <>>> So the theme is that of family history, the way different generations in a family express themselves. <> 13 0 obj Sighs and shudders silent in the night, Monumental moments graven in granite Steel hammered on the anvil, clanging in the storm. endobj The repentant wastrel in ‘The Prodigal’ mentions ‘pigs’ eyes’ following him, while the farmer comes at dark to inspect his labourer. Thank you... and a pain has no end.... endobj 5 0 obj &N��6 ��w1c��ȵ�U�?�I9$�k�y��RNJop� %y �� 14 0 obj 18 0 obj <> John Timpane, Ph.D., is the author of It Could Be Verse: Anybody's Guide to Poetry. N�f�ґ��PnIl���� Qv��D�l�v�{)HC�Q7�XtM�<5��2�Z�. Soul has no death...Deception has no depth....Beauty has no age....Truth has no guage....Anger has no friend....Courage has no dead end....A lie has no conscience....Conflict has no sentience...Violence has no cadence....Cruelty has no penance...Resentment has no fragrance....Harmony has no grievance...Worry has no silence...Equanimity has no violence...Freedom has no cage....Humility has no retirement age.... Lovely thoughts Mamta, I like the last line of the last stanza best. © Poems are the property of their respective owners. 7 0 obj # In A Reflective Mood Poem by Mamta Agarwal - Poem Hunter, Poem Submitted: Tuesday, December 2, 2008. <> Taken together, all these elements create an atmosphere of melancholy. '�#�f!$ *0�X1֌X�� Report Reply. <> - Raj Nandy. endobj Well done. Here is MacDiarmid’s very angry “Another Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries”: Saved, or knew, anything worth any man‘s pride. Hello again poet friend and I enjoyed very much, Loyd, and a poetic heart too doesn't know age...well constructed lines, Mamta...beautiful educative and motivational...10, Mamtaji, you have presented the truths of life in verse in a completely new format! (��(@�fE�rg�1,�* ���E��4nS!U>�@��,G�!W٫쫄j����c�w��������� �pd|�l�-o�q�T}�wc*rθ�3��p�T8I�]%R.���L��Q ����[ Fishes alone; snow falls, cold in the river. It expands on a theme, a tone, a mood that the poem is trying to reflect on.