I will show you the two best reasons why education is important in our society. Many schools have made physical education an essential component of school curriculum and students are promoted to maintain a healthy balance between their education and exercise. This is due to the fact that those students who take part in physical activities have proved to be happier and healthier than those students who spend all their time doing school education work. about our dos and don’ts so as not affect others negatively and neither of them Required fields are marked *. Some of the things prevented are wars as we are taught about Required fields are marked *. The information on the site is not a substitute for mental health treatment or medical advice. Going to school may be a source …. Logical Reasons why Time Travel is Impossible. Provides Financial Security. 4 Great Benefits of Exercise for Children, Amazon Audible Can Help Improve Word Recognition & Reading Comprehension for Struggling Readers, Social-Emotional Sign Language Curriculum Can Benefit All Children. Provides safety and security: 4. Socialization, especially at a young age, is important when it comes to living as part of a community. More than 120 million children do not complete primary education. not everything we need to know in life is taught at school, 9 Reasons Why Religion is so Important in Life and to Society Today, Reasons Why Sex Education is Important and should be Taught in Schools, 5 Ways How Social Media Causes Depression and What You Can do About it, Coronavirus: 18 Life Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Learn About the Universal Law of Polarity that Creates Balance in Life, 8 Reasons Why the school Education System is so Flawed, Is Time Travel Possible? hows of the world from their parents as they grow up. For example, if we are taught that earlier people solved political disagreements through discussions and meetings, then that would teach us not to go to war as history would show us it is not the best way to solve political problems. Parents, teachers and even political leaders encourage education in our society. The very first thing that one can get livelihood that is that prior thing in human life to live. If you have a product you would like featured, or if you would like to partner with us, or provide sponsorship, contact our CEO Rachel Wise at rachelwise@educationandbehavior.com. He is a Physical education contributor at ExerciseN – The Fitness Hub. Those students who make physical education as important as their school work become more flexible in their routine life. Investing in education means people will employ you for the skills you learned in school and knowledge and pay you in return for it, On the other hand, considering the importance of education to a country, it should be the basic need of life and certainly completely free, perhaps paid for by governments, That winds up our 10 good reasons as to why everyone should strive to attain education as a right and an important aspect of life, The reasons above should also be able to give you overview importance of education in our lives, society and the people around us, Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. According to the Borgen Project, schooling’s global rate of ROI (return on investment) is 16% for university education; 10% for primary education; and 5% for secondary education. performing physical activities helps in enlarging the basal ganglia of the brain, Exercise Ideas to Support Children with Autism and ADHD, motivates them to take interest in classroom activities, Scientific research reveals the fact that physical education in school helps in improving the connections between neurons of the brain, students are promoted to maintain a healthy balance between their education and exercise, Please Don’t Take Away My Recess – A Poem About ADHD, 3 Research-Based Reasons Why Physical Education is Needed in Schools, Being Active in Nature Improves Mental and Physical Health for Kids: Infographic, The Benefits of Including a Self Defense Program in Middle School Physical Education, American Academy of Pediatrics Explains Why Recess is Crucial for Children and Shouldn’t be Withheld. Does Increasing Physical Activity in School Lead to Improvements in Academic Achievement and Behavior? There can’t be a fixed definition of this, but there are a couple of ways you could define it as you understand, But why on earth we would need to create a religious culture in our lives today, Here are 9 reasons why religion is important in our everyday lives and today’s society in reference to all religions in the world, There are lots of things taught in religion especially to children in Sunday school on how to live peacefully with others in society, This is the same reason students are taught religious education in schools as religious education backs up formal education teaching its followers to be law-abiding citizens with high levels of integrity, And if you are going astray in life, religious books do Find Out Why Education and Behavior, a Free Online Research-Based Library, is a Critical Resource for Your District, School, or Agency Webpage! Education is a human right. Healthy and well-connected neurons help improve the over-all thinking ability of students. By being well-educated and ... 2. Stable Life. 1. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Here are ten reasons why: Global poverty remains a huge issue and education can play an essential role in ending it. It paves the way for all kinds of opportunities, allows people to expand their perspectives, and strengthens nations. Equality: 5. the fight against using drugs, Much as with our natural conscious we can tell what is wrong or right, religion guides you to follow and respect your intuition and do the right thing. It is recommended that decisions about a child's mental health and education are made with a team of appropriate professionals along with the child's parents or guardians. Related Article: Exercise Ideas to Support Children with Autism and ADHD. Needed For Equality. Better education equals better job opportunities with higher salaries. Many people do not understand why there is so much emphasis on it. Researches have proved the importance of physical activities for students in a school environment. What Does the Research Say About the Impact of Homeschooling on Academics and Social Skills? We can all be able to communicate with each irrespective of our races or indigenous languages, this is because religion provides a common ground and common language that can be spoken by all believers which creates one big society, One of the core purposes of religion in our society is creating a world with best acceptable morals from people, And in instances where society shows very poor morals religion is blamed because it has a very strong stand in our society today to ensure that morality is achieved, This could be through religious leaders being exemplary and also organizing seminars to educate people on expected and acceptable moral behaviors in our society, Most laws are made with a foundation laid from religious Education helps us become informed about things we would not 9 Reasons Why Religion is so Important in Life and to Society Today; Reasons Why Sex Education is Important and should be Taught in Schools; 18 Reasons Why Africa is so Poor; Coronavirus: 18 Life Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic; 5 Ways How Social Media Causes Depression and What You Can do About it Higher salaries also mean that people can afford higher-quality food and a diet has a huge impact on health. Education improves the mentality and behavior of people. and how to prevent them. Consuming these on a regular basis can lead to childhood obesity. School life is hectic for every individual. These may include fries, soft drinks, pizzas, and burgers. In many places, people take school for granted. To appreciate each other’s culture: Education teaches us the culture of different societies that make … Such activities make the body elastic and flexible. According to the 2005-2009 World Values Survey, a concern for the environment was linked to higher levels of education in 47 countries. Physical activities give them an environment to breathe out their stress. Other relevant ads also help support the funding for our database. They often feel proud and happy about themselves and are good towards their fellow students. What is Integrity and Why is it Important in the Workplace and in Life. Therefore, taking part in physical activities and education allows students to relieve their academic stress and anxiety. Enhances an individual’s ability to concentrate and maintain focus: Several studies show that performing physical activities helps in enlarging the basal ganglia of the brain.