It derives its name from the way in which it is encoded. Just Click the Like Button Below, Copyright 2017 © cprograms4future.All rights reserved|, To print whether given number is Odd or Even, Swapping two values without using 3rd variable, To find if the given year is leap year or not, To convert given days to years,week and days, Calculate Gross Salary from given Basic Pay, To find whether given number is palindrome or not, Sum of all integers divisible by 2 between two numbers, To know whether given number is Prime or Not, To Print all prime number within the given number, To print whether the number is armstrong number or not, To know all the armstrong numbers between 1 and given number, To know whether the given number is perfect number or not, To Print all Perfect number between 1 and given number, Program to print whether given Number is Happy or not, Program to print all Happy Numbers till N, Print Sine Value Mathematically and using Library Function, Print Cosine Value Mathematically and using Library Function, Display Mean,Variance and Standard Deviation, Display X and Y values of Simultaneous Equations, Average of best two test marks out of given number of test marks. Let us know in the comments if you are having any questions regarding this cryptography cipher Algorithm. The following is an example. Rail Fence Cipher Program in C and C++[Encryption & Decryption]. For encryption we write the message diagonally in zigzag form in a matrix having total rows = key and total columns = message length. Decryption of Rail Fence Cipher using C. Home; Basics. It is a kind of transposition cipher which is also known as zigzag cipher. It does not involve any replacement of the characters, just jumbling of the characters. He spend most of his time in programming, blogging and helping other programming geeks. At that point read the. It is a kind of transposition cipher which is also known as zigzag cipher. The key consists of the number of rows and the offset (starting place for the first plaintext character). For example, if 3 “rails” and the message “HELLOWORLD” is used, the cipherer writes out: We will use C++ to write this algorithm due to the standard template library support. order, To print number of Spaces,lines,characters and Tabs in a File, To Copy text from one File to Another File, Create a file with a set of numbers and write Odd and Even numbers into separate files, Total marks of all N Students for given subjects, Total marks of all N Students for M subjects, Number Diamond Pattern 2 for given pattern, Program to Display Reverse Number X Pattern, To Print Diamond for given number of rows, Sand Glass Pattern in C(Pyramid Combination), Tell me any Date ,I will tell you the Day, Read a Date and print the number of days elapsed from 1st January of the given year, Program to run html file,to shutdown and to restart, Compound interest for Given Years with next 4 rates, Print all possible squares from given N Co-ordinates, Printing Values in Variables using Pointers, To Copy one string to other String using Pointers, To print length of a string using Pointers, To Concatenate two strings using Pointers, To Print values in array by incementing Pointer, To Print values in array by Decrementing Pointer, To print Sum of numbers in array usng Pointers, 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String using Pointers, List of all C Programs without categories, List of C Programs ordered according to categories, List of all C Programs arranged under Categories in single page(Old Version), List of all C Programs without Categories, Ideone(Remember to give input before executing online where ever necessary). It is a sort of transposition cipher which is otherwise called crisscross cipher. You are done it only for specific input-“Hello World”..but I have to perform encryption and decryption on whatever the user gives as input..please share the program to do the same as soon as possible..thanks in advance!! And if you found this post helpful, then please help us by sharing this post with your friends. Rail Fence Cipher Program in C and C++[Encryption & Decryption] Here you will get rail fence cipher program in C and C++ for encryption and decryption. Required fields are marked *. After the two rows are produced, the cipher text is read row-wise.