Quality of work life is multidimensional construct. Tweet. XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT The integration of productive chain wit … Keywords: quality of life at work, mental health worker, health professionals, Walton’s model. 1. The studies of Walton(1973), Che Rose et al (2006), Rethinam (2008), Rastegari (1999), Ali Akbari (2004), Kharazi (2006) confirm the results presented in this research. OPEN ACCESS Journal + Issues. What it is? Eurofound. Europa.eu - Fundația Europeană pentru îmbunătățirea condițiilor de viață și de muncă – Calitatea muncii și a ocupării forței de muncă în românia. quality of work life that will positively impact the execution of the work. Sloan Management Review XV (1), 11-21, 1973. This research title “Quality of Work Life Approach to the Operational Officers’ Focusing on the Transportation Business in Muang, Chiangmai” is collecting data from the transportation business that hiring lower-lever operation officers. [9] Walton, R.E Quality of Working Life. Quality of Work Life (QWL) and job satisfaction are critical concepts in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM). Quality of working life: What is it?. Among Quality of work life dimensions, Social integration in the work organization has the greatest relation with overall performance. It is gaining more attention due to many researchers have considered different variables which are related to job satisfaction, job security, wages etc. [10] www. Palavras-chaves: Quality of work life, Walton’s QWL model, evaluation instrument XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL The integration of productive chain wit an approach to sustainable manufacturing. Slone Management Review,15, 12-18. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 to 16 October - 2008 . Read 77833 times Last modified on วันพฤหัสบดี, 07 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562 09:59 . Those are received wage per day. INTRODUCTION The quality of life at work introduces several concepts and there is not a definition and global consensus (Xhakollari 2013, p.529). However there are many other critical factors which contributes to QWL which includes Physical, physiological and social factors. Walton, R. E. (1973). Sloan Management Review XV (1), 11-21, 1973.