Wounded tissue may be more susceptible to diseases such as early blight. Psyllids cause a variety of symptoms on plants such as Eugenia and Greselinia hedging and Pittosporum. Damage has been reported almost every season in recent years. These pests inject their toxic saliva into plant leaves and can kill young tomato … This causes foliage (especially the upper leaves) to … Most plants outgrow flea beetle damage. Most psyllid damage is aesthetic. Psyllids are small insects that can do extensive damage to tomatoes and other crops. Flea beetles (Figure 3) are small, black or brown beetles that jump when disturbed. Infested tomatoes end up watery and tasteless with discoloured blotches on the skin. These insects are around the size of aphids and look like tiny cicada. Potato & tomato psyllid Psyllid eggs along the edge of a leaf, plus an adult. Tomatoes are one of the most cultivated crops, Tomato crops can be easily grown under proper conditions and regular maintenance.Tomato crops can host of production problems and pathogens when conditions and maintenance are not ideal. Psyllid damage on tomato fruit. One of the most important things to know about psyllids is that they are monophagous. tomology Section indicates that serious damage to tomatoes was noted in 1898, 1904, 1906, 1911, 1912, 1915, and 1916. Tolerance for aesthetic damage varies with people’s attitude and knowledge and the situation, such as the location and species of plants and psyllids. If you do manage a harvest, many of the potatoes are mushy and watery with distinct brown markings when you slice them open. Image courtesy of … Sometimes called jumping plant lice, psyllids feed on a variety of plants including most fruit trees and small fruits as well as tomato and potato. It comes from South and Central America but is also found in parts of the US, New Zealand and other areas. See Fact Sheet 5.540, Potato and Tomato Psyllids. Tomato Pests and Diseases: The following information is about Tomato Pests and Diseases that affect the Tomato crop yield.. As tomatoes grow, inspect them weekly for psyllids and plant damage. Image courtesy of Chris Inglis MAF Biosecurity NZ Psyllid nymphs feeding on the underside of a leaf. Home garden tomatoes are more likely to be damaged by the psyllid this year, because the pest lived through the winter in some areas of the county, and the summer migration of psyllids from Mexico has already begun. Identifying Psyllid’s Damage Plants Affected. Asian citrus psyllid, for instance, feeds on citrus trees. Except for adults, such as the Asian citrus psyllid, that vector plant pathogens most psyllid damage is … Photo by Ward Stepman, BCP Ltd Psyllid eggs attached to the edge of a leaf by a short stalk. The psyllid probably attacked some back yard tomatoes last year, but gardeners likely attributed any damage to other causes. TPP infested potato plants may end up with little to no crops. Psyllids are small sap sucking insects usually about the size of aphids.Nymphs have a flat shell like covering. The tomato psyllid (Bactericerca cockerelli) is a small, sap-sucking insect that can damage tomato plants. Symptoms include tiny lumps or dimples on the leaves of the plant, distorted shoots, tip dieback and sooty mould. Home garden tomatoes are more likely to be damaged by the psyllid this year, because the pest lived through the winter in some areas of the county, and the summer migration of psyllids from Mexico has already begun. It … The adults chew small holes or pits in leaves. Both adults and nymphs feed by piercing the leaf surface and extracting cell sap. Depending on the specific type of the psyllid, it will feed on a single host, or occasionally, what belongs to the family of the plant. During the early years the full significance of psyllid injury to tomatoes was not recognized. The psyllid probably attacked some back yard tomatoes last year, but gardeners likely attributed any damage to other causes.