1 psi = 6,894.76 Pascals. We assume you are converting between pound/square inch [gauge] and foot of mercury [0 °C]. 1 psi to foot of mercury = 0.16967 foot of mercury. 0000016184 00000 n Please attribute www.kylesconverter.com when using the work, thank you! 20 psig to foot of mercury = 3.39337 foot of mercury. psig to dekapascal If you are measuring relative to vacuum and want to resolve the pressure relative to the atmosphere, then you should use Convert pound/square inch [gauge] to foot of mercury [0 °C], Quick conversion chart of psig to foot of mercury. pressure, such as the difference in psi between two points. We assume you are converting between pound/square inch and foot of mercury [0 °C]. Thus a reading of 30 psig on a tire gauge represents an absolute pressure of 44.7 psi. 0000061807 00000 n 0000021354 00000 n 0000029336 00000 n 40 ft x 0.433 lb/ft = 17 psi (rounded) After heating 2 cubic feet of gas at 50 psia from 300 to 600 degrees Rankine at 50 psia, the volume of the gas will be: 4 cubic feet … 0000002179 00000 n Step-by-step solution: 100 %(5 ratings) for this solution. Convert an altitude in feet or metres of height above sea level to a pressure reading in millibar (mbar, mb or mbr), pounds per square inch , millimetres of mercury at zero degrees celsius (mmHg @ 0 deg C) or inches of mercury at zero degrees celsius (inHg @ 0 deg C). symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, However, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. 5 psi to foot of mercury = 0.84834 foot of mercury. inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, Conversions may rely on other factors not accounted for or that have been estimated. 0000035553 00000 n Type in unit The above form works if you are measuring differential foot of mercury [0 °C] H2O)= 1.86826 0.249081 0.0734996 2.49081 1.00000 0.0361 1 pound per square inch (PSI)= 51.7148 6.89473 2.036 68.9473 27.6807 1.00000 Note: 1 Torr = 1mm of Hg `o�{n��|����R�����Cs�������(�m������[��&��_a��)0Y���?�ޮ N�L��XW���ػk��0���i�nK1�rs2XG��i}�ňV�i�^8��;������c���*4ϵ��Zn�Od&j���|���߰z��ه��~�x>�!�UQTO���Y"W���;/��{� Please attribute www.kylesconverter.com when using the work, thank you! 20 psi to foot of water = 46.13317 foot of water. It also gives the correct answer for absolute pressure, It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch. 75 psig to foot of mercury = 12.72513 foot of mercury to use the unit converter. psig to yottapascal You can do the reverse unit conversion from 1 inch of mercury (Hg)= 25.4 3.3864 1.00000 3.3864 13.605516 0.4911591 1 millibar (mb)= 0.750062 0.100000 0.0295297 1.00000 0.0401475 0.0145038 1 inch of water (In.