I have been web surfing all the time.Present perfect is tricky but I've got it. For example: ‘You look tired. We also use it for life experiences which happened at any time in the past. (= Her leg is still broken now.). It indicates that action started two hours back and still continuing(not yet finished), Since 2003 I have been working at Hyderabad, They have been dancing on stage Since 2 p.m, She have been staying at Hyderabad for 10 years, He has been learning english the whole year. Srilal. Il present perfect continuous si usa per parlare di fatti iniziati nel passato e che durano nel presente e oltre; spesso in italiano per esprimere questo tempo si usa il presente indicativo. Buy stochastic calculus for finance ii. Oh, sorry, you can’t say ‘I’ve been understanding’. The present perfect has several meanings and uses, so it takes time to understand it and know how to use it well. I have written ten letters since morning. Right, I’ll look at them again. Yet is mainly used in questions and negatives to talk about something which hasn’t happened, but which you thought would happen in the past and you expect to happen in the future. Recently and lately are words that we often find with verbs in the present perfect continuous tense. There’s a constant mist of desert sand, but it’s an interesting place. My Chinese teacher has given me some homework to interview ‘an interesting person’, and translate it into Chinese for Monday. We often use present perfect for talking about something which happened in the past which is important now. And he’s travelled loads!Amy: OK, you’ve convinced me!Daisy: Hi! Play Again! We use the present perfect simple (have/has + past participle) or present perfect continuous (have/has + been + -ing) to talk about a state or an activity that has a link to the present. So you would say ‘She’s been travelling a lot recently.’. Share this web page to your near and dear. Please do not misuse or manipulate for personal benefits. Well, we’ve been talking for ages …. So,she could have been to Berlin? Amy: So is your mum home?Daisy: No, she’s not. Can you help me :-( I don't understand when use present continuous and when use present perfect!!! This will help you to understand the examples in the video. Dear Sir Keywords present perfect continuous. And I’ve eaten at the Burj Al Arab too! A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Click here to see the current stats of this English test Il present perfect continuous si usa per parlare di fatti iniziati nel passato e che durano nel presente e oltre; spesso in italiano per esprimere questo tempo si usa il presente indicativo. No. ‘He’s cleaning the windows at the moment’ or ‘I’m drinking a lot of coffee today’), the action is continuous and unfinished. i don't know even watching this video twice i didn't understand the present perfect and simple. So, she could have been to Berlin last month or ten years ago? eg. So that’s important now because I could have some cake? Your brother, Oliver?? Take a rest!’. Your mum’s been writing her blog for years now, hasn’t she? What were you going to ask her?Amy: Oh, nothing much. Introduzione all'uso e alla coniugazione del present perfect continuous. I am imagining you must be tired. Woweeee! How long have you known Julie? She is still writing the blog now, so the action isn’t complete. We use "present continuous" when we talk about things happening in a period around now, and we can use "present perfect" for these things too!! I have drunk 4 cups of coffee today / I have seen Tom this morning We also use present perfect with just for talking about a recent action. Have you seen her new blog yet? I Prepared this content as per my level of knowledge. But with just for recent actions we usually use present perfect, anyway. She’s won an award.Sophie has been to Berlin before. So that’s one difference between them. )She’s broken her leg. It was a port for a long time before, but the modern city of Dubai is new.Daisy: What have you seen so far?Sophie: Well, I’ve been in the Burj Khalifa – the tallest building – the one in that film with Tom Cruise. If you want to read more about the present perfect continuous, you could have a look at this page from Cambridge dictionary: Present perfect: simple and continuous - grammar snack, Present perfect: simple and continuous - exercises, Present perfect: simple and continuous - answers, Present perfect: simple and continuous - transcript, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/fr/grammaire/grammaire-britannique/present-perfect-continuous-i-have-been-working, How to be a good listener if someone is upset.