It has just been through a growth spurt ... Q. Q. Prayer plants really love soil conditions that drain well, so you should probably add some gravel, perlite, or coarse sand to it to increase drainage. Ensure well-draining soil to prevent root rot and fungus gnats. Asked by Anonymous on August 13, 2012. Seattle, WA (Zone 8a) chiaseede Jan 17, 2020 7:00 PM CST. Answered by theficuswrangler on August 17, 2012. What should I change? Brown Spot On Edge Of Prayer Plant - I have a problem with my Prayer plant. Is your soil constantly moist? Do you have drainage holes in your pot? Q. Healthy Air - I've read that prayer plants are one of the best to promote healthy air in the home. If grown as a houseplant, Maranta has few disease or pest issues. To avoid this problem, water under the leaves directly onto the soil. The other problem that people may have is overwatering a prayer plant. The Green Thumbs Behind This Article: Kevin Espiritu Founder. Prayer Plant Ends Brown - Why did the ends of my prayer plant turn brown? I've had this a little over a week now. The leaves had a bit of crispiness to it but now they're starting to look chewed on or something. Look up maranta (the botanical name) in a plant guide to see if it looks like yours. Join. Please be my light and serve as my guide as I stumble in this path. Q. Red Prayer Plant Problems. Be sure you’re not over-watering and that your container has a drainage hole as well. Are you sure it's a prayer plant? Hi everyone! Is this true, ... Q. I’m having problems with the soil for my prayer plant. My prayer plants have been losing their colors for the past few months. Does it ever have a chance to dry out? All I see now is darkness and endless roads. Is the stem squishy? Is your potting mix heavy? Prayer Plants. Physically are the leaves turning yellow? Prayer Plant - I have a beautiful prayer plant and I mist it every day. Views: 952, Replies: 4 » Jump to the end. A. My prayer plant doesn't close at night. Zucchini Plants; Lawn Problems; Lilac Bushes; Join Us -Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Prayer plants are shallow-rooted plants. Be My Light Prayer Sovereign Lord, I am now troubled with all my problems due to my financial instability. What's wrong? These are questions you can ask yourself to help identify if your plant is being overwatered. So, if they are planted in a deep container with too much soil below its roots, the soil stays soggy for too long and they will develop root rot. Houseplants forum: Prayer Plant Problems. The older leaves are starting to lose their red coloring and the newer leaves don't have any red on them at all. Occasionally, fungal issues can arise on the leaves. 1 hour ago. If you are potting your plant, always use a container with drain holes so the water can drain from the roots and the soil. A good mixture is two parts peat moss, one part loam and one part sand or perlite.