Blue will want to set their purple portal on the small white floor and their blue portal at the top alcove on the left. Now Blue must fire their blue portal at the wall ahead while Orange stands on the switch to move to the weighted cube's location. After a short scene you'll find yourself in the incinerator room. Enter the orange portal drop-blue portal jump pad again for a second time, but this time fire the blue portal onto the wall on the right side of the main entrance. From here, Orange should place portals to allow Blue to reach the top as well, concluding the stage. Slide over the speed gel on the ground and leap to the other end. Let the platform return to the other side, just under the reflection cube dispenser. Move back through the portals to wind up on the other end. Orange must now walk over the bridge and stand above their portal. Fire a portal below the laser and second portal above the laser sensor. Portal 2 is a first-person perspective puzzle game. Place the cube into the laser's path to block the node, lowering the glass wall. Take the jump pad again and you'll arrive at a switch. Set up two portals to reach the exit goal. The light bridge will now be pointing towards the exit door. Orange should wait until the sphere hits the laser beam, and then fire their orange portal at the funnel source. Orange will now want to place one of their portals on the upper wall on the right, and their second portal on the wall behind the ground node. Kotaku: "Liveblogging Whatever Smart Stuff Gabe Newell Has to Say Today",,, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor, 1 GB of RAM on Windows XP or Windows 7 (2 GB on Windows Vista), ATI Radeon HD 2400 / NVIDIA GeForce 8600M / Intel HD Graphics 3000 or higher, nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT / ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 / OpenGL 2.1. In turn Blue should move over to the switch and press it to move the barrier. The amount of speed and the rotated platform will be enough to jet you over to the exit elevator. If a reflector cube is passing through the machine it will pop out in the next few seconds. Set up a portal on the wall and the next one through the gate to complete this floor. Leap into your orange portal to bounce across the wall and emerge through a second grill. Next shoot your orange portal on the left wall so that it catches the weighted cube. At this time we learn of Cave Johnson's secretary/assistant, Caroline, of which Cave is rather fond. Start by first riding the light up to the second level and placing your orange portal above. Once the roof is covered in white, place your blue portal on the ceiling and your orange portal under the blue gel drip. Orange should now grab the reflection cube and align the laser into the node, activating the lift. Place an orange portal on wall to the left and a blue one across the way in the nook on the left. Press Z and hand off the keyboard and mouse to the other person to switch players (tedious, but the only way really). Place your orange portal here and look above to the catwalk high overhead. Once this is done switch your portals to allow access to the weighted switch on the far left. Once Orange is high enough, Blue will want to move the laser over to the right node to raise the second spike trap. Backtrack through the orange portal and arrive at the exit. On this floor fire a blue portal to exit out the orange portal above. Move out to the switch platform, lower the barrier to hit the switch, and quickly turn the barrier back on. Blue gel the far edge and speed jump to the catwalk ahead. Blue will now want to fire their purple portal on the white wall to return to the main area. Over here, set your orange portal in the center so that it's directly under the cube dispenser. Unlike other objects you can freely fire your portal gun while carrying her. Next shoot your orange portal on either on the small white panels behind you. Move into the portals and land in a chasm. This will cause the sphere to pass through Orange's portals and roll around the bridge. Now repeat the same process but instead of sending a cube down, enter the orange portal yourself and slam against the jump platform. Drop through your portals and land on the ledge. Next, orange should place one portal at the end of Blue's bridge source, and another portal on the adjacent wall to block the second set of turrets. Now put one portal inside the funnel source and the wall on the right. Bounce on the gel and enter your orange portal just as the moving platform is under your blue portal. Face the wall with the three large pipes and fire your orange portal on the tilted wall. Pick up the personality sphere and insert him into the node on the wall. They arrive at Wheatley's test chamber which, he says, has been designed with the entire purpose of not allowing Chell to defeat him. Place your blue portal at the end of the light bridge and your orange portal in front of the lone turret to block its laser sights. This next area has a tube gushing white paint. That sounds… interesting? Grab the reflection cube and use it to kill off the next three turrets.