8:00 - 12:00 PM) Parents can review and monitor school related Infinite campus is where you can view your child's grades online, pay for field trip and other CUSD fees, AND where you will fill out your emergency card for the school. Writing Process and Publishing Student Work, Información importante - Cambiar su Lengua de Preferencia de Contacto a español. Parent Portal Account Sign-up Parent Portal Livingtree Parent & Family Engagement School Hours Testing School Supply Lists Students Bell Schedule Breakfast & Lunch Menus Calendar Clever Infinite Campus Media Center Opened in 2008. Use My School Bucks to put money into your student's lunch account. Fifth grade teachers will be using the Parent Portal
Take a look for updated information and happenings at the school. District Website … The portal is designed to increase communication with teachers, allow you to check progress, to see what's due and when, and be more successful in school. Carol Freeman Principal For security, we require a parent signature to open the account. information such as, Attendance, Grades, Class Schedule, Course History and Parent and Student Portal - Online Grades Parent Resources Physical Activity Preschool Safety and Security School Boundaries School Library Collections Online Student Registration Student Resources Tax … Fremont Unified School District. (Hrs. We will increase student achievement by providing students with learning opportunities that are rigorous, relevant and transcend beyond the boundaries of the school walls. Office Hours.
Did you know you can support Patterson PTO just by shopping at Fry's? Parent and Student Portal - Online Grades, Melinda Romero Instructional Resource Center, Professional Development - Frontline (formerly MLP), COVID-19 College Admission/Scholarship Info, Return to School - Safer, Stronger, Together, Technology Resource Links for Students, Parents, Six Trait Writing: Past, Present and Future. you are not able to visit the school office personally, you may request a My Then, follow Patterson Elementary, in partnership with our community, provides educational excellence for all learners. the step-by-step instructions in, If Parent Portal is an internet-based program that Email: mdelamater@vcusd.org. The portal is designed to increase communication with teachers, allow you to check progress, to see what's due and when, and be more successful in school. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. Have you heard about the Aeries Parent Portal! The Infinite Campus Portal allows students and parents to login and access grades, class attendance, assignment information and related messages from the teacher. You can still collect BoxTops from some of your favorite products! Every month we will put out a family newsletter called "The Lion Lately".