They will make it happen. Seers are the passive half of the Understanding class, with their counterpart being Mages. The role of a Seer of Void in a typical Sburb session is passive, but still very busy: as the strategists who direct the other players toward the most unified outcome, they must map out battle tactics, issue orders, and constantly be on the lookout for any new variables that may throw a wrench in their plans, all while staying out of trouble themselves. Being able to steal blood from their enemies to give to their teammates if they are suffering from blood loss. This guide will go over the colours of the hemospectrum, general information in brief, the blood caste sytem, each blood caste in brief, exceptions in hemospectrum, some tips, notes, and warnings, and lastly some helpful links. The Rogue of Blood is pretty much a match maker. As a fighter the Rogue of Blood would take an odd support position. They all secretly want to be friends with their neighbors, but have been brought up to distrust everyone and anyone. Blood rage powers grant powers in a theme. You are the Page of Blood, but I can’t help you much more without knowing about your character, We’ve only seen one canonical Blood planet, and it’s the Land of Pulse and Haze, which belongs to Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood. Characterized by a very slow growth rate, but loads of potential. They essentially reassign bonds. This bard will likely be in a very weird place of both having friends and not having friends and I really couldn’t explain it well enough simply because Bards are so very confusing and can be prone to this kind of weird duality with their aspect. The Bard of Blood is basically some guy who spoils all your plans and relationships either on purpose or accident. Like the Thief of Blood they can steal the literal blood from peoples veins if they can make them bleed. It plays a large role in society and affects how trolls act, along with their powers. As the two are not mutually exclusive, finding something for the Seer of Blood to equip to their strife deck ought to be relatively simple. They can just rearrange friend groups at will with no regard for the feelings of those being shuffled or left behind. If they think two people should be together in a bond. Blood players may also have unique physical blood - such as a mutation, rare blood type, or disease - or a unique bloodline/ family tree. Post God-tiering, they would be an unstoppable unifying force. They fully understand their aspect and share that knowledge with their teammates in order to give the group an advantage. A few close friends would suit them better than a large number of associates, but at the end of the day the Seer of Blood could thrive with either. Rogue: Passive stealing class. The Seer of Blood would have the ability to passively understand emotional bonds, friendship, unity, and responsibility. Using their inherent knowledge of the bonds of enemies, they would be able to convince foes to become allies. Pages can be some of the most The thick roots and branches of this dense forest planet are all interconnected, and snake-like consorts live amongst the vines. Their knowledge of their teammates’ senses of responsibility and friendship will allow them to guide their team toward a unified goal. While not especially popular, they would be very well-liked by those close to them. Once enough of the snakes have seen the error of their ways they’ll be willing to work with the Seer to find their Denizen. They could also play the role of a makeshift healer. And as said earlier they could also set up people with horrible bonds just on a whim. Outfitting them with blood crafted weapons if they so choose. Their love of their friends means that they would try to avoid dying so as not to hurt them - but if their friends depended on the them reaching Godhood, nothing would be able to stop the Seer of Blood from Ascending. Bloodrage Rage Powers Any character meeting the prerequisites can take the following new rage powers. Powers that deal with basic body part or fluids, i.e. Breaking one bond and immediately making another. Pretty much, like I said, playing match maker. I'll take anything adventurous and scary looking but possible for one page of blood. Spilling of blood is a potent force in the working of magic. Breaking one bond up in order to have one part of that bond form another with a different person. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of blood rage powers. They would have to use it to equip their team. Tagged with. They can do a lot of good with their skills… but at the same time can still just as much damage as the Thief if they want. It also associated with the body, especially blood itself. No one could so much as think about betraying their team without the Seer of Blood catching on. Creating other vampires : This may not be much of a shock to you, most assume all vampires can do this. The Seer of Blood would have the ability to passively understand emotional bonds, friendship, unity, and responsibility. Whether it be just a bond of friendship or romantic. Invites knowledge of blood, invites knowledge through blood. The strife specibi of Seers tend to be thin, pointed, jabbing weapons, but Blood players tend to pick items related to their ideal career path. The special ability of a Seer of Blood would be Ultimate Team Arrangements! One who steals their aspect to give to others. Blood players tend to be overly serious - often to a laughable point. Page - One who supplies others with their aspect, like Horuss supplying nothing of use to his team’s efforts, as the Page of Void. While they may be powerful strategists they are pretty crummy fighters, and are better left leaving the dirty work to the other players. Even if they have to tear one or more of the people involved away from the bonds they currently have. Unity and responsibility are front and center with the Seer of Blood. By seeing exactly who would be best suited to work with whom, the Seer of Blood would be able to match teammates together to achieve the strongest possible friendships and ideal work partners. You are the Page of Blood, but I can’t help you much more without knowing about your character. Metaphorically it … Blood is the aspect of unity, family, bonds, friendship, and responsibility. They break apart bonds by stealing one part of it but then immediately make another one with the stolen part and a new third party. They would be very serious and polite, and would hold others to the same standard. Arteries, Blister, Blood, Bodies, Bone, Bruises, Calcium, Capillaries, Cartilage, Cells, Claret, Clots, Cords, Cruor, Cuts, Flesh, Flow, Hearts, Iron, Lacerations, Ligaments, Gore, Joints, Organs, Magnesium, Marrow, Muscles, Nails, Nerves, Plasma, Prions, Pulse, Pumps, Scabs, Scars, Sinews, Skulls, Sweat, Tears, Teeth, Tendons, Valves, Veins, Vessels, Vitality, Wounds. But at the same time they have the power to play with and completely control others social lives. Metaphorically it represents limiting one’s freedom. They are among the most passive and strategic of classes. Now, not all vampires have the powers listed below, some do some don’t, it really depends on the type of vampire. Their more passive nature means that they would not be in battle especially often and as such don’t need the decreased mortality rate associated with Godhood. Here are some words about unity and relationships: Alliances, Anchors, Ardor, Attachments, Binding, Bonds, Burdens, Calling, Cement, Charges, Connections, Contracts, Dedication, Devotion, Duty, Glue, Fetters, Fraternity, History, Knots, Labor, Links, Loyalty, Memories, Obligation, Rings, Rivets, Stability, Strings, Synthesis, Tethers, Threads, Ties, Trust, Unity, Armies, Assemblies, Bands, Beds, Bellowing, Broods, Chains, Clubs, Crews, Cities, Clattering, Clans, Colonies, Company, Coalitions, Congregations, Crash, Dazzle, Drift, Exaltation, Family, Flocks, Gangs, Glare, Herds, Hosts, Kettles, Lamentation, Leagues, Menageries, Mischief, Mobs, Nests, Packs, Parliament, Parties, Phalanxes, Pity, Pods, Pride, Strings, Swarms, Teams, Tribes, Troops, Warrens, Got anything for a page of blood? The potential land of a Seer of Blood might be LOPAB, or the Land of Pulse and Bonds. One who steals their aspect to give to others. Blood players may also have unique physical blood - such as a mutation, rare blood type, or disease - or a unique bloodline/ family tree. The Rogue of Blood is one who steals the bonds of one person to give them to another. Skin, Blood, Bone, etc. There were never any Blood playtester characters, but in GTRPG, Blood is the Aspect of bonds, memories, relationships, and duties. A VERY situational power but it could come in handy. The Rogue of Blood is… a bit of a weird one. The inversion of a Seer of Blood would be a Witch of Breath: one who actively manipulates freedom, change, and wind. This does make a major downside in the power as they can’t steal the blood if they don’t have anyone to support with it. This could be used for great things as the Rogue could end toxic relationships their friends are having and set them up with someone that will treat them better (or if they’re REALLY vindictive they could send the toxic one into a bond with someone even worse than them…). Blood: Control over blood and the bonds between people. Actually more a match fixer. Prior to God-tiering, the Seer of Blood would be a conscientious person, set on helping the people around them and promoting unity. Ascension would be unlikely for a Seer of Blood, but not impossible. Their greatest strengths would be their concern for others and powerful strategic abilities, but their greatest weakness would be their relative weakness in battle. It may be a token sacrifice, but it may also be the loss of life that fuels the spell.Expect mages who practice Blood Magic to be portrayed as evil, or at least dark grey, with possible exceptions made for druidlike nature cults that may be considered amoral. We’ve only seen one canonical Blood planet, and it’s the Land of Pulse and Haze, which belongs to Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood. here. Posted on Monday, February 16 2015. Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor. Let me elaborate. The Seer of Blood must figure out which consorts might be willing to trust others and link friendships like a paper chain - but discretely, as the snakes don’t trust the Seer either. Draining them dry and making them a pretty efficient killer. But they wouldn’t be able to make use of the stolen blood by themselves. Seers tend to be a bit self-righteous, with a strong sense of fairness and justice. Blood: Control over blood and the bonds between people. It’s counterpart is Breath. Rogue of Blood Rogue: Passive stealing class. Unlike their active counterpart they aren’t complete jerks by definition of their powers.