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“Overtraining can have some broad effects on your body, but it typically doesn’t affect your workouts much other than you being more tired or sore, or seeing some overuse injuries start to pop up,” Somerset says. .footer--connect-social .link-header {
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As unpleasant as overtraining syndrome may be, it luckily has a simple (and cheap) cure: rest and recovery. Some important keys to prevention of OTS that have been identified thus far include: periodization of training, ensuring adequate calories and carbohydrate ingestion for training load, ensuring adequate hydration and sleep, adjusting training volume based on performance and mood, being aware of and addressing emotional stress (personal, job, etc. As unpleasant as overtraining syndrome may be, it luckily has a simple (and cheap) cure: rest and recovery. Cardoos N. Overtraining syndrome. Supplements that support recovery from overtraining syndrome: Vitamin C – aids in the growth, development, and restoration of all body tissues. text-align: left;
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Any overtraining is best treated with rest. width: 18px;
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Aubry A, et al. .link-header-desktop {
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The development of functional overreaching is associated with a faster heart rate recovery in endurance athletes. }
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Once symptoms improve, though, don’t try to pick up right where you left off in your training. }
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There are some experts out there who believe in under-recovery and not overtraining. text-align: left;
Start slow and gradually add intensity, volume, and/or frequency as your body re-adapts to your workouts. .footer--awards-wrapper>div.award-bizrate a {
(2). One more thing: As you build back up, be mindful of the symptoms that preceded overtraining in the first place, Young says. }
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If overtraining symptoms creep up again, make note of it so you know how much training was too much. border-bottom: 1px solid #444;
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“The overwhelming majority of people training for fitness won’t ever reach a state of overtraining because they don’t train hard enough,” says, Usually, the effects of overtraining are more obvious on the lifestyle side of things, he adds. cursor: pointer;
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Recovering from overtraining can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on how much recovery time your body needs. text-decoration: none;
Other factors that have been identified as potential triggers of OTS include an excessive number of competitions, altitude exposure, sleep disturbances, occupational and personal stressors, previous illness, monotony of training, and prior heat injury. (1) OTS is defined as a prolonged decline in sports performance (usually greater than 2 months) with many associated psychologic and physiologic symptoms that will be described in more detail below. color: #ffffff;
New posts will not be retrieved. 1.
Once overtraining is suspected, you should keep a daily diary. .footer-wrapper .footer-link-wrapper button.link-header {
People in this state may wake up tired, notice a loss of appetite, and experience. }
“This could be as simple as sleeping more, managing life stresses, and eating better,” Young says. outline-offset: 4px;
“This could mean taking a de-load week, where you reduce workout frequency, volume or intensity,” Somerset says. padding-top: 16px;
If overtraining or Under Performance Syndrome (UPS) has really taken hold, it can take many months to make a full recovery. The symptoms of overtraining are many and include the lack of motivation to race and train, inability to complete most workouts due to fatigue, loss in power, and general overall irritability. .footer-wrapper .footer--flex-container .link-header {
Doing so allows you to keep track of the workouts you did and how you felt doing them. }
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It suggests that too much training causes a buildup of pro-inflammatory cytokines (proteins secreted by the immune system). text-transform: uppercase;
Overtraining is believed to cause a range of responses that exist along a continuum with time to recovery being a major variable that distinguishes them. (3) Again, no markers including biochemical, hematologic, hormonal, or immunologic have been clearly identified in OTS though there are certainly some markers that can be suggestive of it and can be ordered and interpreted by providers with more expertise in OTS. margin-top: 8px;
Or, you could press pause on your workouts entirely. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2015 May-Jun; 14 (3): 157-8, 1. https://www.outsideonline.com/1986361/running-empty. The official term for this: overtraining syndrome. 2004;27(6):603-12. margin-top: 16px;
Today, we are going to do a general overview of OTS including terminology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. font-size: 1.4rem;
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This practice of high intensity cycles followed by lower intensity cycles is called periodization. }
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“When you train, you deplete energy stores, cause small damage to muscle and connective tissue, and add stress to the body, which it has to recover from in order to see the benefits of the training,” explains exercise physiologist Dean Somerset, C.S.C.S. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Overtraining syndrome occurs when you exercise too much without adequate recovery. }
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Eventually, most people get to the point where they can comfortably handle up to five workouts per week without risk of overtraining, so long as they get good sleep, eat enough food to fuel their workouts, and balance other life stresses, Somerset says. Though 80 percent of U.S. adults don’t meet the minimum guidelines for physical activity, some certainly go above and beyond with their exercise routines. max-width: 1440px;
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If you typically track your resting heart rate (RHR) or have a fitness tracker that does it for you, check to see if your RHR has been trending up lately. 4. (1) These high intensity periods should then be followed by periods of lower intensity and lower volume of training. However, symptoms aren’t one-size-fits-all. Education about and screening for OTS in athletes are also an important parts of prevention. color: #ffffff;
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It’s not a great place to be.
If so, you could be overtraining, Somerset says. }
The idea of resting in and of itself can be hard for some highly active individuals so having good psychological support by means of a therapist can be helpful. }
Preventing Future Overtraining Keep a workout diary to track your training. color: #FFFFFF;
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Overtraining can also lead you to re-aggravate old injuries. .footer-wrapper ul li:first-child {
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The Gaudiani Clinic physicians enjoy supporting athletes by addressing their training and fueling concerns and work in conjunction with a treatment team to ensure the whole person receives expert and compassionate care. font-size: 1.4rem;
There is a portion of the fitness community that actually believe overtraining doesn’t even exist. }
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