- quest_step3_0 - kill_ray_4 "Oh that thing can not ever have been human!" We are here. "I am a god! In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. ""Y'know, I've hated Richtofen for so long, I've almost forgotten why. Unknown Person:  *inaudible*Nero Blackstone:  Just to be clear, can you please tell me precisely how much, uh, debt my wife has accumulated? Understood sir, confirmed drop in T-minus 5. Dr. Edward Richtofen: - kill_quad_3 No! etc. - wpck_monkey_d_4 "What must be done to rid this realm of your evil!" - box_move_3 In fact, I'm sure you won't forget it! Did you set up the device correctly?Dr. You will have to seek it out, and then return here and activate the spire. Date: September 17th, 1945. drunk!"Dr. "Like my first wife; useless." That you moved a walnut a few feet? Those Easter Egg quotes will be in orange. "Maxis tried many songs before he discovered the key." - egg_room_dress_0 These transcripts are intended as a fair use reference for critical analysis and fanfic authors. The \"original characters\" (Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen, and Takeo) once again appear as the four playable characters, this time as younger, alternate versions of their original selves, having large differences in their personalities. "What the hell were you doing here you creepy fucks." "For your safety, please stay clear of the mechanical repair *inaudible*." Mr. Rapt:  As you can see, these documents give some indication as to the considerable amounts of money we are talking about. Besides, he was a piece of shit. - game_start_d_0"You do not sound like an innocent when you speak with such tone." "Their energy is being refocused. "One of them is down!" I will see it again." Where the hell is my Vodka?!Dr. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. - napalm_spawn_2 "Yeah, yeah! *Gas hisses*Samantha Maxis: Hahahaha! Ah shit, kinda late for that. I know some would think me mad but I am nevertheless forced to conclude that Samantha herself may be the key to everything. "Got it! _______________________________________________________________________________________________, Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: They're entering my head! FUCK YOU!" "Now which one of you is going to take care of that little bastard while everyone else runs around?" There is a chain of events that must be set in motion. Do you know that tune? - egg_skit_travel_1_3 I think." "I need better firepower if I am to open the gateway." "Warning. It may have been a long time ago, but I am sure you would not have forgotten. We will do this on our own and publish the findings before he has a chance to.Dr. The resupply is not scheduled for another week. - weappick_ppsh_03 *Flashbacks to the four celebrities fighting against the zombies are seen.Danny Trejo (flashback): We're completely surrounded!Michael Rooker (flashback): Come on! - egg_dolls_5 Now that I am in control of the station, we have one last chance to sever Edwards link with Earth. "I think the Red Menace would be interested in this space rock." "You know, I think I'm starting to miss the other three..." "Just like the Solomon Isles!" I told him where to go, hahaha. It's believed that Arlington, aka The Weasel, somehow convinced three other inmates that he had devised a fool-proof plan to escape "The Rock." That was not the intent. Something worse than me." "Three." I will calculate the position, retrieve the artifact, and take it to the launch platform." - feedback_kill_headd_03 "Oh, you may be small, but you have the potential to be a destroyer of worlds!" That is the nature of our quest._______________________________________________________________________________________________Nikolai Belinski:  German, I will keep asking until I get an answer. I fear we will soon succumb to madness and delusion. "Maybe this is where they built that Wunderwaffle thingy?" Justice came swiftly. *Russman with his belongings outside a tall building implying the incident is him being let go/fired*Russman: Yeah, I think I remember... A town.Abigail "Misty" Briarton: That's right!Marlton Johnson: That's where you found us! "Take that egg!" We keep moving, we keep fighting. Bus fees will be punished severely." Ruined!!" - box_move_d_4 Male actor: Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Yeah I think that radio tells how they went to DR to Kino. Mr. Rapt:  I'm looking for an All-American girl, a real beauty. Date: December 4, 1939. "This temple looks very familiar to me, I especially like the large, decorative rocks. Jessica Rose:  I couldn't have trusted that producer anyway. "The Red Zone is for loading and unloading of passengers only. It is my firm belief this item is instrumental to harnessing the energy of the Elemental stones. He says, "HERE THEY COME" so he knew about them which leads me to believe they tried to barricade them somewhere and it didn't work, the guy had Quick Revive so he didn't die, and all the other guys went to turn on the power. What could possibly go wrong. - egg_response_10 I must've been good this year!" "I had thought the staff parts were lost forever." Unfortunately, neither the rod, nor the stones, have been recovered from any of our dig sites. "Wait, I think I have seen this, on my travels..." Test subject has been reduced to the same state as previous subjects. *camera pans around Der Eisendrache*Dr. Edward Richtofen: The road is long and dark, but I know where we are going. Edward Richtofen:  Yes Doctor. "This V-R11 shall yield to me all their secrets." I think I'm offended." _______________________________________________________________________________________________Nikolai Belinski:  It's not all bad news, Nikolai. "Perhaps this infant offspring despises its entirely monstrous family tree." -, "Ah, same weapon I used to kill my second wife, it was accident... She talked to much.". Richtofen. ", "Good, the trichotomus system is almost complete. He lays her down on the grass), (Travis walks down the corridor and notices a man standing in front of the elevator), (Travis steps out of the elevator and sees a nurse standing ahead with her back turned. Your help has been invaluable. - capture_zombies_d_3 - rare_1 I came across some old Nazi documents. - egggame_egg6_0, "Hey little girl, I'm comin' for ya!" DON'T TOUCH THAT! That guy's gonna get what's comin' to him, one of these days anyway." I recognize them. "I do not know this weapon, but I can feel the energy of 115 within." It's hard!" We must get out of here. Ludvig Maxis:  Remember what I told you Edward, the scars left by Samantha's past actions allow us to communicate across the rift. - crawler_kill_d_0 - cosmo_egg_9 - meteor_see_1 - cosmo_egg_7 Leave me alone!" "Ooooh, what an interminable wait." Edward Richtofen: Very good, I will proceed with Operation Shield and join you shortly.Dr. "This future is such an interesting place." -, "I guess this is what they meant by Hell freezing over, huh?" - meteor_see_0 I have been instructed to meet with him on a matter of great importance to our Nation. ""Okay more to the point, why the hell did you just blow your own brains out? Doctor Richtofen is insistent in his belief that they have been transported not through space - but through time. - kill_streak_1 Step off the bus to see beautiful Yellow Stone Park." - wpck_bowie_1 I know who you are. - wpck_favorite_3 Hello? Get me Dr. Maxis._______________________________________________________________________________________________Dr. - wpck_ray_d_0 "By the looks of it, this thing doesn't fire standard rounds." Error. "With compliments from the German Army!" Oh so soon." Edward Richtofen:  That wasn't my body, that was someone else entirely. "I have seen everything...  done everything! "I will kill you yet, Fluffy." I have seen each and every one of your misdeeds. - pickup_fire_d_0 Maybe they stole this from Japan..." - egg_pedastool_1 I just washed my hair zombie, once a year!" Takeo, can you hand me that screwdriver?" Edward Richtofen: I suppose this must be the replacement specimen. "Hey, does anyone else hear that singing?" Fifteen days, at the most. "Droppin' zombies since 1945! AND YES!! *German military truck (five men) is driving down the road with a cryogenically frozen “Dempsey” in back* "Ah, coniferous trees, native to the area. Men working on the installation of the generators reported seeing ancient figures emerging from the mound. - teleport_gersh_device_2 Our actions at Belleau Wood seem to have brought their Spring Offensive to a grinding halt. For reasons that I struggle to comprehend, it appears that she somehow holds dominion over this realm. Something very important.Samantha Maxis: Yes.Dr. - start_2 "Ooh, I will have your head for this, child!" Edward Richtofen: I would by no means discourage that thought. - weappick_tesla_0, Automated Voice: R-4808n 27 14 06 115 48 40 (Area 51 coordinates). We were awaiting the test subjects arrival from the castle but they never showed. "Element 115, concentrated into a single beam of pure badassery! I do believe that we may have turned the tide on the battle, but at what cost? Another day, another failure. "Abandoned power facility up ahead, you should bark and light up the neighborhood why don't ya." They believed their discoveries would assure Germany's ultimate victory - but they could never have imagined just what else their research would unearth. "Nein! Edward Richtofen:  Pictures, Dempsey. We must secure our extraction from this cursed place." *teleporter noise is heard*Dr. Edward Richtofen: Hahahahaha! - quest_step5_11 - kill_ray_d_5 Edward Richtofen: Nein, there is something else we must do. "I don't know who Jim Bowie was, but he must've been big and long and sharp." Stop it!" - game_start_meet_3_d_0 Well, me primarily, but through me, all mankind." What is this "Embrace your fate. I fight because I have to.Takeo Masaki:  You have a great disdain for the German. "As we drive over this collapsing bridge, please remember there is no afterlife that your loved ones will be joining you in." You have freed it! Well what map then? - hear_samantha_3_d_0 - build_dd_final_d_1 Edward Richtofen:  Yes, hold on to that thought, Takeo. - quest_step6_3 She... or someone else?" Recently I discovered that Dr. Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. "Oh look, you got the Wunderwaffe DG-2! - pap_arm_d_1 static* at all costs, repeat, Der Riese must be contained at all costs. "I will rid the Earth of this plague!" "And delete. "Like a circle, the paths of life meet at both ends." "Darkened hole in a cliff, just ahead." Yeah! "Hoorah Devil man!" We have one microgram of the element which, according to our calculations, will be entirely used up during the test.Dr. - mine_see_2 Groph: Kill it Schuster! "The Devil's dogs... Heh, no match for the U.S. *phone is heard ringing*Jack Vincent:  Hey.Snitch: *inaudible*Jack Vincent:  We got a problem.Snitch: *inaudible*Jack Vincent:  A big problem.Snitch: *inaudible*Jack Vincent:  The mayor's trying to make a name for himself, stickin' his nose where it don't belong. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Rocket approaching disposition." *Computerized voice: “Target located.”*Dr. Groph: Bring him here, immediately. "I would let you die German, but I need you alive." "Though our situation is familiar, I sense new possibilities!"