A few of the more popular ones are in the Crazy Place, by Generator 4 (Jug) and by Generator 5 (Stamin-Up). They have the same health as regular zombies and they will drop a Max Ammo if they are killed while attacking a generator (or when they turn off the last active generator). Now it’s time to look at some strategies using the Ice Staff. At this point you’ll need to consider an alternate source of ammunition, killing zombies in an alternate way, or swapping to another staff (usually the Wind Staff) until the next round. For the Easter Egg, you literally do just about everything that you can do on this map. Game The Demonic Announcer for this map is Samantha Maxis, who has a different voice compared to the other maps where she is the Demonic Announcer. The wagons are re-lit each round, provided it is not raining. ASMB aren't super necessary at first, it is easy enough to walk a zombie or 3 over at the ends of rounds, eventually getting them. The first charge is all that you need for the Ice and Wind Staffs, but charging your staff twice will increase its power if you are using the Fire Staff or Lightning Staff. Thank you again. These are the Wonder Weapons of the map, and you are allowed to carry one at a time. If the Generator Zombies come and you really need to fill your Ice Staff with ammo, allow them to turn off all generators and wait by the last one for the free Max Ammo. The three draw their guns on each other before they all point them towards another figure in the room. Enjoy killing the helpless Panzer!​. Wait for zombies, hop back to tank and activate. From the reward box. As the name implies it kills zombies with fire (fireballs, or when charged, fire pits). If playing Solo you will only encounter one Panzer at a time. Treyarch's official tweet on Origins' background. In an ideal game you’ll get all your equipment and Ice Staff and camp till round 70, then start training at one of the spots above. Optimally, you should be using the Ice Staff as much as you can, but eventually you’ll start a round, get your four drops, and you will not get a Max Ammo among them. Firstly, the Elemental Fist is practically worthless in Solo play as the zombies come too fast to justify using it - by the time you’re done camping with the Ice Staff, the fist will be obsolete. As I hinted earlier, one of the advantages to having the Rain Fire step of the Easter Egg activated is that all three robots traverse the map together every minute and a half. In my 116 game the rounds dragged on when I ran out of ammo, then had to run ALL THE WAY from The tank station to gen 4 to get the robot to come. The figure is revealed to be a Zombie clad in old Crusader regalia. It has a lot of ammo. Fountain Statue. Earlier I wrote a list of things that you will need for a good game with one or two staffs. Damage your zombie and leave the area. Our most popular pages made convenient for easier navigating. Getting sucked in all the way by him almost always results in your death. Now, we’ve finally reached the part of the guide I’ve been waiting for: the real high rounds strategy. It can be seen here. Origins contains six generators. Thanks for reading! You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. The reason why is that the pieces for the Ice Staff, which is crucial to almost all Round 50+ strategies (and for getting all the perk slots), can only be dug up with your shovel. The Mark IV tank performs somewhat similarly to the bus on TranZit. You make all and upgrade all the staffs, get and upgrade the One Inch Punch, earn and use the Air Strikes and do almost all the challenges in the map. The portion represents the player's path from the spawn room to Generator 3, slightly tweaked with a slope leading to the top of the mount. Just make sure not to put the Maxis Drone into the portal or your game will end! Once all six are online, you can use the Pack-A-Punch machine in the middle of the map. You can ride it halfway around the map for 500 points. Are on the map, any that you attempt to drop will explode immediately. Upgrade the staffs and put the thunder, ice and wind in the robots and the fire below the pack a punch. Revealed in the cinematic intro of Origins, zombies in typical crusader attire appear, but only spawn at the four entrances to The Crazy Place and the main Excavation Site in the center of the map. You will get three free drops every several rounds, which have a 1/6 chance of being Max Ammos. The zombies overwhelm the garrison of German soldiers before emerging from the ruins and onto the battlefield and killing all remaining German forces. Yep, you heard me right. Next to the tank (between tank and stairs) Atop the vehicle is Tank Dempsey, kicking a zombie off before jumping off himself and engaging the zombies with an MG 08, soon switching to a knife and a Remington New Model Army revolver. Origins is one of the most challenging Zombies maps that Treyarch has ever released. You have more than once given me very appreciative comments and your confidence in my words is huge and I am grateful. Swap weapons to cancel the charge, or release the trigger to shoot. If the tank rides over you, you will die instantly. If you do not get ammo, your rounds will take significantly longer and you will have to resort to using other ways to kill Zombies than killing them yourself, which both takes more time and is more risky. This means that the only way to get more ammo is getting Max Ammo drops. Step 1 - Secure the keys. The Lightning Staff kills zombies with electricity, as its name implies. Origins provides six ways to get a Max Ammo: Having as many of these options available as possible will allow you to have more options in case you don’t get a Max Ammo from regular zombies. You can actually get all 5 if you pick up Double Tap last from the Reward Box. Being stepped on by a robot results in instant death (unless you have the Golden Helmet). Game will end like MOTD, and enjoy the cutscene. Within the middle of the map in Verruckt, there is a fountain statue. Digging up a Max Ammo (rare, and requires a Golden Shovel). That being said, you can 'glitch' this; example: round 3, Odin starts to come through, you kill off round 3 and 4 before he finishes, as soon as he is done, you will get the 3 robot lock step (on 5, because it didn't get time on 4) It meant to come on 4, but the lone robot wasn't done. Activating generators: if you step off of the pad as it activates, you will lose your 200 points. Either way, the best high round strategy for the sake of ammo conservation is training, so let’s take a look at the best places to do so: In an ideal game you’ll get all your equipment and Ice Staff and camp till round 70, then start training at one of the spots above. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players. In my games I use the Ice Staff behind the Tank Station with the Tank thrown in, otherwise I stay in No Man's Land. 10/10, great guide! To use the Mystery Box, perk machines or the Wunderfizz machine, the nearby generator must be activated. The reward boxes allow you to access the following rewards: 1 Max Ammo for powering on six generators. The zombies have yellow and blue eyes in this map. On the scaffolding left of the entrance to the Excavation Site entrance facing spawn area next to a crate. Little Lost Girl is a zombies achievement/trophy featured in Origins. The Air Strike grenade is a new tactical grenade that works like a Monkey Bomb but has a lot more kill power. Throwing grenades into the previous footprint, or next to the foot that is already down, can open the portal on the bottom of the foot so it is already open as it crosses the map. Insta-Kill is not a bad option for this either, though. To get them however, hitting the mystery box won't make it. Origins easter egg bo3 solo guide Indeed lately is being sought by consumers around us, maybe one of you. For the quicker strategies, the main thing you need to decide before you start is if you want to use a staff. Then you kill the last round 7 zombie. Activision, Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Black Ops titles, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare titles, Call of Duty: WWII are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. We are not affiliated with Activision nor its developers Treyarch, Sledgehammer, or Infinity Ward. Step 2 - Ascend from darkness. If playing Solo you will only encounter one Panzer at a time. When killed, he drops a piece of the Fire Staff the first time, then a random power-up each time after that. Click here to see how to obtain it. Generator zombies: once you pap, losing some generators can be fine. It is always recommended to have a shovel. Each of the giant robots contains a piece of the Wind Staff, which can be retrieved by shooting the bottom of their foot when it is lighted up and then allowing them to step on you.