m/photos/tango-/5762887776/" ti/Moment/Getty Images. that visit our garden. With Jeff and his Dad, I learned what to expect when they called me outside. The older I get, the more I realize all the things we learn from our parents, and often the best lessons are learned just by watching how they live. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! YES hope is eternal! John 16:33, One of hundreds of photos being taken at that very moment, all around the Tidal Basin. Hope you have a wonderful week. Currently, it resides in the Bayerisches National Museum. I am so happy to have you visit us here! I think the world would be a better place if all children were loved, nurtured and respected. He always has interesting things to share. So even while civilizations thrive, they are merely hiding the beast. Five basic elements of human civilization include population, culture, material products, social organization and social institutions. However odd these objects may seem, I chose an aluminum ring, a computer and a Christmas stocking. Wish I could have seen the turkeys. Social organization refers to the appointment or election of societal members to critical social and political positions, and social institutions include religion, education, family and governmental organizations. I do think being interested in lots of things keeps us young. To embrace the message that new life brings > Hope Springs eternal. His many interests have kept him young. He can spot wildlife better than anyone I’ve ever known, often noticing a deer hidden in the nearby woods as he drives down the highway going just over the speed limit. Anyway, its fun! I wish it for everyone. The bunny is so precious. That sounds hilarious although it wouldn’t be if it damaged the equipment. Thanks Sheila, I am feeling much better this morning. But take heart! ♦ March 18, 2013 Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Apollo 11 Stones. me too, BeLOVE Julia, O,me too. The size of a society's population greatly influences change because there will be more people who come up with more ideas. Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? Some were strutting around the hens. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Culture affects a society's values and beliefs, as well as its language and knowledge. A bit off the subject, but I love my father in law. Yes, so true. ... Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf) (quiz) Up Next. Good point. More than once, we’ve missed hitting a deer crossing the road because he spots it in time to brake. What an absolutely charming post!…maybe because I also love wildlife and nature so much. We are lucky to have had compassionate parenting. Thank you for letting me share this. How many times has my Father beckoned me with a great surprise awaiting only to have me ask for a more detailed explanation before responding? He really was, thanks for that and for your post. In fact, the absolutely mind-boggling Antikythera Mechanism – a corroded clocklike object found among the ruins of a sunken ship – may prove that advanced scientific technology existed far earlier than we ever thought possible. Morals, ethics, values, virtues, and principles are sundered like marble columns and stone arches before our very eyes as the foundational premise of our civilization collapses. ( Log Out / I don’t know how he does it, because sometimes it’s a baby turtle about the size of a quarter, or a bunny no bigger than my fist. April 2013, Pasha captures the ultimate rabbit, spring 2011, I saw this beautiful stained glass in a shop in Bar Harbor, Maine, June 2012, A sailboat off the coast of Barbados, March 2010, This tiger swallowtail fluttered by in time to pose for today’s quote, August 2013. Hi Larry, I could follow you until you got to the part about the ten toes – Jeff wants to know if it has anything to do with steel-toed boots? Bill told him our gift is being able to converse with him. Hope you and Jeff are feeling better too. And I thank you as well. mwaaa. From philosophy to technology to zoology - they created some phenomenal inventions - many of which are still used today. Julia Sheila. Paleolithic objects. That character and Bible book are very close to my heart right now. I am honored if you want to link to my post. I’ve learned to grab my camera on the way out. I couldn’t agree more, thanks for that quote. My post is about spring (or the lack there of). At the end of World War II, one could say there was the "free world" and the Soviet Union. Wish you could have been with me driving home from work today. I like the photo. What Are Five Elements of a Civilization? As springtime arrives, I hope to see and enjoy the new life springing up all around us…and I’ll remember Ashleigh’s words! Ask me sometime and I will tell you the story. A symbol is an object, action, or idea that represents something other than itself, often of a more abstract nature. Their simplified vernacular has all but receded from our awareness in many circumstances, merging with our subconscious as we navigate… by Gregg Prescott, […] What wonderful memories you must have of your father in law. . ( Log Out / Makes my day! I just stepped outside for a minute and heard a bird singing in the snow! Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? I’m glad you shared about your father-in-law. Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf) Venus of Willendorf. That’s very unusual for this time of year here, but I remind myself that no matter what, spring is still on the way. But he’s also good at spotting the tiniest creatures while he’s out mowing or working in the yard. I suppose Jeff and my eyesight being better than yours and George’s contributes to our spotting things that would otherwise be missed. Driving around in those state tractors, he had many hours to see wildlife as well. My dad was the same way, and instilled a love of animals in all of us. Lord of the Flies can also be viewed as a political allegory. I have a hummingbird feeder that I keep intending to put out here; maybe this will be the year I get that done. You can almost see him thinking, “Maybe if I hold really still they won’t see me…” Thanks for visiting! We have some woodpeckers in the wooded lot behind our York home, and one year they actually decided to have a go at the trim on our detached garage until we caught them and figured out how to prevent it. Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. , Finally the hummingbirds have returned. This is the currently selected item. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. I saw a flock of at least 25 turkeys. The tapestry known as Summer’s Triumph was created in Bruges (the capital of West Flanders province in the Flemish Region of Belgium) around 1538. I find it so calming and therapeutic to be around animals of almost any kind. I love your photo so much today Julia, I’m going to link your post to my post for tomorrow if that’s ok. xK. Yes, I always love to talk with others who can understand my enthusiasm about such things. I wish I were more like that. This means there is a collection of artifacts thought by archaeologists to represent a particular society.What is known about archaeological cultures is based on artifacts, rather than texts. Like his father, he will stop what he is doing to come call me, never telling me what surprise is outside, only asking me to come and see. antennae on the roof. I didn’t know Kushner had come out with a book on Job. Have great respect for people who care for critters. Signs and symbols have become ubiquitous in our modern lives. I am also thankful to have all 10 toes on feet. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/www_publicradio/tools/media_player/popup.php?name=minnesota/news/programs/daily_circuit_2/2012/10/18/dailycircuitkushner_20121018_64. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 4 The Summer’s Triumph Tapestry. I can’t imagine having anyone else cut the grass for us, for fear they wouldn’t be so careful to avoid mowing over the critters and their babies. ( Log Out / Summer’s Triumph is famous (or infamous) among conspiracy theorists because it clearly depicts a number of distinctly UFO-like objects flying in … Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Aren’t we lucky to have had such great parents? Change ), In this world you will have trouble. Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf) (quiz) Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. I appreciate your visits here! We keep our binoculars on the table at the bay window off of our kitchen in order to look at things in and around the creek behind our house. "Be careful how you behave towards wild things - remember that, to them, you represent civilization." Good Monday Morning, Julia and Jeff. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/www_publicradio/tools/media_player/popup.php?name=minnesota/news/programs/daily_circuit_2/2012/10/18/dailycircuitkushner_20121018_64, Wake Me Up When It Gets Here | Boomdeeadda, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You would think that I would learn to recognize when God has blessings in store, but for some reason, that’s a harder lesson for me as well. I am sitting here with a smile on my face just thinking about it! Modeling is the best teacher around. I’ve never heard of one going after a TV antenna! Thanks for your comment, it was almost like a quick trip to middle Tennessee! Many a summer’s evening I would be relaxing inside the Tennessee home where Jeff grew up, enjoying one of his mother’s books, and his dad would call to me from the porch, “Julia, come here for a minute!” I always loved hearing those words, because it usually meant at least one deer was outside, and sometimes more than one, although sometimes it would be a bird’s nest or a rabbit or a turtle or even a snake (but I’m not sure if that’s my memory or my imagination coming up with that one). ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I’m so glad your hummingbirds are back! Hope is his best defense, hope that no one notices his presence. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. In order to define my culture, I selected three objects to represent me and my culture in a broad spectrum. I call it hope. What a sweetie. The idea of culture that we all share is extremely complex, so it is hard to define any parts of it without the use of symbolism. If my brother Eric reads this comment he will probably tell you that he could show you almost that many turkeys anytime you visit our family! Bill’s dad had his 91st birthday yesterday, St. Patrick’s Day, and he also enjoys his home in Tennessee. One of my favorite memories about my husband’s late father is the way he loved wildlife. Many a summer's evening I would be relaxing inside the Tennessee home where Jeff grew up, enjoying one of his… I have shared several of your blogs with him. ♦ 33 Comments, Jeff spotted this baby bunny hiding between the begonias and bleeding hearts, June 2007, “Be careful how you behave towards wild things – remember that, to them, you represent civilization.” — Ashleigh Brilliant. Author Mark Bowden writes in our 101 Objects Special Issue: Though unmanned, remote-controlled drones had been used in times of war since World War II, they were revolutionized in 1995. I guess it’s partly because I have a heart “too soon made glad” in some ways, or maybe I just like surprises.