This online resource has been developed for parents of preschool children who are preparing their child for Kindergarten. If my child has special education needs, how will these be met? Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Parents' Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabuses, Standards-referenced Assessment in Primary Schools, Parents guide to the NSW primary syllabuses. This guide outlines how simple things that you can do at home – such as providing a range of craft materials to help develop the muscles in small hands, or reading to your child every day – can help your child learn to write. The Board of Studies NSW has responsibility for the development of curriculum and curriculum support materials for all schools in New South Wales from Kindergarten to Year 6, Years 7-10, and Years 11-12 and for the development and conduct of examinations leading to the award of the School Certificate (SC) and the Higher School Certificate (HSC). The guide also helps parents to understand the types of writing that are taught at primary school. A syllabus describes what should be covered in each learning area at each stage of schooling. These are the mandatory subject areas taught in all NSW schools. It also helps parents understand what their child is learning about mathematics at primary school. Parents. Buy the writing guide from the BOSTES Shop. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. Teachers are using a new tool called Program Builder to develop teaching and learning programs for their students. The BOSTES Stage statements for primary schools replace the BOSTES foundation statements as each of the new syllabuses is introduced (details of the implementation schedule). See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. The remaining 20% of the school week is left free for additional activities at the school’s discretion. Get our latest COVID-19 advice. You can read the statements for each primary learning area on the BOSTES website. Languages: design a bilingual postcard of a Japanese garden to be sent home to a friend. support them at home. This is an example which may be taught in Year 5 or Year 6. The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) developed new K–10 syllabuses for English, Mathematics, Science (incorporating Science and Technology K–6) and History and Geography that incorporate agreed Australian curriculum content. ‘Syllabus’ and ‘curriculum’ are often used to describe the same thing, although ‘curriculum’ can also be a more general term to describe everything taught in schools. There are many ways for teachers to organise lessons effectively, and individual lessons may cover topics from more than one subject. These include the NESA K – 10 Curriculum Framework and Statement of Equity Principles and the Melbourne Declaration on Educational The BOSTES syllabus requirements can be taught in 80% of a typical 9 am to 3 pm five-day school week. K–6 syllabuses in New South Wales are organised in broad stages that describe the sequence of learning experiences through which students will progress. Having a range of percentages allows schools to be flexible in implementing the syllabus and to program more time for English in the earlier years. NSW English K–10 Syllabus; NSW Mathematics K–10 Syllabus; NSW Science K–10 Syllabus; NSW History K–10 Syllabus; Read HSIE K–6 Guide. If you are not a member of the English statewide staffroom, join our professional community. This guide is designed to assist parents in teaching their children, from birth through the primary school years, about reading in the home.