It has also now become the first State to get the first draft of its own updated NRC. Discrimination against Muslims and Bengalis. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a list of Indian citizens of Assam. But even then, there would be a massive number of stateless persons. It was mentioned that the immigrants up to the cutoff date would get all rights as Indian citizens. "description": "The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a list of Indian citizens of Assam. Of the 3.3 crore applicants, over 19 lakh were excluded from the final list. Whether such people will be deported to Bangladesh or established in separate colony or removed from voters list but allowed to reside in their present homes- These issues are been deliberated by Government of India and the SC. Your email address will not be published. }, "@type": "NewsArticle", The parallel processes of NRC, the voters’ list of the Election Commission, and the Foreigners’ Tribunals with the help of the Assam Border Police have led to utter chaos, as none of these agencies is sharing information with each other. This list excluded 19,06,657 people while 3.11 crore makes it to the citizenship list. And Descendants of Persons whose cases are pending before the foreigners tribunal. राष्ट्रिय नागरिक रजिस्टर के वर्तमान मुद्दे से यह कैसे जुड़ा हुआ है? The AASU has described it as an initiative to misguide people before pushing the. "@context": "", The committee would look into the effectiveness of initiatives taken since 1985 to implement Clause 6. "@type": "Organization", 108 : IFS(M)-2020 Political campaigns favor deportation. Sir, what should one include to get more than eight marks in this answer? There could be biometric profiling of those 40 lakh people to ensure they do not move to other states. (1) if suggesting about what should be done to those 40 lakh people not mentioned in the NRC. In the “Conclusion“, don’t give long list of suggestions / “way forward” about what should be done with illegal immigrants. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Assam has a history of being a recipient of large-scale immigration from outside. The NRC updated periodically since 1951, when it started. propose Triple Talaq Bill / Ordinance? I highly appreciate your work and efforts. Reading Time: 7 mins Assam’s final National Register of Citizens (NRC) has been published. The updating process started in May 2015 and ended on 31 August 2015. So the government is accused of putting the official burden on people. "headline": "National Register of Citizens", The National Population Register (NPR) updation exercise will be undertaken alongside Census 2021.. They’re not yet declared illegal, they’re given opportunity to present proofs. Even though certain initiatives have been taken in this regard, the clause still needs to be implemented fully. if they registered and lived for 10 years, they’ll be given citizenship. It is certain that after all the claims and objections are dealt with, the actual number of deletions will be reduced considerably. 1. 0 if long list of suggestions given under the heading ‘Way forward’, because that’s not asked. It has been implemented for the state of Assam starting in 2013–2014. GS1-2018 is crossing syllabus-boundary for the sake of unpredictability, [Download] UPSC Mains-2018 Essay Paper, Including Topicwise last 26 YEARS Essay Question Papers (1993-2018), [Studyplan] Combined Defense Services CDS: booklist, strategy, free study material, previous papers, cutoffs, physical medical, Mrunal’s Full Length Mains Mock Paper Round1 [FLM/R1] UPSC GSM3: Economy, Agriculture, Environment, Disasters, Science & Security, Some insights on medical tests /checkup for UPSC IAS/IPS civil service exam, [Mock Test #1] NCERT 100 MCQs from Class 6 (All), 8 (Science) & 10 (All), Those who entered after 1/1/1966 upto 24/3/1971, Enumerate the major points of the ‘Assam accord (1985)’. Thus around 40 lakh applicants have been left out in the draft list as per the exclusion criteria. These include cultural centres and film studios, and financial assistance to historical monuments and xatras (Vaishnavite monasteries). Most of the pre-1971 immigrants of East Pakistan/ Bangladesh origin who have been living all these years with the tag of a foreigner have now found a place in the citizens’ register. With no end to uncertainty, NRC seems to be a process without an end. "height": 50 NRC is in violation of India’s neighborhood first policy because there is a growing fear in Bangladesh that those excluded from NRC will be deported to Bangladesh. 87 : CDS 2021-I This cut-off date was originally agreed to in the 1985 Assam Accord. The indigenous people were alarmed at the scale of this immigration as it causes huge loss of opportunities and these change in demographic dimensions will eventually affect state politics. The NRC is an exercise to identify Indian citizens living in Assam, a state marked by illegal migration from Bangladesh. People who entered the state without documents after March 24, 1971, will be declared a foreigner and were to be deported. The updated NRC will count only those as Assam citizens who can prove their residency on or before March 21, 1971. That’s not asked here. It was prepared in 1951, following the census of 1951. Their names would be deleted from electoral rolls and disenfranchised for period of 10 years. Existence of name in the legacy data: The legacy data is the collective list of the NRC data of 1951 and the electoral rolls up to midnight of 24 March 1971. The central government assured that those left out of the NRC would be able to file claims before September 28 and this date could be further extended. The issue of Bengali-speaking outsiders, both Hindus and Muslims, first from East Pakistan, and then Bangladesh, has been a long-standing problem for the indigenous people of the state. The Register is meant to establish the credentials of a bona fide citizen as distinguished from a foreigner. Body#2: What is NRC, How it is connected with Assam Accord? Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) AFSPA was enacted in 1958 to bring ‘disturbed’ areas declared under it under control. Thank You for providing a model answer POINTS /STEPS. It is not clear how this will work for those who have worked for generations in India, or what will be the fate of children of such individuals. The NRC was introduced to identify illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and recognise the Indian citizens in Assam. Therefore, a well-coordinated, nationwide move to work out a solution within humanitarian parameters is the need of the hour. Of the 3.3 crore applicants, over 19 lakh were excluded from the final list. Visit for more on UPSC Mains Answer-writing for General Studies Paper-2 (GSM2). “‘Confidential’ report on Assam Accord released ” which is of the date 12 August 2020 Thanking you in advance. Download June 2020 IE Magazine PDF for FREE! } Hence in 1985, the Central government and the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) signed the Assam Accord. National Population Register. It would hold discussions and evaluate the quantum of reservation of seats in the Assembly and local bodies for Assamese people. Earlier, following the Supreme Court’s order, the Government conducted the NRC updating exercise in Assam and as a result over 19 lakh applicants failed to make it to the NRC list. List Salient Features (150 words), [Model Answer] UPSC GSM2: Diplomacy- Modi’s De-hyphenation Policy vs Nehru’s NAM Policy (250 words, 15 Marks), [Model Answer] UPSC GSM2: Son Meta-Preference impact on India’s Gender Inequality Index (GII) at UNDP (250 words), [Economy] RBI Urjit Patel Committee: 4% CPI, Nominal Anchor, Multiple Indicator, Monetary Policy Framework Reforms (Part 1 of 2), [AnswerKey] UPSC Prelims-2020: Geography MCQs Solved with Explanation for All Sets & Strategy for 2021, [Download] UPSC Mains-2018 GSM1 Topicwise All Papers (2013-2018).