There are lower rates for younger workers. You can say that again. Read an article that Norway’s life expectancy ,from memory,is under 80 years.This, for example ,is below Australias.The main reason given was that there was a lot of depression in Norway and that it is hard to find work. Taking a page right out of the USA playbook when it comes to treating workers like deal just because they are not citizens. For shiftwork after 14.00 hours on days before Sundays and public holidays: NOK 41.58, From 14.00 hours on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and on the Saturdays before Easter Sunday and Whit Sunday: NOK 59.57, For shiftwork after 14.00 hours on days before Sundays and public holidays: NOK 43.90, From 14.00 hours on Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and on the Saturdays before Easter Sunday and Whit Sunday: NOK 62.94, Workers under 18 years of age: NOK 103.15, Over 18 years of age - employed for up to 12 weeks: NOK 123.15, Over 18 years of age - employed 12 to 24 weeks (3-6 months): NOK 128.65, Workers under 18 years of age: NOK 112.65, Supplement for skilled workers: NOK 11.75, between 13.00 hours on Saturday and 24.00 hours on Sunday, between 13.00 hours and 24.00 hours on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. A person who engages workers or purchases a service from a supplier/contractor or subcontractor is obliged to provide information concerning these provisions. There is usually a scale advertised, and the specific amount offered will be dependent on experience. In the event of a breach of the rules, the authority can issue an enterprise with an order, an enforcement fine or work suspension order or report the matter to the police. Originally from the UK, David now lives in Trondheim and was the original founder of Life in Norway back in 2011. Bus drivers in Norway can expect to earn an annual wage of between NOK 410,000-440,000. At first, you will only need to know English. New cars cost around double, older cars can be triple the cost of say the UK. Better house, but older car.