Can soothe difficult to treat skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Just firm enough that when you push your finger into it, the mold stays. If you’re using unrefined butter, hold the mixture at 180ºF (82ºC) for 20 minutes to kill any germs or bacteria that may be in the butter. Don, These three things might be more important than an, About my process. These measurements will make around 3 ounces of the finished product. But remember not to overheat your butters. Hello You Designs, Did you know we have an e-book with 40 DIY recipes for bath and body products, 4 tsp liquid Coconut Oil (or another oil of choice) 2 tsp Aloe Vera juice. Using a hand mixer, mix the shea butter for a few minutes until it becomes fluffy. Place the butters in the glass bowl, and allow them to fully melt. My recipe for whipped Shea Butter and Coconut Oil body creme. There are also other ingredients that are available that makes sure the butter stays healthy. Add emulsifying wax and stearic acid to the pot. This is THE BEST whipped If it is too stiff, you can remelt it and add some oil, following the instructions above. 2 tsp Arrowroot Powder Who needs a post-Thanksgiving spa day? Apricot Kernel oil, Rosehip oil and a lot more ensures that the fat substance of the oil. Stir the ingredients until the mixture has blended and melted. 2. Both are fats extracted plants: shea butter comes from the nuts of the shea tree, and coconut oil – well, comes from the flesh of the coconuts. Remove bowl … At the same time place water in the … Gather your ingredients: 4 TBS raw or refined Shea Butter. Melt the coconut oil, cocoa butter and shea butter in a double boiler. If you love to make your own home-made natural skin care products, then you certainly will enjoy this article on Non-greasy Shea butter lotion recipe. Can boost collagen production thanks to its triterpenes content. You can easily make your own body care lotion with just a few ingredients you can purchase from your local grocery store. For my whipped body butter, I pick shea butter and coconut oil because of the superb moisturizing qualities that they offer. Take off the double boiler and continue to stir occasionally as it sets up. Then, add the grapeseed oil and vitamin E oil. Gently stir until everything is melted. Heat an inch or two of water in the saucepan to a simmer and set the bowl on top. If it is too runny, add some more shea butter. Most of the ingredients are part of non-greasy shea butter lotion recipe. You don’t want it to be completely hard. 2. Combine shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax, and jojoba oil in a double boiler or heat safe bowl that fits on top of a saucepan. Keep the liquid in the freezer until it is firm. If you need more or less, adjust the recipe accordingly. I usually use a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water because I have no double boiler. Place a glass bowl on top of a saucepan partially filled with water over medium heat. Depending on the oils and shea butter that you use, it may be creamy to semi-stiff. double-boiler by adding water to a small to medium-sized saucepan and put your mason jars in the water before you bring to a boil Your email address will not be published. Helps against stretch marks, scarring, and skin imperfections. This is the one! If you're planning to use arrowroot flour in your body butter, in a small bowl, whisk the flour into the carrier oil. It’s easy, Another golden nugget from the great William Blake, I love this holiday season with all the sales! Add in the Jojoba oil and mix well. Set the mixture aside. click here to learn more about Mama Instincts. Remove the bowl from the pan, and then add the essential oils. Add the arrowroot powder a little at a time and mix in, … You can easily make your own body care lotion with just a few ingredients you can purchase from your local grocery store. Using the bain-marie technique, place a bowl inside a pan with hot water, and add the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and olive oil inside. Enter non-greasy body creme! Mix the ingredients for a few minutes until all the ingredients are mixed well. 2 – 3 teaspoons of arrowroot powder (optional if you want a non-greasy body butter) 40 drops of Essential oils (20 each of Lavender and Sandalwood) Sterilized glass jars with a wide mouth. Oh, my!! This is the real deal. If you love to make your own home-made natural skin care products, then you certainly will enjoy this article on Non-greasy Shea butter lotion recipe. Here, I’m making my cinnamon a, It’s getting cold out there and you know what it, I’m somewhere between the Wolf of and the Dolphi, Organic Fractionated Coconut Carrier Oil 4…, Yummy Coconut Oil and Sugar Lip Scrub That Works, Why is Koroneiki Olive Oil the Best Oil for Your Health, 15 Things Big and Small and What to be Grateful for Right Now, 30 Healthy and Practical Self Care Gifts for the Wellness Fanatic in Your Life, How a Hygge Home Can Make Your Life Cozy and Ready for the Cold Season, Non-Toxic Foundation And Other Safer Beauty Products That Your Skin Will Love, How to Best Combat Thinning Eyelashes and Eyebrow Loss, Super moisturizing thanks to the high content of a variety of fatty acids, Anti-bacterial so it is beneficial also to acne-prone skin (bye-bye backne and butt-ne), Non-oily thanks to its particular make-up of fatty acids, Anti-inflammatory so it is particularly useful to use to soothe infections or sunburns. 1. There are natural ingredients power like arrowroot powder body butter which have very good effect on our body. Log in, Our Wakanda: Colorectal Cancer and Secrecy.