I’ve told you this so many times, but I know better than to read through one of your book lists—I always walk away wanting to read a stack that’s taller than me. 13 New Nonfiction Releases Coming in 2020, The Golden Flea: A Story of Obsession and Collecting, Gory Details: Adventures From the Dark Side of Science, The Hunting of Hillary: The Forty-Year Campaign to Destroy Hillary Clinton, Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World’s Largest Owl, The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival, Let Them Eat Pancakes: How I Survived Living in Paris Without Losing My Head, My Place at the Table: A Recipe for a Delicious Life in Paris, Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris, biography of another exceptional lady spy was one of my favorites last year, The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos, The Cold Vanish: Seeking the Missing in North America’s Wildlands, The Case of the Vanishing Blonde and Other True Crime Stories, startling investigation that reveals a murderer within the LAPD’s ranks, https://www.foyles.co.uk/witem/biography/dear-life-a-doctors-story-of-love,rachel-clarke-9781408712528. time_left += Math.floor(minutes_left%10) + ":"; time_left += Math.floor(hours_left%24/10) That book about Hilary will probably make me angry and want to cry. - Nov 12, 2020. Oh, I guess I can forgive you! time_left += Math.floor(secs_left%60/10); Make sure to sign up for our email list and we’ll send you a new BitchReads list, every quarter, in partnership with Powell’s Books! I’d like to be before reading it though, although it’s definitely enough to know she’s hilarious! This is a Memoir of Mort's life. if(false){ if(false){ [CDATA[ Recollections of My Nonexistence is also a memoir about writing, which is a gift from a writer as talented and transformative as Solnit. I think The Cold Vanish sounds completely fascinating. But when St. Paul’s School, an elite boarding school in Concord, New Hampshire, was deemed a “haven for sexual predators” in a May 2018 lawsuit filed by two of the school’s alumnae, Lacy Crawford realized that her hazy recollection of being assaulted at age 15 by two fellow students many years earlier—and the efforts of the school’s administration, including faculty and clergy, to shield her attackers from consequences—wasn’t something she’d invented or imagined. You’re so welcome, glad I could come up with some that piqued your interest! . var timer_313395_end_at = 50638 + new Date().getTime()/1000; Talusan has since been an integral part of them’s inaugural editorial team, where she still works as a contributing editor, and has been one of the strongest voices holding newsrooms accountable when they offer lip service to inclusivity but do not actually prioritize it. I’m off to find that column about the candidates, that sounds fascinating. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. time_left += days_left + " days and "; WOW! Very good! Once St. Paul’s extensive history of burying crimes and harming victims became national news, Crawford got access to files about her case that she’d never seen before; her experience of revisiting the trauma, realizing just how far the school had gone to protect her assaulters, and coming to terms with the cost of that injustice is the foundation for this incredible memoir. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 20 people per minute in the United States are physically abused by their romantic partner, which breaks down to more than 10 million people suffering abuse in the course of a single year. I feel like I’ve been pushing that book on anyone who’ll listen since I first read it back when it came out. Marie Claire's picks for the best new books of 2020. time_left += Math.floor(hours_left%24) + ":"; if(false){ These are six true crime stories from throughout his career, including “a story of a campus rape at the University of Pennsylvania in 1983 that unleashed a moral debate over the nature of consent when drinking and drugs are involved to three cold cases featuring the inimitable Long Island private detective Ken Brennan and a startling investigation that reveals a murderer within the LAPD’s ranks.” Amazon / Book Depository.