When designing the curriculum, therefore, school leaders need to think carefully about all the ways in which pupils learn, not solely in structured lessons but also in the space between lessons, the wider school environment, and in the behaviours and values of all the adults working in the school. Procuring textbooks and other learning materials for the most under-resourced schools. So, what are the implications of the new EIF on curriculum design? Essentially, identifying end-points is about planting a flag at some point in the distance and then planning a route towards it. The Ministry is supporting them so that they continue to be creative and to be able to make the most economic use of the resources available at their schools to implement the curriculum. As such, “outcomes for pupils” and “teaching, learning and assessment” are no longer standalone judgements, instead incorporated into the new “quality of education” measure. and Conditions. The Curriculum Framework provides for greater autonomy, accountability It will not have escaped your notice that Ofsted has published a draft new Education Inspection Framework … MINISTRY OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, Pillars, Aims, Principles & Organisation, Assessment of Curriculum, Curriculum Development and Technical Services Department, Human Resources and Discipline Department, Primary, Secondary and Non-Formal Education Department, Procurement Management and Business Development Unit, Strategy, Policy Planning, Research and Statistics Department, Centre of Education, Research, Innovation and Development, Psychological Services, Special Needs & Learner Welfare Department, Understanding The New Competence-Based Curriculum, Ministry announces new school calendar in the wake of Covid-19 disruptions. An emphasis on technical and vocational learning areas (practical subjects) to give a balance between academic and practical subjects; Grade 7 Maths and English Self Study Guides, Teacher Capacity Development Programme: Application Form, To provide equitable, quality, inclusive, relevant and competence driven primary, secondary and non-formal education, To be the leading provider of 21st century inclusive quality education for socio-economic transformation. A consultation has just concluded over the proposals and the outcomes have just been published.In addition to an overall effectiveness grade, schools will receive a graded judgement for each of the following areas: Quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, and Leadership and management.As such, “outcomes for pupils” and “teaching, learning and assessment” are no longer standalone judgements, instead incorporated into the new “quality of education” measure. In-service training of teachers in Continuous Assessment and learner profiling; Indigenous Language (as a medium of instruction) ; Changes to assessment methods are as follows: Continuous Assessment and Learner Profiling will be introduced at all levels; The new Ofsted inspection framework will see a focus on the breadth of a school’s curriculum offer, including its ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’. Visual and Performing Arts; Inspectors will judge the school curriculum – within “quality of education” – under three headings: curriculum intent, curriculum implementation, and curriculum impact. For that reason, the secondary school curriculum has been broadened to give learners an equal opportunity to balance academic and practical subjects. The exam component of Continuous Assessment will be based on tasks completed during the final two years at each level i.e.