Take the conversation to a non-public channel. When it comes to responding to negative reviews, you really only have two types of responses: 1. 4. These templates can be copy and pasted but, remember, you should personalize some aspects to it. Personally, I would take the high road and craft a response to the review or comment that is firm, fair, and polite. This is what entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk responded to criticism of his book: But sometimes, getting a response from the business owner isn’t realistic. If you can convert the author of your negative review into a loyal customer, you have an awesome form of social proof speaking in your favor. But it’s like they say, “You can’t please everyone.”. Thank you, once again, for your kind words. We are available on [phone number] and [email id]. But more importantly, they're interested in seeing how you respond to these negative reviews. What your negative review says doesn’t actually matter. So sorry to hear about your troubling situation. Don’t Take the Negative Review Personally. Thank you for giving us this proverbial pat on the back, you made our day! We could have [taken particular actions] to relieve your stress and anxiety but we didn't do that. You have other options, too. If the complaint is valid, you look like a company that truly understands the importance of good customer service. So sometimes you might find yourself responding to a negative review on your company’s behalf. Try TrustPulse 100% risk-free for 14 days! So how do you handle these reviewers? Ecommerce review systems allow buyers to share their purchasing experiences with products and sellers. And in this instance, we clearly dropped the ball. This isn't what spammers do though. He shows entrepreneurs how to attract and win new customers. There's no defensiveness, no name-calling, condescension, anger or contempt. For a few reasons: The bottom line is that your customer is unhappy. We’re sorry your experience didn’t match your expectations. Apologize to them. Your concerns make sense. These mistakes have been hard (and expensive) lessons to learn. They want to see and understand that you feel regret for your actions. And that means moving to a private platform. So will other customers that are thinking about buying from you. We want to make things right. Their anger may be based on several legitimate or illegitimate factors concerning your situation. Here’s why: Offering a discount, a special promotion, or a refund to customers who wrote a negative review can help ease tension. Some customers just want a solution to a specific problem but they're too afraid to ask for help. This customer has had a bad experience. Anger/anxiety reduction. If you're able to rally loyal customers to your cause, you can accomplish several things. But that doesn’t mean you need to be a punching bag for every critic. It gives readers (and prospects) a compelling reason to believe you instead of your negative reviewer. We'd like to make sure that such mistakes don't happen again. This might mean taking responsibility for a misunderstanding or compensating them if they were wronged. Most businesses don't know how to respond to negative reviews. As soon as you’re aware of a negative review, set 5 minutes aside to address it. The owner responded to a negative review with this: And the follow-up review came later from the customer: This small paragraph is a true testament to the company’s high standards of customer service. You may not have time to craft the best responses, so we've done it for you. Nathan Thompson is a father, a writer, and a lover of travel (in that order). Let’s be honest. Please give me a call at [phone number] at your convinience.-I'd like to find out what I can do to win back your business. We want to learn more about the situation and how we can make things right. This response is light on emotional language. The Golden State Warriors defeated the Houston Rockets in the NBA semi-finals. And if they have a bad experience with your brand, a small discount or coupon can go a long way in regaining a lifelong customer. W, posted a one-star review of Wonderful, claiming staff refused to seat him as he was alone. Some may intentionally reject you when you ask.