The email address for your Ubisoft account is currently: We have sent you an e-mail to enable you to verify your email address. Search the indicated locations to find all seven Templar Forts (two in Boston, three in the Frontier, and two in New York). After completing the "Monster Of The Sea" side-quest, talk to the same men who gave you that side-quest. The side-quest will lead you west of the city. 2. The Peg Leg Trinkets are used in the Peg Leg side-quest, and will unlock secret areas like Fort Wolcott and Oak Island. Collecting all Feathers is a requirement to reach 100% synchronization and get the the "Completionist" achievement. 1. i have found all 11 underground points in new york and when i enter the underground it says i have found them but only 10 show up on the map and in DNA sequence it says im 84% for west new york, assassin's creed 3: west new york underground glitch, assassin's creed 3: west new york underground glitch | Forums. "Naval Duckfoot" in the menu. There is a harbor nearby that can be used as a fast travel station. For that, swim closer to the shore, turn sideways to the enemy and hold down the free run button to aim at the enemy artillery. I also liked how you could meet with your recruits in various taverns and learn their backstories after recruiting them. The artifact can be found in a shared courtyard. Follow the road until you come to a restricted area (highlighted in red). 3. They will tell you a story about an encounter on the high seas with a monster before the side-quest begins. To each his own. 1. Also, make sure the musket is loaded or else you may not trigger the double assassination if there is not a bullet in the musket. ), and it was disappointing to see a great feature tossed to the wayside. Use the following strategies in the three mini-games to help increase your chances of winning each game and getting the "Original Gamer" achievement: The mini-game can be played outside the Homestead Inn, and becomes available during the fourth Homestead mission for Godfrey and Terry. AC4 has the perfect inventory, where you bind your weapons to the 1, 2 and 3 keys, and the scroll wheel goes through all the tools, no seperate inventory key needed. The quest giver can be found at the harbor in the Homestead area. Thus, if another player finds your assigned Pivot before you collect it, the Pivot will change locations. Repeat this as many times as desired. The specialty items can be crafted at any time as long as you have the required material(s) and artisan level(s). Fully 50% of the population is redcoats, which means you can't ever hide. If the convoy does not spawn, you can travel to another map and return. Keep spawning and looting convoys to get a lot of good loot quickly. At any point after Sequence 6, go to the Davenport Homestead. In order to effectively fight them, you have to learn how to use the weapons of Aquila.