A multimedia application must manage distributed data consisting of text, video, audio, and graphics, maintained in remote, heterogeneous databases. It is shown that traditional object-oriented models are not powerful enough to represent multimedia objects. In best-effort systems where no resource reservation is possible, adaptation strategies are necessary in case of high system load. The language model of OMEGA is investigated and the design of the class definition, the query, and the database programming language are discussed. • Multimedia database is a collection of related multimedia data. Image Representation Using the Self-Organizing Map, Query Acceleration in Multimedia Database Systems, Empirical Evaluation of Data Allocation Algorithms for Distributed Multimedia Database Systems, A Client-Controlled Adaptation Framework for Multimedia Database Systems, The Design of a High Performance Video Server for Managing TV Archives, An Object-Oriented Modeling of Multimedia Database Objects and Applications, Audio support for an object-oriented database-management system, Using Multimedia in Aeronautical Technical Documentation, Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung der medienwissenschaftlichen Analyse audiovisueller Informationen, Network Considerations for Distributed Multimedia Object Composition and Communication, Designing an On-Demand Multimedia Service, Database Management for Multimedia Applications, An Object-Oriented Database Application for HyTime Document Storage, Design issues of OMEGA. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. 9 profile to store all their personal information and projects. The main feature of the proposed server is its independence of any physical configuration, so guaranteeing its portability. This is due to the availability of hardware and software tools (high bandwidth networks, new storage devices and technologies,...) for handling digital video and audio data. The application representation is based on composition (spatial and temporal) and scenario modelling. Circuits Syst. ... A distributed multimedia database system [2], [7], [13], [14]. Specific manipulation operations, such as low-pass filtering and dynamic compression, are described in detail. continuous recording and presentation at the users' workstations in a client-server environment. The aim of the invoked adaptation is to reduce the data volume which has to be transferred to the client in a controlled manner leading to a graceful degradation of presentation quality. Indexing strategies in textual databases include reversed lists of significant terms with their frequency of appearance in each document, signatures obtained by hashing keywords, and relative frequency matrix of words present in a set of documents (. In this paper, we introduce a concept of "extended read operations" and illustrate how the extended read operations would cause the damage spreading, and then a fine grained transaction log (FGTL) is proposed. The unifying basis for the database research is the object-oriented data model VML developed in the project VODAK over the last four years. The distance between each image from a database and the SOM weight vectors trained on the same database is used as a representation for the image. In this paper, we exploit the use of bit-vectors to accelerate queries in multimedia databases. documentation, whose the most important features are its high volume and its high revision frequency. Unfortunately, conventional undo/redo log could not record read operations for transactions; and existing auditing mechanisms in DBMS could not, In this paper we describe the GRAphical Database Interface (GRADI) of a Multimedia Database Management System. Multimedia is a rich medium that accommodates numerous instructional strategies. Digitized images, sound, and video ask for new methods in data management. The Referred Object Integration method for multimedia database organization is presented that is semantically more powerful than the hypermedia approach. of the data type includes operations to store, retrieve, and manipulate audio data. In order to find an easy and natural way of interacting with the MDBMS system we examined the query specification process used by humans. the user. We use a compressed bit-vector to minimize the amount of data cashed on disk; thus, reducing the amount of memory and time needed to execute queries. Particular problems arise from the need of high resolutions for large spatial objects and from the design goal to use general purpose database. A very important component of multimedia data base management systems will be the presentation manager which will be responsible for effective multimedia presentation and browsing on the screen of workstations. Download as PDF. In this paper we propose three data allocation algorithms which are based on a genetic technique, an evolutionary process, and neural networks. For all image representation experiments, the SOM approach outperforms the Thumbnails reference technique.