Lift up your right hand, rotating onto your side so you are in a side plank (your feet will turn slightly, too). There’s no question that plain ol’ planks are perfectly great for working your core muscles. 옆으로 반듯하게 누운 자세에서 팔꿈치를 자신의 어깨 바로 밑에 수직으로 위치시켜줍니다, 2. Lateral Plank Walk. CA Do Not Sell My Personal Information     Sitemap redirect. Walk your hands as far forward as you can while maintaining form, then return to the start – that's one rep. 1/ Get into a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders, core braced, bum tight and feet together. 이용자 분들이 홍보성 도배, 스팸 게시물로 불편을 겪지 않도록 다음과 같은 경우 해당 게시물 등록이 일시적으로 제한됩니다. Kidding, but seriously, the benefits of nailing a plank are numerous. 2/ Keep your torso absolutely still, drop one knee to tap the floor, then alternate knees. "You can use planks as cardio by just adding movement," Crystal Fasano, health and wellness coach at Crystal Fit Wellness and personal trainer at New York Sports Clubs in Brooklyn, New York, tells SELF. This move targets the obliques directly and really challenges your stability and control. . 2/ Lower your hips, then lift and bring your left elbow down to swap sides. Working in some hip rotation and upper body stabilization while challenging the abs – this one is a winner! 1/ Sitting on the floor with your hands behind you, push your bottom into a crab position and walk your legs out in front of you, with one raised.2/ With your hips stable, bend your arms into a tricep dip then straighten them. The quicker you move, the better the cardio workout—just don't sacrifice speed for form. 다른 표현을 사용해주시기 바랍니다. But if you want to kick things up a notch and tack stability and oblique work into the mix, take a cue from Jiu Jitsu and try a “rolling plank.”. Move as quickly as you can while keeping your core tight and hips stable. 이 동작을 할 때 주의할 점은 위 사진에서 처럼 자신의 고개가 바닥 쪽으로 떨어지거나, 바닥을 지지하고 있는 팔쪽의 어깨(사진 상에서는 왼쪽 팔)가 몸 쪽으로 들어가서는 안됩니다, 4. Go as quickly as you can while maintaining proper form. Continue, alternating as quickly as you can without sacrificing form. “The rolling plank creates a ton of instability, as keeping our core muscles engaged through the movement helps create strength in those muscles.” So in addition to lighting your abs on fire, the rolling plank is also a great option after a long day of desk sitting. Try out dynamic planks today! You don’t have to take giant steps with your hands, a little bit goes a long way. This … You’ll really. But, be sure to really lift your hips up (pretend like someone is pulling you by a string up from your tailbone) in order to best challenge your abs and inch your feet closer to your hands. 1/ Get into a plank position with your forearms on the floor and feet placed in the TRX loops. Slide your legs in toward your chest, slightly rounding your lower back as you do. 1/ Back into plank position. "When you add in movement, you have to work harder to stabilize your hips, your core, and your glutes. Place one hand atop a medicine ball - your upper body will be angled down slightly with the different levels. Don’t forget that your hand should be right underneath your shoulder. 1/ Start in a plank position. All rights reserved. Walk forward with your hands and drag your legs behind. "A plank is a total-body movement, so it’s not just challenging your core—you’re also working your glutes, shoulders, legs, and arms," Fasano says. In a perfect plank, your ankles hips and shoulders should be in a straight line, but a modification if your lower back hurts at all is to raise your hips an inch or two as Fasano demonstrates in some of these moves. Hold the plank with both legs on the floor for 30 seconds. Keeping your hands firmly on the floor and with fit together, jump your legs out to the right and then jump back to centre.