Don’t forget to share this with someone that needs it. Stephen, at his martyrdom, said of Moses that he “. Thus the in-love wife gradually became forgetful of her husband, and he was eventually free to return to Egypt.” It is embarrassing that a Christian scholar like Comestor would give any credence to such superstitious nonsense, let alone repeat it as fact, but one has to wonder what was his source was, and if it was the same as that of Josephus. The truth is, as you have seen throughout this article, is that this assumption is based off a lack of knowledge and thorough study of the scriptures. For Moses to so handily conquer them, and even gain their admiration, would certainly have improved the typical Greco-Roman estimation of Moses and his people. The City of Saba, later named Meroe by Cambyses, is situated there, north of present day Khartoum. Dovid Rosenfeld, a native of the Washington, D.C. area, works both as a programmer for and as a responder for its Ask the Rabbi service. Douay-Rheims Bible And Mary and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of his wife the Ethiopian, Darby Bible Translation was learned in all the wisdom of Egypt and mighty in words and deeds.” Acts 7:22. Keep in mind that extreme northeastern Egypt, southern Israel, and northern Midian all meet in the same general region on the northeastern side of the Sinai Peninsula. When arguing from silence, imagination is the only limitation. 41 And he read it and stretched forth his hand and he plucked it like a forest tree from the thicket, and the stick was in his hand. Everyone had a bias, and the truth was seldom respected by either side. Notice, also, a pattern in Moses’ writing: The doctrine of inspiration does not turn the human authors of the Bible into some sort of living dictaphone for the Holy Spirit. » Moses. I will briefly discuss the staff of Moses because it has relevance to the marriage between Zipporah the Midianite and Moses. If Miriam and Aaron’s insult happened two months into their stay at Hazeroth, that leaves less than eight months for all the events between Numbers 12:14 and 14:34. Most commentators do not follow the Midrash above and assume the woman Miriam was referring to was his Midianite wife, Zipporah. The first two years started with leaving Egypt, and ended when the Lord cursed the Israelites to wander in the desert until all over the age of 20 were dead, save only Caleb and Joshua (Deut 2:13-16, Numbers 1:45, 14:29-30, 26:63-65). Not the reformer John Calvin, the Baptist John Gill, the Puritan Matthew Henry, the Lutherans Keil and Delitzsch, the Methodist and outspoken critic of slavery Adam Clarke, the Anglican Charles Ellicott, not Matthew Poole, Robert Jamieson, Andrew Fausset, David Brown, Albert Barnes, or others. If... », I own a small company. Yo did make great pains at researching the information concerning the ancient use of Ethiopia, I’ve attempted to do the same in times past as well, but never got as far, thanks. All that said, the best argument against the Ethiopian woman being Moses’ second wife is recorded in Leviticus 21:14. We would love to answer any question you have or help suggest next steps on your journey. [15], The Samaritan Pentateuch text refers to Moses' wife Zipporah as "Kaashet" (which translates to "the beautiful woman"), rather than "Cushit" ("black woman" or "Cushite woman"). The Ethiopians had a reputation as fierce fighters, and not even Alexander the Great could defeat them. Ethiopians). The Ethiopians gave the Egyptians a lot of trouble, they invaded South Egypt repeatedly. Examples include the films The Ten Commandments (1956),[22] The Prince of Egypt (1998)[23] and Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014). While it is true that Moses does not write in a strictly chronological format, sometimes organizing events topically, sometimes by order of importance, etc., the sequence of this particular event is clearly documented in Numbers. The Talmud explains differently, that “Just as a Cushite is distinct in her skin [color], so too was Zipporah distinct in her [good] deeds” (Mo’ed Katan 16b, see also Targum Yerushalmi). Shalom! This article helped to throw more light on issues and matters concerning one of the Biblical figures – Moses. "Zipporah and the Struggle for Deliverance" in, Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo, Slayers of Saleh's she-camel (Qaddar ibn Salif and Musda' ibn Dahr). Ahitophel – The Wise Man who Committed Suicide. Is it reasonable that these two were grousing bitterly about a marriage that occurred 50 years prior, especially when the woman was no longer even in the picture? Both occurred within the first two years of the Exodus. Josephus wrote this over 1600 years after the birth of Moses, so he obviously had a source for the story. We are told that the Most High used what is now known as the supernatural staff of Moses to create the worlds (Jasher 77:42). [21], Zipporah is often included in Exodus-related drama. The magicians double-cross the king, and won’t let him back in the city. It seems the Cushites migrated and took their place name with them, much like the Galatians. Great article Mickey! Thanks for the expository (article). There is German work ethic, German engineering, German quality, German food, and German culture. Nor had I heard of the book of Jasher. African Nations(and by extension Africans) mentioned in the Bible are Egypt,and Ethiopia(Moses' wife was at least half Ethiopian ). After the crown was given to Moses Adoniah the former kings wife married Moses. So the question is, who is the Ethiopian woman that Aaron and Miriam had an issue with Moses about? The young warrior gladly accepts the mission, and outsmarts his enemy by employing a predatory bird, sacred to the people of his adoptive nation, to clear the route of the vicious serpents which lay between him and his enemy. Jim Cole-Rous researched background information on Lesser Known Bible People beginning in 2008. Certainly if he had left her she would have either been killed or used to pressure him to surrender. 4 And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah. 39 And it was that whilst he prayed he looked opposite to him, and behold a sapphire stick was placed in the ground, which was planted in the midst of the garden.