I didn't know you could dye sheep. Ink sacs can also be created using 1 iron, 1 sulfur, and 4 oxygen in the compound creator‌[Bedrock and Education editions only]. With ink sacs, you can also make gray dye, but we'll go over that shortly! So, make sure your world has a desert or you can't get this achievement! Cocoa beans are only found in dungeon chests, and they only have a 53% chance of being found in the chests. All the colors of wool do not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must have been picked up by the player at least once. Also, jungles are less likely to be generated, but it's still possible to get brown wool from a brown sheep if necessary.). Of course, you can mix dyes with white wool in a crafting bench to create colored wool, but you go through resources incredibly quick. (WARNING: Since the last title update, it is possible for a new world to not spawn a desert due to the new added biomes. Brown dye can be crafted from cocoa beans, which are harvested from cocoa pods in amounts of 1–3 per fully grown pod. Terracotta can be dyed by placing 8 blocks around a dye on a crafting table. These items all have dye color equivalents. Is there any method for this situation? Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. You can find flowers in tall grass areas. The modified average RGB values are then used as the final color. "Rose Red", "Dandelion Yellow" and "Cactus Green" have been renamed to "Red Dye", "Yellow Dye" and "Green Dye", respectively. In Bedrock Edition, wandering traders can sell 3 lapis lazuli, bone meal, cocoa beans, or ink sacs for one emerald. I have one design I've been working on in my single player world. They dye part is only the first part. Because one rose will make 2 dye and bones=3 and so on. Hold your dye in your hand and right-click a sheep once. Players can dye wool by placing white wool and a dye in a crafting grid. MRGamer01_Snowpaw. Some are easy to obtain, some aren't. Please post it in the, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Achievement Sessions, Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft: Xbox One Edition (Xbox One), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Win 10) (Windows), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Apple TV) (), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Xbox One), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Nintendo Switch) (), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Android), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (iOS), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Kindle Fire) (Android), Rainbow Collection trophy in Minecraft (PS4), Rainbow Collection trophy in Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (Vita), Rainbow Collection trophy in Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition (PS3), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Windows Phone), Rainbow Collection achievement in Minecraft (Gear VR) (Android), © 2020 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Lapis lazuli cannot be mined with a wooden pickaxe, so be sure to bring a stone pickaxe or better! Includes orange (red + yellow), cyan (green + blue), purple (red + blue), gray (black + white), light blue (blue + white), pink (red + white), and lime (green + white). This procedure can be summed up with the following equations: Due to the way this formula works, the resulting color can never be darker than the average of the input colors and is often lighter and more saturated. Wander through a desert and collect some cacti. The best levels to find lapis are between Y coordinates 13 and 16, but any level below 31 will do! Dye can be used to craft balloons.‌[Education Edition only], Dye can also be used to craft glow sticks.‌[Education Edition only]. Just break some flowers and you will be able to create red and yellow dye!