[more information needed], Bedrock Edition: Ark ID List Unturned ID List Subnautica Item IDs Stardew Valley Item IDs Sort Item IDs by Type Click the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the items are displayed. True if the redstone comparator is being powered. The direction the blast furnace's opening face. A freshly-planted cane – and a cane that has just grown cane above it – each have an age of 0. The current redstone power level produced by the daylight sensor. Whether or not there's water in the same place as the chest. If true, the lever is currently activated. Enabled the use of block states in commands. True if the tripwire is connected to a valid tripwire circuit. The age of the bamboo, if this is 1 the bamboo appears thicker. Better documentation on the new block format introduced in the Minecraft beta, Properties can be queried with query.block_property, like this: query.block_property('example:string_property_example') == 'blue'. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, they can be broken by replacing them with another block. The stage of the pod's growth, 2 is fully grown. Glass is a transparent, or semi-transparent block. … Tool Used A freshly-planted cactus – and a cactus that has just grown cactus above it – each have an age of 0. minecraft:light_block When true, a vine texture is displayed on the top. Whether or not there's water in the same place as this chain. When true, fire texture shows on that face of the block to the east; false if there's a block below this fire. The direction the top of the torch is facing. True if the tripwire hook is connected to a valid tripwire circuit. The direction the shulker box is pointing. True if hopper can move items to and from its inventory. https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Light_Block?oldid=217426. Specifies the current mode of the redstone comparator. When true, a vine texture is displayed on the north. Whether or not there's water in the same place as these iron bars. This page was last edited on 23 October 2020, at 01:42. This site is not affiliated with Minecraft or Mojang. Whether or not there's water in the same place as this ender chest. Obtaining. Wether the cauldron contains water or lava. Legend. The direction the stairs' full-block side faces. True if pressure plate is depressed, providing power. Not accessible by placing the mob head item. If true, the daylight detector is inverted. Allow and deny blocks have now been removed. The kelp renders as a non-top piece if there's simple other kelp above it. Allow and deny blocks can be used to create restricted building areas or areas where users can build. If it is 7, it becomes a falling block entity. Minecraft Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. The Minecraft barrier block, otherwise known as invisible bedrock, is an unbreakable invisible block added in Minecraft 1.8. The direction the door's "inside" is facing. Only used in the game engine, not saved in world files or used in commands yet. The half of the bed in the current block. Whether or not there's water in the same place as this slab. When true, fire texture shows on that face of the block to the north; false if there's a block below this fire. When at level 5, honey can be bottled or honeycombs can be harvested. Whether the trapdoor occupies the top or bottom part of a block. Blocks. Open-source knowledge-sharing Bedrock Wiki, containing documentation, beginner Guide, tutorials, and general how-to information. Switched to mostly using block states in the code. Whether or not there's water in the same place as this wall. Light blocks cannot be mined, or even targeted, similar to air. When true, fire texture shows on that face of the block to the west; false if there's a block below this fire. True if the tripwire connects to other tripwire or tripwire hooks to the west. Luminosity