Each of the first 6 programmes profiles a different contemporary children’s poet who introduces and then reads a selection of his or her work. Michael Rosen, the poem's author, used to be the happiest boy in the world when his mum made chocolate cake. 0 Students can read the text of the poem before, during or after listening to the recording and there are suggestions in these notes for pre-, during-, and post- listening activities. Don'tMichael has fun with the idea of things we're not supposed to do. One night he couldn’t resist the temptation of creeping downstairs to ‘look at’ the left over cake in the kitchen. Loading... Save for later. this is Michael Rosen’s love letter to every child’s favourite treat, chocolate cake. Preview and details Files included (3) Unit of work. Preview and details Files included (3) Unit of work. %PDF-1.6 %���� Look at other Michael Rosen poems. Each of the first 6 programmes profiles a different contemporary children’s poet who introduces and then reads a selection of his or her work. Sometimes we used to have it for tea and Mum used to say, 'If there's any left over you can have it to take to school tomorrow to have at playtime.' l��|=��$ˁ�; �b� f!���b��b���8/0�2�1�}sXv�fN�:�ؤ��/`�Ȩ|!���F!֕X@A��_�?�ff`������H�0��s���: �bN� Includes flipchart to go alongside... Read more. . More detailed guidance can be found in the Teachers' Notes below. CHOCOLATE CAKE! Roger McGough introduces and reads some of his best-known poems for children, including 'First day at school' and 'Didgeridoo'. Pupils create their own story poems about food. activities 3. Free. activities . Introduction songA poem written to help us all start the day in the best possible way. KS2 h�bbd```b``���3��jɲ����H��`��`�/0yLn�l`Yc0�6B6m&�, �g\Qb3L������ج �}�ԟ �7H~Vua`bj�e`$������@� �i How to use this resource . Michael Wayne Rosen is a broadcaster, children's novelist and poet and the author of 140 books. Unit of work. He was appointed as the fifth Children's Laureate in June 2007 and held this honour until 2009. flipchart, 892 KB. If you wish to listen to the poems individually, these can be found below. Very detailed planning for the poem chocolate cake by Michael Rosen. Michael has fun with the idea of things we're not supposed to do. Each programme is accompanied by a composite picture inspired by the poems in that programme. I LOVED chocolate cake. Includes flipchart to go alongside... Read more. How does the work of these poets compare and contrast with one another? The programmes can be used in a variety of ways. Michael Rosen shares his memory of a chocolate cake from his childhood and performs his poem of the same name for a group of children - an excellent example of performance poetry. Washing Up . Discuss performance poetry. No prizes for guessing what happens next! h�b```����" ��ea���$��pOsPl��!Äl5��J�Μ:R�(�~��� �������8�ܺm��.v/ngz��l^r}���ٻ���*�w�O������":�$� �d�%@L�� . Sometimes we used to have it for tea and Mum used to say, 'If there's any left over you can have it to take to school tomorrow to have at playtime.' registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Full of super fun cross curricular activities focused on KS1 and KS2 objectives, this pack is a great way to encourage an interest in poetry from a young age. Chocolate Cake. %%EOF If a recipe exists please… share it!! Tes Global Ltd is You can also find videos online of Michael performing the poems, which you can watch with your class. Very detailed planning for the poem chocolate cake by Michael Rosen. Can you guess what is the meaning of each one? chocolate-cake-poem-planning---week-1. Guided reading planning + resources - Voices in the park (Anthony Browne), Streams to the River, River To The Sea - (Reed Novel Studies). Poems Unit of work. Share the clip with pupils. Free. 281 0 obj <> endobj chocolate-cake-flipchart. 6 . Use as a stimulus for pupils own independent research on Michael Rosen. Michael Rosen introduces and reads some of his best-known work for children, including 'Don't' and 'Chocolate cake'. Jackie Kay introduces and reads some of her best-known poems for children, including 'Brendon Gallacher' and 'Red running shoes'. Words are oursWords don’t just belong to special people - they belong to all of us! A narrative poem about a true event from Michael Rosen's childhood. BBC Teach > School Radio > English > Talking Poetry. doc, 54 KB. You can listen to them in their entirety or listen to and focus on one poem at a time. Explore Micheal Rosen’s fantastically funny poem Chocolate Cake with your little ones using this brand new activity pack. Michael Rosen shares his memory of a chocolate cake from his childhood and performs his poem of the same name for a group of children - an excellent example of performance poetry. And when I was a boy I loved it even more. activities 4 . WRITE A CHOCOLATE CAKE RECIPE, you can ask your relatives or event invent your own new recipe! A poem written to help us all start the day in the best possible way. Remember the necessary ingredients, the steps to be followed and the time needed. The final two programmes focus on classic poetry and include a selection of well-known poems often taught at Key Stage 2. Work with pupils to create a performance piece for selected poems. Con la tecnología de. Ohhh! . videos, 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll (Dramatisation), 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll (poem only), 'Pinda Cake' by Valerie Bloom (poem only). chocolate-cake-poem-planning---week-2-(1) Presentation. by Michael Rosen. Dear Michael, since I saw your video about the Chocolate cake with my daughter I can not stop to think about the chocolate cake and its recipe!!