Craft crops into their enchanted version as you collect them. e.x. 4. If you are farming melons, use the Silk Touch enchantment to reduce inventory space waste. The only downside being juggling two different items, and losing 4 inventory slots, can be mitigated by doing all pumpkins rows then storing pumpkins in Ender Chest then doing all melon rows. This pattern is only 9% fewer pumpkins or 1.1k fewer pumpkins per layer. e.x. Fill in a dirt rectangle 9x160. If you built multiple layers of this farm, it would look like this from the side. Farming pumpkins and melons isn’t very difficult, but there are a few tips and tricks which make pumpkin and melon farming easier and a lot more efficient. e.x. e.x. 1. From (80, 40, 80) to (71, 40, -80) 3. From (80, 40, 80) to (71, 40, -80), 3. Melons take 10 to 30 minutes to grow, which is equal to 0.5 or 1.5 of a Daylight cycle. If you do have a whole pumpkin or melon, but no seeds, simply place the pumpkin in a crafting grid, which yields 4 seeds, or, alternatively, place the pumpkin somewhere and use shears on it. [note 1] … Build your farms from one side to the other 3 lanes at a time to prevent burnout and allow you to farm incomplete farms without mobs spawning. 1. e.x. Lanes of slabs over X=80, 77, 76, 73, 72 and Z=80, -80, light green is slab covered seeds, orange is pumpkins, red is slab covered pumpkins, blue water, yellow circle sea lanterns, dark green uncovered seeds. If built correctly, it can produce about 12.8K pumpkins per layer worth 4 coins each (+double pumpkins for higher farming levels). Melon stems connect only to the melons they produce. 7. 6. 5. Dry farms are not recommended but can be used if the island is always occupied but only farmed 1-2 times per day. Pumpkins are better to farm, Melons sell to NPC for ~half as much, take up ~4x as much inventory space and give less exp per. using this pattern. Pumpkins will not grow without at least 8 light. Melons and pumpkinsuse essentially the same mechanics for growth, and can be easily farmed with the same techniques. 80, 40, 80, 2. e.x. Pumpkins can be found growing "wild" in any biome with grass. Pumpkin farms are usually built by players as a means to get a higher farming skill. e.x. (77, 40, 75), (76, 40, 66), (76, 42, 57) etc. Hydrated 1. Replace dirt with water every 8 blocks. However, with the Bazaar melons sell for ~50% more per growth than Pumpkins. There are 2 ways in which you can increase your yield and efficiency, one is by using a set up that allows for the most pumpkins and melons to spawn in the shortest time, while the other will allow the most pumpkins and melons … e.x. Once a stem has produced to a melon, that stem does not produce any further melons until the existing melon is harvested. Start by building down to where the farm will be. Harvesting takes anywhere from 8 to 30 minutes depending on player speed. Once the plants are mature, they will provide a steady supply of fruit for your needs. Till the land under the slabs and place seeds. Pumpkin or Melon farms are one of the best money making methods currently available in the early-game. Pumpkin and Melon Farming in Minecraft. Place Sea lanterns or glowstone to ensure there is at least 8 light from blocks everywhere. 80, 40, 80 2. Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lanes of slabs over X=80, 77, 76, 73, 72 and Z=80,... 4. One such other pattern would be using full lanes for water instead. To build just build as above but skip step 6. Till and plant seeds in lanes X=80, 77, 76, 73, 72. e.x. The time taken to regrow depends on hydration; for hydrated 97-99% growth takes 30–40 minutes and dehydrated 96-99% growth takes 1-1.5 hours. Alternating melon/pumpkins farms can reach 99% in less than 20 mins. Build your farm above Y=40 or use a nether, If you're farming pumpkins mainly for XP, use a, If you're farming pumpkins for the drops, use an. A much faster-growing variant is also possible by alternating melon and pumpkin seeds so that no row of pumpkin is next to another row of pumpkin, which speeds up the growing time by 100% (20 mins to regrow). (77, 42, 75), (76, 42, 75) and repeating every 9 blocks: (77, 42, 66), (76, 42, 66) etc. To begin farming, seeds must first be found: 1.1. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Place slabs above where seeds will go and around the edge. top-down layout of 48.8% pumpkins hydrated farm. Pumpkin and melon seeds can both be found in minecarts with chests inside abandoned mineshafts, and in chests in dungeons. Place slabs above where seeds will go and around the edge. Fill the inside with 1 row of water then 8 rows of dirt then 1 water, 8 dirt, etc. Start by building down to where the farm will be. Repeat until the whole layer is done then repeat for more layers. A less effective but less complex pattern can be followed also. Pumpkin and melon seeds can both be found in minecarts with chests inside abandoned mineshafts 1.2. Dry farms can also be converted later on. Fill in a dirt rectangle 9x160. Get the Telekinesis enchantment on your axe so you don't lose any drops.