For example, help the child to become accustomed to simple breathing exercises first. Keep your voice off, because every person thinks about something different, and we want to be respectful of everybody’s thoughts. In children four to twelve years old, research has found that meditation can help improve executive function. My four-year-old daughter was having temper tantrums daily before we began a guided meditation practice. When you get to the other side, slide off your horse and pick a flower for your horse. (Many of these are inspired by the beautiful and inspiring book, A Quiet Place. I want you to try to imagine the picture in your brain. Stretch your muscles if you want to, and let your body wake up. For more guided meditation scripts read GUIDED IMAGERY: Use these scripts to help children cope with anxiety and stress As it floats higher, you know to let go of the worries and stresses that you have. Insight Timer is just one of our favorite apps out there, and we feel like we’re constantly mentioning it in different posts and pages. Apps like Smiling Minds are a fantastic starting point for those who are new to meditation. This sets the stage for infinite healthy habits to take root. Past your mouth… your ears… up past your eyes and out the top of your head. After this meditation we discuss all the adventures she had with her horse. Interested in introducing a child to meditation but not sure where to begin? Take a deep breath… and now let it out. This prompt is helpful if you are going to be reading a guided imagery meditation for the first time: As you lay here, nice and still, with your mind thinking, I am going to tell you to picture something. Before jumping straight into running a guided meditation session with your students, spend some time familiarising yourself with the practice. Today, I want to share a variety of free guided meditations for kids. ], I tell a story or use a script of a calming metaphor, bring their focus to specific body parts to squeeze and relax, or wiggle and be still, use vivid descriptors like color, smell, feelings, textures, sounds. Rainbow Guided Meditation script: Remember to use a soft, calm, voice, and this may take some practice to have your kiddo stay still the whole time. A 2010 study looked at meditation practice in children and found that it reduced anxiety and increased overall emotional resiliency. Take in a deep breath and gently close your eyes. I would cradle her in my arms when she meditates and speak very softly. Try it below, or enter your email address for a free downloadable meditation. Silence is also welcome. } For more guided meditation scripts read GUIDED IMAGERY: Use these scripts to help children cope with anxiety and stress, Can you suggest some guided words for a student who feels he can not read when, in reality, he is beginning to read very well? What colour would your horse like the best? Thank your horse, and say goodbye. This can be an incredibly grounding practice for children and adults alike, and can be quite fun! Breathe out, I am safe. You can check them out at As a result, it is a powerful practice for reminding kids that peace lives within them. Consider the following: Is it more appropriate (given the setting and desired outcome) for children to be seated or lying down? Feel it filling your feet up with its beautiful light. What question are you allowing them to answer? As the wind begins to stir, you feel the branches of the tree move back and forth, slowly and safely. Do you read a script? Choosing your country and state helps us to provide you with the most relevant teaching resources for your students. It’s moving slowly down your neck and then down your spine, the centre of your back, slowly… slowly. Explore age-appropriate meditations in this case, starting short and sweet for the youngest family members. You may write whatever you wish, but try writing questions that relate to the individual’s experience. As you explore the world of mindfulness and meditation with these younger humans, remember that learning is a journey. Bear in mind: Firstly, ensure that the practices you choose to lead are appropriate to the cognition level of the child. Our blog post “18 Amazing Mindfulness Activities for the Classroom” has a range of ideas and resources for other activities that will help build your students’ focus stamina. Download 140,000+ pages of incredible time-saving teaching resources. We’ve also spent time teaching mindfulness meditation for kids and young adults in the foster youth program and at local high schools. To illustrate, this script explores the idea of creating healthy boundaries and nourishing oneself through a garden visualization. With all the anxieties for kids in our world today, it's important that they know how to relax. Remember to stay entirely open and accepting of their experience. Take in a deep breath, and imagine yourself growing more and more still. Now imagine yourself in a field full of flowers. Take a breath in, and feel the air fill your lungs. Required fields are marked *. It’s a free mobile app with tons of guided meditations and practices, and quite a few for children! Consider the maturity level and attention span of those you’re working with. World Kindness Day - Explore ten beautiful ways educators can inspire kindness, including downloadable kindness resources and activities for kids. This horse is so beautiful and very gentle. This is the first meditation I used with my daughter. You hold it in your hand, and it fits just right. They can lay there and have a stuffed animal on their tummy for a few minutes and be calm. Mindful Breathing Guided Meditation. If you are a parent, using guided meditation scripts for kids can help you to bring greater peace, happiness, and presence to your children. In fact, it might be wise to start with very simple exercises that can build overtime. They also exhibited lower cortisol (a stress hormone) levels in social interactions. You can check out our meditation CD for children, our free meditation for kids, and our meditation scripts for children. The Buddha himself recommended mindful walking in many of his basic teachings. Empower your teachers and improve learning outcomes. ), other times we walk along the beach and pick up shells. As it delves into more mature topics such as worth, confidence, and self-compassion, it is ideal for those aged 13 to 19. Examples of talking points you might initiate include: These conversations will vary according to age and maturity level. From visualization scripts to mindfulness body scan scripts, there exists a variety of meditation techniques we can introduce our children to. Calm is a popular meditation app with many great offerings. We all want to be there; why not give it to our kiddos so that they can have that sense of peace that we so long for? Students could keep track of the number of times they use mindfulness or do quiet meditation outside of school with stickers on a personal chart, or in a bullet-journal style record. This script, for example, encourages heightened awareness of one’s experience during a simple bite. Guided Meditation Scripts for the Classroom. How will you include breath in the mindful meditation? } These teacher resources include a series of guided meditations for children. Let me know how they work out and if you have tried others that were particularly successful as well. Receive daily mindfulness meditations, worksheets and infographics to help you start each day mindful. Breathing in, you fill with love. This is a simple mindfulness script for kids that can be explored as an introductory practice. It’s a great place to start when introducing kids to mindfulness and guided imagery! Mindful Schools is a wonderful organization in California that brings mindfulness into classrooms across the country. Lastly, if your kids are on the verge of their teenage years, this mindfulness meditation for teenagers might be considered for exploration. Interested in introducing a child to meditation but not sure where to begin? This lets your body relax, your mind is free, and your heart is filled with the color and light of love. Meditation scripts for kids are a gateway into these practices. You have eaten, explored, and ready for rest. Sit down in the flowers, taking a nice deep breath and slowly open your eyes, feeling calm and happy. The sun shining down from the sky reminds you that you are taken care of, loved, and safe. Mindfulness has been proven to help people start to understand how their brain works and bring it to a place of a bit more understanding and peace. Two or more teachers. Ensure that the topics covered are relatable for those listening. There are a few key points to remember when beginning this work with children. But it’s super important for kids in school especially and kids who need a … 4 Mindfulness Meditation Scripts for All Ages. Where can we push for deeper inquiry and where is it best that we leave it? Guided meditations teach children the language of mindfulness as well as life-long meditation skills that can help improve self-awareness and concentration. Grab your own printable copy of the mindfulness scripts I use to help kids relax during savasana. Once they are comfortable with this, branch out and broaden the types of scripts you explore together. At our center in Northern California, we have kids join us in our meditation groups sometimes, and it is always a joy to see a child show up and meditate. We were excited to learn they offer free programs for classrooms and educators. seeing a painter brushing paint on a canvas. Copyright 2020 Mindfulness Exercises, All rights reserved. Shorter scripts are a safe place to start until you gain a sense of what the child or group is ready for. I hope this meditation brings you and your children closer together and empowers them to control their feelings in a healthy, functional way. The meditation … However, much of this research has been conducted with adults. (function() { As you breathe in, you know you are here. You lift it to your ear and listen to the whooshing sound of the ocean as the shell whispers to you. As you breathe out, you know you are safe. Get access to our free guided meditation scripts Above all, the right meditation scripts for you and your kids are the ones that work. Here's how to create virtual bingo for kids... Don't get stuck in the same old after-school conversation! A HAPPY PERSON IS A HEALTHY PERSON: How happiness promotes good physical health, IT’S OK TO COUGH: Lessons from returning to school in a pandemic, WHY STUDY SAINTS? Learning to relax will help you cope with angry, sad, and scary feelings. Squeeze it hard. Holding your flowers in your hand, climb back on top of your horse and ride, slower this time, looking at all the beautiful rocks, ponds and trees as you make your way back to where you began. 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