when u use it, your raging blow (it's still intrepid slash for us MSEAers >.< ) will only target 1 monster. When on enrage, you only can target one monster. Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level 41-50; Level 51-65; Level 66-200; Exchange Quest (Crimsonwood) Exchange Quest (Orbis) Exchange Quest (Showa) Guild Quests. When you kill two mobs at once with enrage, is one of the mobs being killed by raging blow and one one being killed by soul blade? This is 1.3 for 1-hand weapons (both sword and axe) and 1.44 for 2-hand weapons, instead of 1.2 and 1.34. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MapleStory Screens, Videos and Forum. Heroes do however have some skills that hit a large area like Shout, Rising Rage, and Worldreaver. you only hit 1 mob when the skill is active. ". to cancel it just right click the icon on the top left. But, these skills have cooldowns and can only be used once in a while. Maplestory hero question. Would you be so kind as to disable your ad-blocker on BasilMarket please? Active Buffs: (Toggle), , , , (Toggle)Summon: (120s cd), Buffs with Cooldowns: (150s cd), (120s cd), (240s cd), 5th Job Buffs: (15s cd), (180s cd), (180s cd), (240s cd), Common 5th Job Skills Animation: OrangeMushroom. After Champions, it becomes undispellable.[/quote]. Hero, for reasons unknown, has an increased weapon multiplier for swords and axes compared to other classes that wield the same weapons. GMS Ver. For MapleStory on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hero Skill: Enrage vs Maple Warrior??? So if i put a point in spread of raging blow and use enrage it does not hit +2 ? So if i put a point in spread of raging blow and use enrage it does not hit +2 ? Completing the quest will make you a Fighter and you will be on the path to a Hero. Heroes use Swords and Axes as primary weapons. However the orbs can be charged back quickly. The reason why you sometime kill 2 monsters in one attack is because final attack (2nd/4th job skill) causes you to make a completely separate attack that does 250% damage x2 that hit a different monster in range if the first monster is already dead. you will now attack the oldest target in your range. 30 as a Warrior, talk to Dances with Balrog to accept a quest called "Way of the Fighter". basically u charge all 5 pink orbs in order to use the enrage skill. Enrage : Master Level: 30 Type: Active Description: Temporarily increases the attacking ability by using up the 10 combo counters. I cannot imagine it possible if someone is playing MS from a gaming controller. when u use it, your raging blow (it's still intrepid slash for us MSEAers >.< ) will only target 1 monster. Every time you cast Enrage, it uses all of your orbs. Hopefully in the future they will make it a toggle mode because right-clicking the buff gets annoying. Level 1: MP - 11 , Weapon attack + 11 for 10secs Level 2: MP - 12 , Weapon attack + 12 for 20secs Level 3: MP - 13 , Weapon attack + 12 for 30secs Level 4: MP - 14 , Weapon attack + 13 for 40secs Level 5: MP - 15 , Weapon attack + 13 for 50secs Final attack can activate and attack different mobs while enrage is active, I think. Or does the skil enrage as said in description focusses 1 enemy? gives you some extra stats too. I dont realy understand if it works like this. Hero is a STR warrior class part of the Explorers. 30 Description: In your rage, you focus on specific enemies, using combo orbs to deal increased damage to them. when i use enrage and then raging blow i can kill 2 mobs at once so its why i ask . MapleSEA wild hunter solo empress intrutor. This might be your case. I dont realy understand if it works like this, when i use enrage and then raging blow i can kill 2 mobs at once so its why i ask. basically u charge all 5 pink orbs in order to use the enrage skill. 217 [Sengoku Returns: Asura War Update], May be boring - pre-5th Job Skills can be lackluster, Excludes Hyper Skill Passives, Link Skills, and buffs with cooldowns, Can stack up to 3 times for each unique Explorer Warrior class character, Each Link Skill can only go up to Level 2 (stacking for a total of Skill Level 6), Has a cooldown (410 - 210 secs depending on Skill Level), Can be assigned a Key Slot or activated by pressing jump twice, Additionally while active, when you take damage, you deal some back, Additionally increases %Damage when an Axe is equipped, If used when holding Down Arrow Key, attack range is decreased but has a chance to stun enemies, Additionally, when you are hit, you have a chance to create a Combo Orb, Additionally, permanently increases %Crit Rate, The final blow is a guaranteed Critical Hit, Has a cooldown (600 - 360 secs depending on Skill Level), Additionally stabilizes your damage range by increasing your minimum damage range, Applies to any Explorer class within party, When the shield expires or the Skill Key is pressed, the shield explodes damaging nearby enemies, Shield must be active for at least 2 secs before it can be detonated, Causes your attacks to periodically create a damaging wave, Pressing the skill key again will make it stationary and attack nearby enemies, Decreases chance of obtaining Combo Orbs by 50%. For more information about Hero check out: http://maplestory.nexon.net/game/classes-and-jobs/3376/warrior, https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior/Skills, To create one, choose the "Explorers" option in the Character Creation screen and then continue through the story until you reach the quest "Victoria Island or Bust" and choose the "Warrior, powerful and defensive" option, Once you reach Lv. The classic build for many of us back when Maplestory was in this current version. First you get full combo orbs then press enrage. Or does the skil enrage as said in description focusses 1 enemy? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The official Reddit community for the MMORPG MapleStory, Press J to jump to the feed. you will have to charge another 5 pink orbs for combo attack though because enrage uses up your previous 5 pink orbs. Enrage : Master Level: 30 Type: Active Pre-requisite: Advanced Combo Attack Lv. Although, due to their short-range and lack of mobility, they are better suited towards fighting bosses rather than mobbing. When off enrage, you target as much monsters at your attacking skill does. Enrage [Toggle Buff]: When toggled, you can only attack one enemy but you gain increased %Final Damage and %Crit Damage Consumes 1 Combo Orb to enable; Maple Warrior [Party Buff]: Increases all stats assigned APs by a percentage; Hero's Will [Buff]: Removes certain abnormal status effects and become immune to Abnormal Status for a few seconds It is not a toggle skill so that is why people have to turn off enrage when they want to kill a mob. I really expected Hero to have more tools to deal DPS, but for some reason there was a conscious decision to not just gut raw damage (Combo Synergy in Maplestory M has NO multiplier whatsoever, only 2% Crit Rate, AFA has a skill damage cap), but to also take away mechanics from the class. With the variety of assets and knowledge that everyone can access and utilize in this version, this build is not recommended to anyone that's willing to do a bit of research before making a Hero. A simple beginner-friendly class that provides a lot of damage boosting buffs. gives you some extra stats too. Does enrage work with hyper skill spread - raging blow? Heroes are able to dish out tons of damage against one-on-ones with skills like Raging Blow, Enrage, and Instinctual Combo. Fighter is the 2nd job of Hero. As a secondary, Heroes can equip Shields or Medallions. After Champions, it becomes undispellable. you will have to charge another 5 pink orbs for combo attack though because enrage uses up your previous 5 pink orbs. If you enjoy beating up enemies up close and tearing bosses to pieces, try out Hero!