Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Leader of Queens of Darkness (formerly) Lumière | Hook then wonders why it's a two man job to receive the trigger, and Regina reveals that she needs him as a distraction, before bushing him off a cliff. Wraith, Groups He finds her reading Maleficent's spell book and explains to her that learning magic just takes time and that Maleficent would tell her the same thing. Her father was an … Alive Sheriff of Nottingham | A short time afterwards, Maleficent casts a sleeping curse on the guards of Snow White and Prince Charming's castle, so her, Ursula, and Cruella can meet with them to discuss stopping the Evil Queen's plan to enact the Dark Curse. ("A Land Without Magic"), While in her dragon form, Maleficent meets another dragon and mates with him, becoming pregnant from the union, though she never finds out his identity. Before she can attack, however, Cruella tames her with her power of persuasion, compelling her into taking a nap. Not knowing how else to stop her, Maleficent pleads for help from Mary Margaret, who realizes Lily is closing herself off because of her own insecurities. In annoyance, Maleficent shoots fire from her staff into the air, and later, she and the others arrive to find Snow White and Prince Charming were denied an answer from the tree. She has now decided that she doesn't want to kill Snow White, but rather make her suffering eternal. Frustrated at the failed sleeping curse, which was broken by true love's kiss, the Queen desires the dark curse once more, but Maleficent refuses; proclaiming that they made a deal and that the curse's recipe is her own now. At some point, years later, King Stefan awakens Briar Rose from the sleeping curse, causing Maleficent to fall into a state of depression as she lives in isolation and loses her ability to transform into a dragon. She serves as the final antagonist of Season 1, a minor antagonist in Season 2, and the main antagonist (alongside Rumplestiltskin and the Queens of Darkness) in the second half of Season 4. Later, she is bested by Briar Rose[1] and curses her into an eternal sleep. Rumple returns and reveals he stole magic from the nuns that will temporarily reverse any spell cast; he uses it on August which temporarily turns him back into a puppet, however, it keeps his "built in lie detector", which means his nose will grow if he lies. When they reach the bridge over the ravine, all are denied passage by the guards protecting it because Maleficent and her two companions are deemed untrustworthy. ("Enter the Dragon"), Sometime after this, Maleficent transforms Prince Phillip into a beast and banishes him to a faraway land, Mulan's kingdom, leaving him incapable of awakening Aurora from the sleeping curse. Sitting behind the desk, she toys with the baby rattle in one hand until David and Mary Margaret enter, attempting to make amends for what they did to her. Angrily, she spouts another stream of fire upon sighting the prince surface above water, but her flames don't reach him. Maleficent inhales the fire and King Stefan soon attacks. Some time either before or after that, a man, Will Scarlet joins the Merry Men, he convinces Robin Hood and the rest of the band of thieves to steal from Maleficent's Forbidden Fortress, as rumors say there is a mass amount of gold stored there. Blue Fairy | Later that night, she approaches Aurora in her castle bed chambers as Regina watches nearby. King Fergus | Later on, with Cruella and Ursula, Maleficent schemes to gain Camelot's magic gauntlet, an item used for locating one's greatest weakness, so they as villains can win against heroes. Storybrooke Instead, she becomes trapped when the Queen drops a hanging chandelier on her. Snow White ultimately refuses to help her because she's a villain, stating that if she succumbs to darkness to overcome the curse, her baby will be affected by it. His work done, Charming leaps through a stained glass window, diving into the waters far below. Departing with Cruella and Ursula, she later goes with them to a hilltop overlooking the town.