© 2014 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. The police said Monday that a syringe
Secondo i rapporti del comandante Castellano i tiratori scelti aprirono il fuoco sui pirati solo quando si accorsero che la vita di Phillips era in pericolo in quanto uno dei pirati stava puntando contro l'ostaggio un AK-47. [20][21] The Bainbridge captain Commander Frank Castellano, with prior authorization from U.S. President Barack Obama, ordered the action after determining that Phillips' life was in immediate danger, based on reports that a pirate was pointing an AK-47 assault rifle at his back. It was about six or seven miles off their stern, according to the crew, and the emergency alarm was sounded on the ship. Dopo che membri dell'equipaggio della nave catturata sono riusciti a riconquistare la nave, i pirati si ritirarono, prendendo in ostaggio il capitano della nave Richard Phillips a bordo di una lancia di salvataggio, allo scopo di raggiungere la Somalia in cambio di una somma di 10 milioni di dollari. The lifeboat carried ten days of food rations, water and basic survival supplies. We use USPS, FedEx, and UPS for standard shipping. Nel marzo 2009 Phillips, allora comandante della nave mercantile, venne chiamato, assieme ai suoi 20 membri dell'equipaggio, a prendere parte ad una spedizione umanitaria per il Programma alimentare mondiale e trasportare circa 17.000 tonnellate di merci, delle quali 5 t destinate alla popolazione del terzo mondo da Salalah (Oman) fino a Mombasa (Kenya). Nine crew members in the lawsuit filed in Alabama in 2012 say they suffered
This is MV Maersk Alabama Model Ship (formerly Alva Maersk), a container ship owned by Maersk Line Limited and operated by Waterman Steamship Corporation. Houreld, Katharine; Muhumed, Malkhadir M. (April 10, 2009). [8] As Alva Maersk, she was flagged to Denmark. The siege ended after a rescue effort by the U.S. Navy on 12 April 2009. Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States. The model is already built, NOT a model ship kit, Handcrafted from scratch using finest woods & metal fittings. It was the first successful pirate seizure of a ship registered under the American flag since the early 19th century. She has a light-blue hull and a beige superstructure like all Maersk vessels, regardless of their flag of registry. Just watched the movie an hour ago. Tuttavia, sotto la minaccia delle armi, Phillips fu costretto a risalire a bordo della stessa. Seems quite unreal to have the ship unberth without the presence of a harbour Pilot with the assistance of the Tug. [20][21] Muse's parents asked that he be pardoned because he was either 15 or 16 years old at the time of the incident, but at court it was ruled that he was not a juvenile and would be tried as an adult. Very decent movie! The hijacking also inspired the 2013 film Captain Phillips. [10] With a crew of 20, the ship was en route to Mombasa, Kenya. The current position of MAERSK ALABAMA is in Singapore Strait with coordinates 1.22044° / 103.65735° as reported on 2015-09-11 20:10 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. [26] He later pled guilty to piracy charges and was sentenced to more than 33 years in prison. personnel.". [citation needed] The pirates were thus unable to control the ship. Castellano ricevette, dal presidente Barack Obama, l'ordine di optare per una soluzione pacifica per salvare l'ostaggio prima che raggiungesse la costa somala. Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44. The ship the men worked on, the Maersk Alabama, was the focus of a 2009 hijacking dramatized in the movie "Captain Phillips." We will update tracking number of your shipment. She was hijacked by pirates near Somalia in 2009 and her crew held hostage. The vessel's current speed is 2.5 Knots. and traces of heroin were found in their cabin. It was the sixth vessel in a week to be attacked by pirates who had previously extorted ransoms in the tens of millions of dollars. Police said samples are being
The captain seem to be doing the entire unberthing of the ship from the Port. Very decent movie! [29], At 6:30 am on November 18, 2009, the Maersk Alabama was reportedly sailing some 350 nautical miles (650 km) east of Somalia when it was fired upon by four pirates wielding automatic weapons and traveling in a skiff. sent to Mauritius for analysis to establish if the men had consumed "a
[9], On April 7, 2009 the US Maritime Administration, following NATO advisories, released a Somalia Gulf of Aden advisory to Mariners recommending ships to stay at least 600 nmi (1,100 km) off the coast of Somalia. The Maersk Alabama's home port is in Norfolk, Va., where its parent company
10 Sep 2020 Please contact us if you prefer an express service. Get the latest breaking news delivered straight to your inbox. [13] On Saturday, April 11, Maersk Alabama arrived in the port of Mombasa, Kenya, still under U.S. military escort, where C/M Murphy was relieved by Captain Larry Aasheim, who had previously been captain of the Maersk Alabama until Richard Phillips relieved him eight days prior to the pirate attack. So he can do it. The security force on board the Maersk Alabama repelled a skiff with 5 pirates approximately 950 mi east of Somalia. Numero IMO: 9164263. .mw-parser-output .CdA{border:1px solid #aaa;width:100%;margin:auto;font-size:90%;padding:2px}.mw-parser-output .CdA th{background-color:#ddddff;font-weight:bold;width:20%}, Voci di operazioni militari presenti su Wikipedia, Captain Phillips - Attacco in mare aperto, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dirottamento_della_Maersk_Alabama&oldid=114579401, Errori di compilazione del template Interprogetto - template vuoto, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, La vicenda del dirottamento ha dato spunto per il, In ambito cinematografico il dirottamento ha dato spunto anche per il film di. The captured pirate was released but the pirates refused to release Phillips. Thank you :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVDATy1LBR-PalIemGhVrCw Durante l'abbordaggio i membri dell'equipaggio si nascosero nella sala macchine dove riuscirono a catturare uno dei pirati (identificato come Abduwali Muse) recatosi lì. Tygra è una nave da carico di proprietà della Element Shipmanagement SA battente bandiera liberiana. Il dirottamento della Maersk Alabama è avvenuto tra l'8 e il 12 aprile 2009 e comportò il sequestro della suddetta nave mercantile da parte di un gruppo di 4 pirati somali, 3 dei quali vennero uccisi, mentre uno è stato preso vivo. Numero MMSI: 366873000 [citation needed] The crew attempted to exchange this captured pirate, whom they had kept tied up for twelve hours,[14] for Captain Phillips. [36], Midnight, 14 May 2011, while transiting westbound in the international recognized corridor, Maersk Alabama was approached by a skiff of five pirates on the starboard stern. The Maersk Line said the cause of death is under investigation but is
A second unsuccessful hijacking attempt was made later that year. voci di navi mercantili presenti su Wikipedia, Captain Phillips - Attacco in mare aperto, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tygra&oldid=115046473, Voci con campo Ref vuoto nel template Infobox nave, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Successivamente una portaelicotteri raggiunse Bainbridge e fece salire, a bordo del cacciatorpediniere, un gruppo di tiratori scelti armati di fucili SR-25, che stabilirono una posizione di osservazione sul ponte di poppa, con l'ordine di aprire il fuoco solo se la vita di Phillips fosse stata in grave pericolo. Pardon", http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE53L2Z520090422, "Somali pirate sentenced to 33 years in US prison", http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12486129, https://navysealmuseum.com/home-to-artifacts-from-the-secret-world-of-naval-special-warfare/maersk-alabama-lifeboat-and-mk-25-sniper-rifle-from-easter-seal-rescue/, https://navysealmuseum.com/home-to-artifacts-from-the-secret-world-of-naval-special-warfare/unmanned-aerial-vehicle-uav-scan-eagle/, "Maersk Alabama thwarts Somali pirate attack", http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-11-18-somali-pirates-us_N.htm?obref=obnetwork, "Maersk Alabama Evades Second Pirate Attack", http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125854541908353475.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/11/18/maersk.alabama.pirates/index.html, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8366097.stm, "Pirates set sights on Maersk Alabama again, maritime group says", http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-22/world/maersk.alabama.targeted.again_1_maersk-alabama-somali-pirates-somali-coast?_s=PM:WORLD, "Maersk Alabama targeted again by Somali pirates, CNN reports", http://blog.al.com/live/2011/03/maersk_alabama_targeted_again.html, "Pirates target the Maersk Alabama again", http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/03/09/somalia.pirates.maersk/index.html, "SECURITY TEAM ABOARD MAERSK ALABAMA REPELS PIRATE ATTACK", http://www.bridgedeck.org/mmp_news.html#anchor838842, Hijackers on Cargo Ship: 'They Ran' – Associated Press, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/MV_Maersk_Alabama?oldid=4474059, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, film, a 2013 film starring Tom Hanks about the.