Phaedruss, hope your boss is not on steam or you'll be taking a long vacation from work but you'll be able to play mad max all day then. 4. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Intel encounter. Help us fix it by posting in its. Encounter. Key points of Mad Max - Pink Eye's Territory - Knit Sack. Should contain all locations of interest. Legendary ... Scarecrow. Post Comment. So several times now I go to refuel a balloon but I don't have the option of pouring in the fuel when I'm at the funnel unit (in particular, Wailing Wind and Rot 'N' Rusties territories). and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. It's on the border of Chalkies and Wailing Wind. Minefield. My Brother just bought it on Pc jand swaping notes. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You can access it from Pink Eye Territory. A guide to the filming locations used in Mad Max. In Wailing Winds zone scavenging location there's a container that you need to open to get a piece of scrap. Next Pink Eye's Territory - maps Rot'n'rusties Prev Pink Eye's Territory - maps Knit Sack. This game is freaking addicting. 5. Established in 2011 the website is focused on providing full guides and walkthroughs for best-selling video games. Minefield. Stumped: How to get to this Scavenging Location? ... Wailing Wind note: the southernmost scarecrow seems not to ... Dinki-Di starts barking when he sniffs out a minefield and also looks in the direction of it. Next Pink Eye's Territory - maps Wailing Wind Prev Gutgash's Territory - maps Chalkies. Minefield. 7. The Wailing Wind is one of the Regions of the Dead Barrens in the Mad Max video game. About 1klm south through the sand you will find a back way into the camp. Due to being filmed around the city of Melbourne, the locations used in the first Mad Max are more identifiable, and therefore this is the most detailed locations list of the films. MAPS. The maps contain - with few exceptions - all icons that at some point will appear on the map. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Favorited. Sniper. Cheers. 1. LOL, Guys love the Game I have it on Xbox one totaly addictive is any different to Pc ? Scarecrow. There's a gate which I can't seem to take out, so I assume I need to go around, but I can't figure out how to do that either. Intel encounter. 0. Just a compilation of maps for every region in Mad Max. Scarecrow. 0. This walkthrough is the property of Also bordering on "the big nothing". Wailing Wing Deep Friah’s Territory and The Dunes: The Dump The Dunes Mad Max Map Crash Fix PS4.