Before the stairs is a ledge to climb for some AMMO. Next to it is a kickable door which you should enter. To destroy the Land Move you need to drive up alongside it and use the Harpoon to tear off the armor plating and then use Thunderpoons or the Shotgun to blow up the fuel tanks behind them. Go back and choose the path to the left to destroy the last 3 Transfer Tanks. Epic Jump [Q 22] (OPTIONAL): Do this from the Northeast, Scavenging Location [O 22] (162/191)Enemies: 3 RoadkillsLoot: 2 Scraps, 2 MAGGOTS, Eliminate Perimeter Defense STONEHOLD [N 24]: Only three defenses. Quick business. Follow the path to the left to your first fight against 7 Scrotus. Turn that valve to extinguish the fire to reach some MAGGOTS and a ladder. Scarecrow. Upon doing so another 4 Roadkills will attack you. Climb the ladder and turn left when you come outside. Even though The Big Chief destroys enemy cars ridiculously easy it can be an idea to break through the roadblocks instead of letting them dictate the route. Look for an underground opening near the 24-sign.Enemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, Ammo, Fuel Can, CAR PART: Slick Rubs tires (only if In Due Time have been completed), DESTROY CONVOY: The Height - Knit Sack. Look to the left for an alcove with SCRAP #7. Next climb the ladder to find SCRAP #6. Favorite. It will also net you an achievement. It's one of the simplest way to increase safety. Move your car so you don't snap on the Transfer Tank crane. SCRAP #4 and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #2 (40/77) is in the next shed - which is a part of a plane body. Scarecrow. You need to get close to him as quickly as possible and its not difficult to have him plain in sight after the first long turn. Go down the stairs and fight 3 more Scrotus. Now follow the wall back to the door where you first entered. There's some CANNED FOOD along the left cliff wall and further down along that wall is SCRAP #1 in a jimmy bar box. After that it's you against Cock Locka without any intervention by henchmen. Enter the buildings to the West to find SCRAP #2, some AMMO and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #1 (59/77). On a shelf on the left side is SCRAP #3. Before you do that: Take a look behind you across the canyon. Sniper. Go down the stairs next to this building. Lower the bridge by breaking the crank and fight the awaiting 6 Scrotus. To execute this move you must be very close to an enemy and press while holding a Thunderstick. Enter your car and rive to the second camp and ram through the Massive Gate. Go up those stairs and down on the other side. All Discussions ... Start on the road that is right above the "T" in "The Dunes Region" take the road west it will lead through "Rot'n'Rusties", past the "Even Rip" death run, and ends just north of the Wind Farm in "Knit Sack." CAMP DISMANTLED AND COMPLETED. Sep 6, 2015 @ 4:57am. Go back down and enter the Pump area. There's still a lot to do but I would still recommend taking a look at the Challenge list and actively working on combat challenges during the remainder of the game. Otherwise you'll need to go out hunting for the parts. Before going down there you should pay a visit to the building up here for SCRAP #5 in a jimmy bar box. To the left is a rack of Thundersticks. Driving into a tower will have similar effect. SCRAP #8 is on the ground by the stair you came from. It's a building with Fuel cans and INFINITY fuel. Park your car at on this side - the East side - and enter the camp on foot. On occasion a normal attack will be made which you can parry. There's nothing to do at Pink Eye at the moment so exit the stronghold. Kindly enough there is a WATER source just before entering. If you missed it we're going there very soon anyway. No Need to go back to Pink Eye. There should be a 5th Transfer Tank that didn't blow up in the chain reaction. Evade is the key here - to every enemy. Return to your car and head out on the East side. Smash through the roadblocks with your car and pull down the Massive gate with the Harpoon. There's MAGGOTS in an adjacent room behind you. We need to liberate Pink Eye's territory before we unlock the last two upgrades. Head back out and turn right and go down the stair for some CANNED FOOD. This walkthrough is the property of Go out to the balcony and throw it at the last Transfer Tank. You will have four opponent which will be no problem as it is allowed to destroy them. SCRAP #4 found! Exit through the doorway up here and look to your left for History Relic [4:12] (73/85). There are a few sand patches that you need to boost across in order to maintain cruising speed. CAMP DISMANTLED. Turn the valve here to extinguish the flame at the opposite end of the area. Shoot 2 fuel tanks on moving vehicles using the Sniper Rifle, while driving the "Rule of War" Archangel. Gran another Thunderstick and follow the path beneath that insignia. In order to increase the ramming strength, accelerate before driving into the Scarecrow. Scavenging Location [W 50] WATER (156/191): Beware of trapsEnemies: 2 RoadkillsLoot: 2 Scraps, Ammo, Scavenging Location [V 50] (157/191): Accessible from the South.Enemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, MAGGOTS, Scavenging Location [V 52] (158/191): The entrance is a cave just Northeast of the marker. Defeat 5 vehicles by grinding while driving the "Cardinal Grinder" Archangel, Defeat 15 Buzzard vehicles while driving the "Jugger of Virtue" Archangel, Maintain full cruising speed for 1.9 miles (3058 m) while driving the "Righteous Spike" Archangel, Complete main and optional objectives for remaining 9 Scrotus camps, Reduce all threat within 1 region of Pink Eye's territory, Reduce all threat in remaining 4 regions within Pink Eye's territory. Keep your attention at the Top Dog while killing off the reinforcements. Around the throne is SCRAP #2 in a jimmy bar box, SCRAP #3, some AMMO, SCRAP #4, History Relic [2:11] (67/85) and some more AMMO. After entering the camp you will be attacked by a large group of enemies. Walk through the building and across the bridge to find SCRAP #5. Complete all optional objectives in all camps, Time to go back to Pink Eye and do the mine sweeping round. Death Run [D 46] NECK SNAPPIN' (OPTIONAL): To unlock Fast Travel. There's a rack of Thundersticks here. Goal of Legendary Encounter. Favorited. Outside of that is a WATER source. Must've been destroyed in an explosion before #2 in the guide below. Go back and take the path next to the ladder you came from. Head into the mine tunnel to your right for SCROTUS INSIGNIA #3 (65/77) and SCRAP #7. Build Medium Stockpile (1000) and Large Stockpile (1500) to further improve the stronghold. Looking East the path splits in two. Smash through the gate at the other side and take care of that last Thunderstick Launcher. I'm clearing out Gutgash's territory, and the very last scarecrow is playing a vanishing act on me. The pile of Fuel Barrels and tanks between the two counts at the 3rd Transfer Tank. Go inside to find SCRAP #5 and turn the valve there to open the gate below. First climb the ladder to get above the East gate. There are 16 Buzzards. 1.7 – 1x Scrap, 1x History relic (under the bridge, the ladder that leads beyond the bridge can be lowered with a harpoon) 1.8 – 2 enemies, 1 sniper, 1x Scrap 1.9 – 7 enemies, 4x Scrap Kick open the door to the shed and look for AMMO, SCRAP #2 and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #1 (39/77) inside. Eliminate Perimeter Defense THE CHOKE [N 7]: From the bottom of the ravine1 Sniper: In a Large Tower. The Transfer Tanks can be reached by throwing a Fuel Can from the INFINITE FUEL supply in the shed the the West. You should have plenty of Thunderpoons so use those to destroy all the escort vehicles first. This is by far the easiest camp of them all. Go to the mission marker within the Stronghold and talk to the guard. Loot Encounter [AF 8] (5/7): Hidden stash mission. Let's go back there and whilst there clean up his entire territory. Make sure your in the Rule of War Archangel and try to go for two fuel tanks, then tires. Look for AMMO and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #3 (61/77) near it. Break the crank to lower the bridge and then look behind you above the elevator to find SCROTUS INSIGNIA #4 (58/77) crying for a shotgun shell. CAMP DISMANTLED AND COMPLETED, Scavenging Location [H 15] (177/191)Enemies: 3 RoadkillsLoot: 2 Scraps, Fuel Can, History Relic [3:3] (80/85), Scavenging Location [K 16] (178/191)Enemies: 5 RoadkillsLoot: 2 Scraps, Fuel Can, Ammo, Scavenging Location [M 18] (179/191)Enemies: 4 RoadkillsLoot: 1 Scrap, Ammo, Scavenging Location [O 20] WATER (180/191): Use the Harpoon to open the upper cargo container. From the Southeast: 1 Hauler + 2 escort vehicles. SCRAP #8 sits on the wall in plain sight. Threat level should now be 1 in Pink Eye and thus unlocking: Which makes you able to build the Jugger of Virtue and Cardinal Grinder Archangels. If you got the scrap (you should!) Only two remaining and those are in the camps. Go into the building and look for an opening to the left. Scavenging Location [L 26] (165/191)Enemies: 3 ScrotusLoot: 2 Scraps, Fuel Can, SPOTTER vehicle, Scavenging Location [F 30] WATER (166/191): Long drive to the South edge.Enemies: 2+2 RoadkillsLoot: 4 Scraps, Scrap Pallet, Ammo, Fuel Can, CANNED FOOD, Water. #2. Follow the left hand wall until you reach SCROTUS INSIGNIA #2 (44/77). Enlarge this map. Checkpoints only counts if you smash a barrel and you must make them all count. Intel Encounter [AH 7] (6/7): Upcoming race advice, Scavenging Location [AF 6] (127/191): Drive off road to get here.Enemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, Ammo, Scavenging Location [AE 8] (128/191)Enemies: 7 Scrotus (1 sniper)Loot: 2 Scraps, Ammo, CANNED FOOD, Scavenging Location [AC 11] (129/191)Enemies: 5 RoadkillsLoot: 2 Scraps, Fuel Can, Ammo, CANNED FOOD, Scavenging Location [AB 14] WATER (130/191)Enemies: 4 Roadkills (1 sniper)Loot: 2 Scraps, Ammo, Water. Then climb that ledge to find SCRAP #5 above.