I am helping a friend do some research and I am trying to find out the country of origin of the author of Lifetimes: A Beautiful way to explain life and death to children, Bryan Mellonie. A cancer widow of 2+ years with kids just a few years older than mine recommended the book "Lifetimes: The Beautiful way to explain death to children" by Bryan Mellonie and Robert Ingpen. To see what your friends thought of this book, Lifetimes: A Beautiful Way to Explain Life and Death to Children. Welcome back. Lifetimes was written by my father to try and explain death and dying to young children in a clear, simple, non-sectarian way that they could understand and relate to. It is not particularly comforting. If your child wants to know, this book is a great place to start the conversation. Although death can be a sensitive and sometimes difficult subject to address, this book was very comforting. I had just turned 11 years old. It really helped me explain when words failed. We can have memories. I did not think that this would work, my best friend showed me this website, and it does! It helps us to understand. Some of the line drawings (a dead bug, for instance) seemed a little strange - I mean, I guess that's the point, here's a bug that's alive, here's one that isn't, but still felt a little weird to me. Maybe it is helpful for kids? . I remember thinking it was a strange gift as nobody in our family was sick or about to die. Even as an adult, reading the book again, I have fond memories of my mom constantly trying to answer the incessant why? Lifetimes tells us about beginnings. This uncluttered book explains death in a matter-of-fact tone. It lets us explain life and death in a sensitive, caring, beautiful way. However, as a person of faith, I would add that the scope of this book is limited to earthly life and therefore does not touch on the belief in life after death. Examples are given about plants, birds, fish, small mammals, and finally, humans. People are different from other living things. It is simple, but effective at explaining the life cycles, including death. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Lifetimes . how can we help a child to understand? It was comforting that it does not address theories of afterlife or contain platitudes. With simple text and illustrations of nature, this book aims to normalize death by explaining it as a part of a given creature’s lifetime. I think it's good for what it is intended for - it's not too sappy, it's not too blunt (but straightforward enough), it's clear, and it's been recommended by enough professionals that I assume it has worked well for kids in this situation before. The words and illustrations peacefully showed how birth, living, and death are the natural process of life. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published . Examples are given about plants, birds, fish, small mammals, and finally, humans. We have made it easy for you to find a PDF Ebooks without any digging. Lifetimes is a moving book for children of all ages, even parents too. eBook includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. A beautiful children's book about the cycle of life for all living things-animals, plants, humans, bugs. Throughout the book, the lifetime is explained as a beginning and an end, with living in the middle; it is established several times that this is true of all living things. And by having access to our ebooks online or by storing it on your computer, you have convenient answers with Lifetimes The Beautiful Way To Explain Death To Children . I don't know. . It explains that while an individual's lifetime may vary, I bought this to read with my 4 year old daughter, as she has started asking questions about death. It talked about how plants, animals, fish, insects, birds, and humans all have a period of lifetime, then they die. It helped tremendously, it's written in a beautiful manner. Bon, 7 Books To Make The Lead Up to College Less Stressful. With simple text and illustrations of nature, this book aims to normalize death by explaining it as a part of a given creature’s lifetime. There is another listing on Goodreads with the correct title (Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children), but for some reason this incorrect listing has more ratings attached to it. Robert R. Ingpen, Download Lifetimes : A Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children –, Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror (4,247). A really beautiful book and soothing way to explain death to a young (toddler aged) child. This is a thoughtful and accurate way to explain life and death. This book didn't focus on sadness or fear, rather it focused on how normal this process is and how every living thing will experience death at some point.