These past months I have given my life over to God and I know it is the right thing. I Love you. We have that confirmation slip instantly from God. Regardless of the need or nature of the miracle, it requires faith to receive it. “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:10), Faith causes you to know in your heart before you see with your eyes. 2. I know the evil one is trying to pull me towards him and making me doubt God’s promise. God you are all I need, please God, come in lord, i’m crying out (again). Do you trust your mind to lead you to the right conclusions or do you trust Him with the heart? (Romans 1:17). Use of Site Subject to your agreement to our Privacy Policy. Surround yourself with his word and listen to his lead. 1. I am blessed to have visited this sight. (Hebrews 10:35-39; Hebrews 6:12). Give thanks for the results before you see. The latter are as filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6), and are wrong because the man occupied with them cannot understand or accept God’s free grace – that it is by GRACE, by CHRIST that we are saved, and not by our own works. Tell kids that trusting God is sometimes like closing your eyes and falling into His arms. Doubt, like fear, torments. Remember that faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). I claim it every day but I believe the lord wanted me to revisit this post. We must rededicate ourselves to God’s Word, to thankfulness, to prayer and to the voice of the Spirit. I curse the immigration people for being so lazy and I feel like God is punishing me for my lack of faith. The NIV translation says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV). “oh, I am so tired”, “what shall I say”‘ etc… Now I just do it. ANONYMOUS Just have faith in God’s word and keep moving:, I pray God that strong faith will reign in the hearts of men today because without faith, it is impossible to please God. Reading comments from others is also helping me to build my faith., “Father, I pray for Jon that you would strengthen their heart at this time. Thank you for your guidance and inspiration. Faith, however, takes the promise as done NOW. We should realise that God has already “given us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3) and all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3). Doubt is an enemy to faith because it speaks with a voice that challenges the truth or the reliability of what we should be believing. Does it make sense to have faith in God? Perhaps we have waited for what may or may not be God’s promise to us, and we grow impatient. But as well as this change of allegiance or repentance we need to believe God and His promises with a living faith. God “gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did” (Romans 4:17). I don’t want to waver and I don’t want to make God mad. The Word must enter deeply into us. Many books were written on the topic, explaining that Almost a year later, he got a letter in the mail from a lawyer seeking child support for the three daughters and one son in my mother's care. 2. Therefore by seeking God, His presence and the fullness of His Spirit we will be set free from fear. In Jesus’ name, amen.”. Hey I think I understand what you’re going through. Be strong in the Lord with all your might. If you didn’t have faith you wouldn’t flip the switch! It´s great to have the opportunity to read this Artikel. This has opened me to higher understanding in the word of God. Thank you again. Ask kids to tell you what the obvious differences are. You must allow your old nature to be weakened as you say yes to God and no to these desires for seeking praise and recognition. How to protect your home and break curses! God talks in faith. etc. God will release a multiplied harvest in return if we endure and do not faint (Hebrews 10:36). I actually started to feel like with this power i could help change the world. It’s a fun, interactive demonstration. And I am believeing God that my partner will not only come to church but he will come this Sunday. Thanks and May God reward for ur work. I started reading the word of God and reading it in the first person as if it was written directly to me. The man who is “trying to believe” may be sincere, but he does not have faith in that area yet. And with me gone it pretty much tosses them out on the streets. Fasting puts done the flesh and is often very effective in destroying the power of unbelief, because it aids in humbling ourselves and in removing fleshly distractions to the voice of God. Thanks to the person who created this site and thanks to everyone you left their comments thus far. Cessationists (those who believe that miracles stopped after the Every week, thousands of churches use our Bible lessons, craft ideas, printable resources, and coloring pages to teach kids the Christian faith. This article is right on time for me!!! Christ-like humility. The Bible tells us there are both true and false apostles. God is calling all of us to put our faith in action in many ways. God I need you, I love you God, please walk with me, protect me, keep me. God says, “Fear not, FOR I AM WITH YOU.” (Is. Im the only one working. In true American fashion we began to merchandise it. There is a radical difference between works or actions that spring from real faith, and works which spring from SELF in an effort to earn God’s approval. The thing I found was asking God for forgiveness, thanking him for that forgiveness, then sayin out loud “I reject the Devil’s lies about fear”, and James 4:7 says ” resist the devil and he will flee from you”. God talks in faith. With faith in God, through His Son, we then can say, “I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And I want my relationship with God back also, like how it used to be. Robert, that was a great testimony, I myself need to do this as well. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, ‘And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.’, ESV. Those who don’t believe God inevitably believe in something else. plane or having the largest TV audience. Words of death attract spirits of death, words of doubt attract doubt, words of fear attract spirits of fear, and so on. When you are more interested in what people – even Christian people – think of you, more than what God thinks of you, according to Jesus, you won’t be able to truly believe in Him. this is a realization of how much I lack. It is about teaching his And renewed my vows to the Lord. 6. I dont listen to crap now like metallic. Christian Testimonies - True Stories of God at Work, 23hrs dead: She saw Famous People in Hell: Michael Jackson, Pope John Paul II, & others. Confessing Christ as your Living Lord and Savior with your mouth releases God’s salvation into your life. But please, feel free to comment and leave questions as much as you wish on any article on this site. comparing parents to God….I tend to think that if parents want children, they are obviously getting something (i.e. The centurion (Matthew 8:5-13) and the woman of Canaan (Matthew 15:21-28) were both motivated by their love for another in coming to Jesus. God is therefore righteous in expecting us to believe in Him and what He says. IM FEELING GOOD RIGHT NOW, hey where can i find these stories im kinda new to this site…. “sent ones,” who are commissioned to contend for pure doctrine, Three Circles. In fact I pray in tongues under my breath now. “Whatever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23) and God hates sin. In the general sense of the word, to have faith is to believe in something or someone, to fully trust, to be so confident that you base your actions on what you believe. THANK YOU WHOEVER WROTE THIS! I’m not a bad kid. I’m just a struggling sinner trying to deepened my relationship with the Lord. . “The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). One of my new heroes is a Nigerian pastor named Tunde Bolanta, God saved my life, I am now experiencing his glory in ways that I never did before. Im still struggling but I have noticed that when I place Him first every morning my day goes so well, “thank you LORD”…I wake up, I go to work on time. I wish to thank GOD for using you to present about the subject of faith in a clear and understandable manner like you did. Yes! For years, she watched her marriage deteriorate. In accepting that God’s ways are far better than our own, we can release that which we cannot manipulate or guarantee -- our future. I LOST MOST OF MINE DUE TO DRUGS AND ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOR.. Jesus im as dead as my dead mother i should just overdose on a speedball and die like my mother, ive been waiting 7 years for a blessing? You’ll also need an inflated beach ball to demonstrate the moving of the air. We sense it in our hearts. Negative fear is a negative emotion based on the real expectation of bad things to come. Because God’s priorities and man’s are different. What we say comes back to affect our own heart and our own spiritual condition. exorbitant amounts of money. apostle Paul, I’ve seen three key truths we must reclaim today: 1. I don’t know why I am responding to you b/c I feel that I am not well equipt to give you sound advice, but what I am about to tell you is not my advice for I am no one. We may be discouraged by the persecution of others, even of our families. Hope the above thoughts are helpfull for you. I read through the original post here and then some of the replies. God knows EVERYTHING. Many times in the past, I would feel discouraged but what a great reminder through this message that ALL things are possible through Christ who strengths us!! Even though it is not exactly my thing, it’s a pretty cool page! Pray that my faith in Jesus will be built up so that I can cast these silly doubts aside. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His unfailing favour to include me in receiving such a wonderful deep teaching on the theme What is FAITH? Each time those questions are asked, the answer is always, “Yes.” There are times in our lives when the road ahead seems uncertain; when the answers we desperately seek are elusive. Sounds from what you are saying that you don’t have much peace at the moment, but your chosen music gives you a sense of relief and a feeling that you are ok. I’m thinking that you must be having a lot of tension in your relationship with your parents, and if I’m right, that would be something it would be good to work on. Am thoroughly blessed and inspired. Frankly, I think I have no idea. Once ya got it, you’ll never lose it. 5 Powerful Lessons from Psalm 139 about God's Wonderfulness ,Meg Bucher - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith! The cure for this is study, meditation and consideration of the Word. Float the beach ball. But also to live my life for Him as He wants me too. thank you soo much for these encouranging words which i believe have and will awaken many christians are blessed and continue with the good work and God will reward you in Jesus mighty name. (Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:19,20). ceased and that apostles are no longer necessary. So I live my life in the earthly body by trusting the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). God wants goodness for us, not evil. Faith brings salvation.