By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. The most well-known brand of sparkling water is refreshing its flavor lineup. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, La Croix Will Bubble Up Two New Flavors in 2020. Copyright © 2020 Sunset Publishing Corporation. Krista Garcia Updated: Jan. 28, 2020. via @lacroixwater/twitter . Others thought the pink and green theme meant strawberry-kiwi, strawberry lemonade, raspberry-lime or dragonfruit. It's pretty damn refreshing, and tastes more like a tart, mysterious berry than a bouquet of flowers. Discover LaCroix® Core, LaCroix® Cúrate® and LaCroix® NiCola® flavors ranging from Pure bubbles to exotic Coffea provoking the senses with robust aromas and hints of flavor. A lake for everyone, confessions of a pool crasher, and the BBQ king of California. Some are better than others! La Croix fiends can prepare for an exciting 2020. el && Move over Pamplemousse and Peach-Pear, because we’ve heard LimonCello LaCroix will soon be added to the LaCroix family. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Are you sure you want to remove this item from your Recipe Box? ), RELATED: Exactly Which LaCroix Flavor to Drink, According to Your Zodiac Sign, I am not currently subscribed to, so please subscribe, I am already subscribed to, let me tell you the email address I used to subscribe, Please accept the terms and privacy statement by checking the box below. let el = $('.bonus_video atype-video-jwplayer') There are two kinds of seltzer drinkers in the world: Those who must drink LaCroix pamplemousse, and those who don't really care, as long as it has bubbles and a whisper of fake fruit flavor. The brand has announced two new flavors of its obsessively consumed sparkling water: Limoncello and Pastèque (that’d be watermelon, for those non-French speakers among us). The new flavors have “European finesse,” according to the company. Sure, you may not be guzzling down a Jolly Rancher–inspired seltzer anytime soon, but it could've been so much worse. Fans have strong opinions on which flavors are superior (editor’s note: definitely not coconut), wear La Croix-branded merchandise, and are always on the hunt for less commonly found flavors. Read on to find out which La Croix flavors are crowd-pleasers and try them out if you haven’t already. The brand has announced two new flavors of its obsessively consumed sparkling water: Limoncello and Pastèque (that’d be watermelon, for those non-French speakers among us). La Croix fiends can prepare for an exciting 2020. We have to say, LaCroix fans, this is not bad news! (Plus, it's pink. All rights reserved. © 2010-2020 Wow Media Products, Inc doing business as PureWow. It comes in a variety of fruity flavors, which makes it extremely palatable. So every time a new LaCroix flavor comes out, we always expect a divided response. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Create one here. LimonCello LaCroix Is the All-New Flavor We Just Can’t Get Enough Of. An overwhelming amount of devoted LaCroix drinkers were hoping for watermelon. Flavors. La Croix has a brand new flavor that was announced today! * All Rights Reserved. © LaCroix Beverages, Inc. All rights reserved. (function($) { The new flavor has a pink can, with depictions of yellow flowers as well as yellow and white stripes. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from LaCroix Water: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. The can also has the classic ‘La Croix’ feel with the ‘0 sodium, 0 sugar, 0 calories=innocent!’ The new flavor is called “Hi-Biscus!” and I am assuming that it will have a very light flavor that is easy to drink. Sign up for PureWow to get more daily discoveries sent straight to your inbox. 2019's latest can is no exception: After teasing an unlabeled bright-pink-and-green can on Twitter, LaCroix just revealed that the newest bubbly family member is none other than hibiscus (or, as it's labeled, “HI-Biscus!”). 1. of Sunset Publishing Corporation. Have you ever tried hibiscus tea? Sign up for PureWow to get more ideas like these (It’s free!). LaCroix Just Announced Its Newest Flavor and People Have a Lot of Feelings, No Joke: There Are Now Guided Meditations to Help You Decompress from ‘Game of Thrones’, A post shared by LaCroix Sparkling Water (@lacroixwater). La Croix cans have a vivid and exciting appearance, with gushing waves in pastel colors forming the original design. So every time a new LaCroix flavor comes out, we always expect a divided response. According to LaCroix, HI-Biscus will “soon be available, starting in the Western United States.”, We'll make our final verdict when we taste this HI-Biscus stuff for ourself. LaCroix has grown in … Lime edges out all of La Croix’s other citrus flavors and generally seems to be well-liked by everyone. Unlike many of the best LaCroix flavors, Piña Fraise offers an overwhelming amount of flavor. Whiteclaw, Bon & Viv, and Fick’s are newly minted contenders for space in the beer aisle, clocking in at around four to five percent ABV per 12 ounce can. And of course, the people have *feelings.*. Retrouvez toute l’actualité en France et dans le monde, les informations politiques, économiques et religieuses. “With European finesse and unique flavor innovation, our exciting new LimonCello and Pastèque are joining the LaCroix family of flavors and will be launched nationally in early 2020,” writes a representative for National Beverage Corp., the company behind the bubbly beverage and other fizzy brands like Faygo, Big Shot, and Ritz. One person suggested new flavors should include 'previous tenant squeezed a lemon', 'possible kiwi sighting', and 'tropical cardboard.'. This LaCroix rivals Pamplemousse and Peach-Pear! And ever since the LaCroix boom of 2016, the brand has been branching out with more exotic flavor offerings. Never created a password? And of course, the people have *feelings. SUNSET is a registered trademark La Croix has had a meteoric rise in the past few years, from lesser-known Midwest brand to pop culture phenomenon. el.setAttribute('with-title', 'true') 2019's latest can is no exception: After teasing an unlabeled bright-pink-and-green can on Twitter, LaCroix just revealed that the newest bubbly family member is none other than hibiscus (or, as it's labeled, “HI-Biscus!”). For the non-alcoholic crowd, however, good old fashioned sparkling water remains the go-to. When you stock your mini-fridge, make sure these guys are represented. Some responded with excitement. A post shared by LaCroix Sparkling Water (@lacroixwater) on May 13, 2019 at 2:58pm PDT. Discover LaCroix® Core, LaCroix® Cúrate® and LaCroix® NiCola® flavors ranging from Pure bubbles to exotic Coffea provoking the senses with robust aromas and hints of flavor. After all, if it has bubbles, it can't be that bad. … el.setAttribute('mute', true) (Ooh, we like the sound of that). What’s the Difference Between Sparkling Water and Seltzer. But most were just confused and disappointed. The craze for sparkling water, including brands like Waterloo and Spindrift, has given way to hard seltzer, a genre of alcoholic beverages capitalizing on the public’s thirst for fizzy, fruit-flavor-laced drinks. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. La rédaction de La Croix décrypte pour vous les infos à la Une. Sign up to our newsletter and receive 10% off your first order. La Croix Water. Muré pepino, anyone? We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. })(document.querySelector.bind(document)); Get fresh recipes, wine pairings, weekend getaway ideas, regional gardening tips, home design inspiration, and more. Stay tuned for La Croix’s newest options in early 2020.