Significance, 6. With a variety of different learning techniques, including active learning, our resources are a great way to prepare students before they sit their Cambridge IGCSE®s, GCSEs and other examinations in the future. Below are the latest materials published to the site. Part 2: Exchange descriptions with your partner and your partner must now draw your toy. Britain 1500-1750. 1. 1 Concepts. What were the causes and consequences of the Reformation 1500-1750? Our most recent Computing Scheme of Work which has been roughly mapped to OCR GCSE Computer Science (9-1) for 2016 onwards. Women's suffrage - An ever-expanding library of free worksheets, interactive resources, activities, games and lessons all geared toward the KS3 History curriculum. KEY STAGE 3: SCHEME OF WORK OVERVIEW - Religious Studies AUT 1 AUT 2 SPRING 1 SPRING 2 SUMMER 1 SUMMER 2 YEAR 7 Topics/Themes/ skills covered Discussing beliefs in RS Ultimate Questions History of World Religions What is God Role Models Moral Rules What is Justice How to write Good Paragraphs Stories with a Deeper Meaning Change and continuity, 4. Teaching resources for key stage 3 history. Cambridge University Press provides a wide range of different teaching resources for Key Stage 3 and Lower Secondary curriculums. Find worksheets, exercises and quizzes on: Islamic civilisations; Roman empire; Pompeii; using evidence. Created: Jun 22, 2016. They will be able to create roles and interpret characters through role-play and drama work. Students will explain and comment on various features of Shakespeare’s use of language with some explanation of it. 2016-2017-KS3-Computing-Scheme-of-Work. Part 1: write a description – concentrating on use of adjectives in order to create the clearest picture you can of your toy. Students will be able to show a generally clear understanding of the play and of it. Cultural, ethnic and religious diversity, 3 . Author: Created by WHHS_ICT. AF1 Thinking historically. Key Stage 3 and 4 History Resources Engaging and challenging History resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Preview. Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 52 KB. Ancient World: pre-1000. Year 8. 5. Loading... Save for later. Key Stage 3 Computing Scheme of Work. Key People and Terms in the French Revolution Facts & Worksheets … View → Key People and Terms in the French Revolution Facts & Worksheets. 5 3 customer reviews. Free. Task: Create a bad version of your own favourite toy. Unit 2. History Key Concepts and processes. Causation, AF2 Exploring interpretations. Striving to produce well-balanced, well-paced, challenging and differentiated resources that cater to a variety of ages and ability levels. Find resources. Find resources. Reading: 5&7 . Hideki Tojo Facts & Worksheets … View → Hideki Tojo Facts & Worksheets. Find worksheets, activities, exercises, templates and sources to use covering key topics of British and world history. Interpretation. We add dozens of new worksheets and materials for history teachers every month. Key Stage 3 History. Chronological understanding, 2. Show students Toy Story clip of the bad toys as a stimulus. Medieval Period: 1000-1500. Read more .