What we think about most, shows up in our life. This episode dives into the question of what to do if sailing around the world or RV’ing across the country is not on your near horizon. Learn about getting to the core of your dreams, having a vision, finding your spark, and taking small steps towards your dreams, and building a community around your vision. Do you have an idea or vision for your life that seems impossible from where you are now? The destination souvenirs will be fun things we find during our travel and send you! What suggestions do you have to help get along with your spouse, partner or family? How to Timeshare Full Time, Ep 86: Creating a Life on Your Terms with Kallen Diggs, Ep 102: The Truth About the Nomadic Lifestyle, Ep 40: Expert Series – Taking the Leap Toward your Dreams, Ep 12: European Reset with the Landis Family, https://www.facebook.com/keepyourdaydream, https://www.youtube.com/c/keepyourdaydreamtv. I am encouraged to think bigger about life because you took the time to share of bit of your own thoughts with us. Jeremy and Stephanie, the co-hosts of RV Family Travel Atlas podcast join KYD to share their insights on traveling with their three young sons for more than 50 nights per year. Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram Follow-us on Facebook Subscribe on YouTube, Ep 105: Update & Operation Moto Dog with Mallory Paige, You have a choice. Before Operation Moto Dog, Mallory had never driven a motorcycle and had little camping experience. Have you ever wanted to visit Alaska? Jodi Low is the founder of U & Improved and shares with KYD how to find the power to make your dreams come true. She’s on a mission to help you create better memories through travel. In this podcast, we both come to the table with three ideas that may help you when traveling or getting through quarantine! iTunes: http://bit.ly/kydit Android: http://bit.ly/stitcr, Click here to follow us on Instragram: https://instagram.com/keepyourdaydreamFollow-us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepyourdaydream. Listen to our back catalog of over 100 interviews with people that have made their dreams a reality. Have you ever thought of moving your family into an RV? 75.4k Followers, 449 Following, 497 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Marc & Tricia (@keepyourdaydream) We'll also introduce you to future conversations and topics that we'll have about moving your dreams forward. Have you achieved the “American Dream”, but found that it’s exhausting while still left feeling that there is something more? You can also search Keep Your Daydream on YouTube for travel inspiration every Sunday at 7 pm central. This episode offers insights and ideas of how travel can re-energize us and even get us out of a rut. Listen to our back catalog of over 100 interviews with people that have made their dreams a reality. But first they needed to sell the house and all their stuff. So did Kallen Diggs before following the advice from his grandfather. Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. Style $24.99 . That is what Eli David learned early when trying convince people to make a change. If you enjoy the videos...this is a great way to say thanks and help us make the videos even better! (Life will sometimes happen on its own accord when you least expect it or want it!) iTunes: http://bit.ly/kydit
Android: http://bit.ly/stitcr, Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram: https://instagram.com/keepyourdaydreammFollow-us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepyourdaydream. Thank you!Wishing abundant joy as you travel through this life,Greg (and Heather) Richards. Once you understand the formula, you’ll be able to craft your story in such a way to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. A place where KYD can make announcements, celebrate the achievements of listeners and answer questions from the guest episodes. Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram Follow-us on Facebook Subscribe on YouTube. Chase shares his struggles that led him to create his bucketlist and provides encouragement for those that might be on the fence in saying YES to their life. Maria from One Girl One Suitcase joins KYD to share how she made travel one of her top 3 priorities and didn’t let anything stop her from making it happen. You can learn everything you need to know about RV warranties and lot more information to help you get started. Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram Follow-us on Facebook. Check out the full description, pictures and show notes at http://www.KeepYourDaydream.com/less-house-more-living. 3) And if you're new to Patreon, you need to create an account first and pledge second. It’s about being you and telling a story in such a way that makes a connection with your audience. Choose Happy. Premium Unisex Tee. Do you want a life with less junk, more journey and even better relationships with the people that matter most? In this episode, Keep Your Daydream hooks up a 5th wheel for the 1st time! Welcome to KYD! Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! Check out the full description, pictures, and show notes here. Ratings & reviews help us rank better in iTunes and reach more people. When Chase Boehringer created his bucketlist, his world was falling apart. This is where we spend most of our time. Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram: https://instagram.com/keepyourdaydream
Follow-us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepyourdaydream YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/keepyourdaydreamtv. Our personal fav You'll have access to the KYD Secret Facebook page so we can follow your adventure, share pictures, stories and tips. From stock-broker to hitch-hiker, Tomislav shares his journey of visiting more than 40 countries on $10 per and the lessons that only travel can teach. Episode 100: How We Turned “Someday” Into Today! If you're thinking about going full-time and want some encouragement or just have someone to ask the endless questions you might have...we're here for you! So what’s the common thread here? is creating a positive community that shares experiences! Click the link to leave a rating and review. Follow RV Family Travel Atlas here and checkout their resourceful podcast and blog. We want to know what you think of this format of type of conversation. Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram
Follow-us on Facebook. Trivia: When the show that eventually became The Monkees (1966) was being pitched to NBC, The Lovin' Spoonful was considered to star on the show. Jeff Shelton, the CEO of Wholesale Warranties joins KYD to answer your 5 biggest RV warranty questions. You can learn everything you need to know about RV warranties and lot more information to help you get started. In this episode you’ll learn how Chris got started with “Rubber Trekking” and left his 9 to 5 for a van. Caz Makepeace is the co-founder of the most popular and top rated travel blog called yTravel. Meaning, what are we learning and focusing on to move the conversation forward? Understanding yourself is the first step toward living the life of your dreams. season 2: rv mexico | preparing to leave (ep 37 full time rv living vlog) rv mexico - crossing the border | san carlos & mazatlan (ep 38 keep your daydream) rv mexico | mazatlan to la penita rv park | ep 39 full time rv living. What did you learn? Available sizes. Much wisdom and helpful message!! This episode will change your perspective on timeshares. Crazy Family Adventure joins KYD to share how they managed to travel by RV full-time with a family of 6 plus 2 dogs! The first in a monthly series called Tricia’s Take. Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. You can learn everything you need to know about RV warranties and lot more information to help you get started. Visit the show notes page and leave a comment with what you got out of it and what topics you would like us to include in future episodes. To bring it back, we need to keep it simple. The Landis family of 5 hit the reset button to find a new life perspective during a two-month trip throughout Europe. That’s the essence of todays show. Color. After 78 episodes and 150 thousand downloads – the stories on Keep Your Daydream have inspired us to take the leap! Perhaps we'll being on a podcast team to help if we get a good response :) Marc & Trish. Copy the iTunes or Android link below and text the link to a friend so they can Subscribe! © 2020 OwlTail All rights reserved. In this episode, they share how they balance their RV lifestyle, sustain their travel and provide actionable ideas to help you get started! Join us on our adventure around the States on YouTube for weekly episodes. Yet, if each day is starting to look like the last or you’re not happy, you owe it to yourself to make a change. In this episode, you’ll learn how your past experiences (good and bad) can help you prepare for the future, get inspired to take the leap and how to recognize your unique gift. This campaign ended on June 30th, 2019. If you’re already exploring the outdoors in an RV or thinking about buying an RV, protect your dream with Wholesale Warranties. It’s those moments with friends or family that turn out to be so meaningful because you intentionally created the opportunity. This behind the scenes conversation will inspire you to take the leap! Ep 16: First Ever "Tricia’s Take" - Lessons Learned! By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. :), *Pledges are applied to only 4 episodes per month. For just $2 you'll officially become a KYD Insider with exclusive Patreon-only updates and more. Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. How about sharing KYD with your friends! This episode also announces the upcoming Expert Series! Can we ask a favor? Absolutely love this!! Let’s get social:
Click here to follow us on Instragram or Facebook, Subscribe to our YouTube channel to follow our RV Adventure. Check out the full description, pictures and show notes here. Today he wakes-up excited to get started on the many projects a full-time life offers. Nadine’s breaking point was when Rob ended up in the hospital and she was ready to leave it all behind to create a new life in Costa Rica. OwlTail only owns the podcast episode rankings. After 99 episodes of Keep Your Daydream and 5 months of full-time RV travel, Marc & Tricia share how they turned someday into today and the obstacles they overcame to make the adventure happen!