These public spaces should not be monopolised by a few candidates. GK, General Studies, Optional notes for UPSC, IAS, Banking, Civil Services. Evolution of the MCC and its implementation since 1967 In 1968, the Election Commission held meetings with political parties at State level and circulated the Code of Conduct to observe minimum standard of behavior to ensure free and fair elections. The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is simply a set of guidelines issued by the EC to ensure free and fair polls. The Election Commission is regarded as guardian of free and fair elections. India's exports fall in February but trade gap shr... Vince Chhabria to be first Indian-American judge i... Former SC judge Srikrishna appointed as FPSB chairman, Michelle Bachelet sworn in as Chile's president. These are the guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India for conduct of political parties and candidates during elections mainly with respect to speeches, polling day, polling booths, election manifestos, processions and general conduct. does not have any specific statutory basis. Chakrabarty resigns as RBI deputy governor. The candidates writing the exam will find the information from this article to be of immense help. But this lack of statutory backing does not prevent the Commission from enforcing it. However, experts are of the view that MCC has been a comprehensive set of … [Because this could sway voters towards a particular party when announced during elections, as voters might associate this technological feat with successes of the government (which is not the case)]. Best practices from other countries in appointing of Election Commissions. The code tells the candidates to keep it. Satellite towns and twin cities near existing metr... Govt bans trucks from carrying protruding rods. However, no action was taken over it. The rules range from issues related to speeches, polling day, polling booths, portfolios, content of election manifestos, processions and general conduct, so that free and fair elections are conducted. Government bodies are not to participate in any new recruitment process during the electoral process. The Code says that there will be poll observers to whom any complaints can be reported or submitted. Discuss.”, Editorial on Technological Revolution, Covid-19 & Labour Market, 20th SCO Summit: Simplified – Watch On YouTube, 15th Finance Commision: Recommendations and issues arising for states | Editorial - Nov 11, 2020 – Watch On YouTube, Regulation of Online News Portals - In News – Watch On YouTube, Chabahar-Zahedan Railway Line : Simplified – Watch On YouTube, Nagorno - Karabakh Peace Deal between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia - In News – Watch On YouTube, Important Government Schemes- Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) – Watch On YouTube, NGT Ban on Firecrackers | Editorial Analysis - Nov 10, 2020 – Watch On YouTube, Corona Vaccine is 90% Effective in Phase 3 Trial: Simplified – Watch On YouTube, Editorial on Thirty Meter Telescope Project, Drishti The Vision(A Unit of VDK Eduventures Pvt. This editorial is based on the article 'The Election Commission must act tough' which appeared in "The Hindu" on 7th April, 2019. The article talks about how the Election Commision can overcome its limitations and turn into a truly representative institution of the country. Complete Package for Civil Service Preparation by self study : It has only a persuasive effect. In any case, public perception is that if they have been appointed by a particular government, they will be soft towards it. The Model Code of Conduct was consolidated and issued in the current form in 1991. The existing position cannot sustain itself for long as the governments from time to time will try to influence the constitutional office of the Election Commission. However, there are instances of violation of code by the political parties and complaints are received for misuse of official machinery by the candidates. Even though the Code of Conduct does not have any statutory basis, the EC has the power to disqualify a candidate if he/she violates the code. Background: The MCC is a set of instructions to be followed by both political parties and candidates contesting elections on general conduct, campaigning, meetings etc. However, it should be noted that the Election Commission has asserted the right to prevent the transfers of officials during an election campaign, if it feels that such transfers are likely to impede the fairness of the elections. on their general conduct during electioneering, holding meetings and processions, poll day activities and functioning of the party in power etc. Ahmedabad Police had registered a case against Modi and others on the instruction of the commission under Sections 126 (1)(a) and 126 (1)(b) of the Representation of the People Act and Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code for violating section 144 of the CrPC.