But every human eye is also different ad images can be distorted by people perceptions and outlooks, a fat man may repulse one person but invoke feelings of lust in another, therefore the former would describe the man as ugly and the latter would say hes handsome. Pictures catch you still and you could be making a weird expression or have your eyes partly closed. If you don't believe it, extend your right hand to shake hands with yourself. One mirror is not enough to see yourself as others see you. Your question is interesting, but it looks subjective. A Doctor in CBT who works with people experiencing Eating Disorders informed me that even a really high quality mirror is about 10% out, the reflection being slightly larger than the actual object. Mirror images are backward -- for instance, if you part your hair on the left, look in the mirror and it looks like you part it on the right. All you have to do is stare at a selfie camera, flip and capture your photo. It's as if the camera filters the image in some radical way. because the mirror is real time right, i mean i just pray this is how i look in the mirror please help me!!!!!!! I feel fine with having no friends. The image you see reflected in the mirror is how you see yourself, if u are depressed the image will be full of imperfections and flaws, if you are newly in love and full of spark then the image you see will be flawless and bright. Reflection of light, in the mirror you are the opposite way around. When you switch on the selfie mode on your iPhone, have you ever noticed that your face appears to be flipped? Believe that you are beautiful, don't dwell on the bad features - celebrate the beautiful ones that are abundant in your body -- then you will be beautiful in the mirror, photos and anywhere else. This means that if an apple appear in mirror, all of us (human) will recognize it as an apple, no other answer except … So why is my psychiatrist trying to convince me to join a group? In a video on TikTok, Ruby Blackman asks her followers why no one had ever told her that they see the "flipped" version of her face. I made a huge mistake... is there anyway i can fix this? The mind controls more of what we see than your eye's do. In the eighteen second long clip, she even demonstrates what she means when she says that other people see the flipped version of her face, which is clearly unacceptable to her. When you look at a bathroom mirror you see an image of yourself with left and right reversed. Still have questions? Good luck! The "person" in the mirror extends his or her left hand. When I look at myself in the mirror and when I look at myself in a picture I see two completely different people! I vote for picture is best to know how other people see you. Face up, face down, body to an angle, body forward - makes all the difference. The mind controls more of what we see than your eye's do. I mean, I always thought I was thin, what happened? Would ect therapy help with major aniexty and intrusive thoughts ? What you see in the mirror is the reverse of what other people see. Can i take Buspar and Calmepam together for anxiety? All you have to do is stare at a selfie camera, flip and capture your photo. When you look at a bathroom mirror you see an image of yourself with left and right reversed. The image you see reflected in the mirror is how you see yourself, if u are depressed the image will be full of imperfections and flaws, if you are newly in love and full of spark then the image you see will be flawless and bright. Even the most beautiful people in the world see faults in themselves. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. In short, what you see in the mirror is nothing but a reflection and that may just not be how people see you in real life. No, the mirror image is a reversed image of you - other people see you as you look in photos. Learn More, © 2020, The Trustees of Indiana University • Copyright Complaints, 1229 East Seventh Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, Support For Indiana Public Media Comes From. Indiana Public Media is the home of WFIU Public Radio WTIU Public Television, including your favorite programming from NPR and PBS. But you can EASILY just not be photogenic because flash makes the skin look all wierd and hilights body parts, zooms in etc etc. Or should we blame the mirror? To see yourself as others do, you need a second mirror to undo the effect of the first mirror and switch the directions back again. You have to remember that your mirror image only shows the front and a little to the sides. Martin Gardner, Entertaining Science Experiments with Everyday Objects. Sorry I can't boost you self-esteem, reality sucks sometimes. No-one is perfect, nor should they be. In real life, the picture may be completely different. This may seem strange after a lifetime of looking at bathroom mirrors. photos are still images not like real moving you !